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IBM UrbanCode Deploy Blueprint Designer: Integration with VMware vCenter

This video demonstrates the blueprint designer’s integration with VMware VCenter. You use the blueprint designer to build a cloud infrastructure blueprint that consists of the virtual images and networks that are available from your VMware VCenter integration.


IBM UrbanCode Deploy Blueprint Designer: Integration with VMware vCenter

This video demonstrates the blueprint designer’s integration with VMware VCenter. You use the blueprint designer to build a cloud infrastructure blueprint

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nload span 官網 http available document bundle HA article VMware vCenter Server 6.5.0 U1gName: VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-8024368.iso Release

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1.環境: 系統:Windows 2008R2 vCenter版本:VMware vCenter Server 5.1.799731 資料庫:Oracle 11.2.0 2.故障描述: 用VMware vSphere Client客戶端無法登入,提示“出現未知連線錯誤。(由