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Join us for IBM Code Day in India

Tanmay Bakshi, World’s youngest Watson programmer and neural network architect, discusses the upcoming 2018 IBM Code Day in Bangalore, India.
Join us in Bangalore Februrary 14 for a day of commitment to the Code – Cloud, AI, Data, Blockchain, IoT, Quantum computing and much, much more. Learn how to apply IBM’s differentiated approach to technology, gain hands-on experience, network with technology experts, and prove your expertise by getting certified!


Join us for IBM Code Day in India

Tanmay Bakshi, World’s youngest Watson programmer and neural network architect, discusses the upcoming 2018 IBM Code Day in Bangalore, India.   Join us in

Join us for our upcoming and recorded IBM Developer webcasts

Upcoming webcasts announcement Each week we bring you hands-on webcasts and videos covering the most requested technologies and tool

IBM Code Day – Cloud track

In this session, Pradeep Balachandran covers how IBM Cloud can provide you with the necessary framework, tools, and runtimes to get your concepts to produ

Highlights from the Call for Code Day hackathon at IBM's Hursley office.

We’ve done a little recoding. Introducing IBM Developer. The next level of coding, content, and community.Learn more

Dating app for Trump supporters leaves users' data open to hackers on first day in business

A dating app set up to help supporters of President Donald Trump find each other in America's confusing dating landscape hit a snag on its first day in ope

Call for Code Hackathon in Tokyo

We’ve done a little recoding. Introducing IBM Developer. The next level of coding, content, and community.Learn more

Code & Comments For Basic Tutorial 6 in Ogre3d Wiki

 Copyright © MikeFeng  QQ: 76848502 Basic Tutorial 5在官方wiki上有完整的原始碼,參見這裡 本文的程式碼來自於, 這個程式碼使用Ogre自帶的Example框架, 主要實現了以下功能:  CEGUI在OGRE中的

Debugging Lua Project created in Cocos Code IDE creates “Waiting for debugger to connect” in Win-7

轉自 I Installed Cocos Code IDE and created a new Lua Project. When Debugging the Project(F11) the game window pops up and gives me

啟動weblogic報錯:string value '2.4' is not a valid enumeration value for web-app-versionType in namespace http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee

-a xsd not app b- 1.0 ring encoding ont 啟動報錯: 原因:有人改動了web.xml的頭 解決方法: 在web.xml中修改擡頭為: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <we

解決安裝ipython時Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp

ipython pip failed python2.7 ipython 6.0+ 最近使用ubuntu16.04 server版安裝ipython的時候一直在報錯:IPython 6.0+ does not support Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, or 3.

[Angular] Create a custom validator for template driven forms in Angular

height series complex handle style rop guide temp help User input validation is a core part of creating proper HTML forms. Form validator

A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 9269

01-17 16:47:24.648 9269-9269/com.face.imageclassify A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 9269 (l.imageclassify)

A SDN-based WiFi-VLC Coupled System for Optimised Service Provision in 5G Networks

讀後感; 今天讀了《A SDN-based WiFi-VLC Coupled System for Optimised Service Provision in 5G Networks》有感如下: 摘要:室內可見光系統是一個有力的補充,它最近獲得了有力的關注,在5G網路短距離通訊中成為一個受

could not find a writer for the specified extension in function 'cv::imwrite_'的一種原因

在使用cv2.imwrite()的時候出錯。 原因在於你給的字尾opencv不支援,或者沒有後綴的檔案。比如應該是a.jpg,你寫成了ajpg。 Only 8-bit (or 16-bit unsigned (CV_16U) . in case of PNG, JPEG 20

安裝notedown時出現"python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-req-build-By7yob/

notedown外掛可以開啟Markdown檔案,用起來很方便。可是最近在Python2.7+caffe2環境下安裝notedown的時候卻出現了很多問題。   1.  Python3.6 + notedown 對於Python3.0以上的版本,可以直接 使用下面

Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\w5659\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-t7uomu4r\xa dmin\

Error msg: C:\Users\w5659>pip install xadmin Collecting xadmin Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1d/e9/2ac160c532d0d462142fa90a

Visual Studio Code-使用Chrome Debugging for VS Code除錯JS

準備工作 安裝Debugger for Chrome外掛 按F5(或選擇選單欄的Debug->Start Debuging),然後選擇Chrome,就會自動建立預設的配置檔案 “啟動”還是“附加” “啟動”:配置將要除錯的檔案或url,按F5除錯會開啟一個新的Chrome程序並

Visual Studio Code-使用Chrome Debugging for VS Code調試JS

mat require port ech int path hover esc info 準備工作 安裝Debugger for Chrome插件 按F5(或選擇菜單欄的Debug->Start Debuging),然後選擇Chrome,就會自動創建默認的配置文件

Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-qvc66dfs/supervisor/

dfs comm png iso mage str pip sta style # 安裝supervisor 出錯 pip3 install supervisor # 解決 sudo pip3 install supervisor Command "pyt

for(let i in data){}

timeout con http time function div pan pre png let obj={o:"o",o1:"o1"}; for(let i in obj){ setTimeout(function(){ console.log(i); })