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Bluemix Lift: A new user experience

In the spirit of continuous improvement, the Bluemix Lift team delivers a new user experience. The interface now combines two previously separate tasks into one easy-to-use wizard that will guide a user through the entirety of the data migration process.

At the point where you choose your connection source or target source – two out of the three steps to launch Lift – you can now add a new connection or target.

IBM Bluemix Lift makes it easy to quickly, securely, and reliably migrate your data from on-premises sources to the cloud. Lift uses IBM Aspera to supercharge the data movement to the cloud, while it eliminates source database downtime by capturing changes during migration and automatically applying them to your target database.


Bluemix Lift: A new user experience

In the spirit of continuous improvement, the Bluemix Lift team delivers a new user experience. The interface now combines two previously separate tasks in

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