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Deploy an asset-transfer app using blockchain

Create a decentralized energy network with Hyperledger Composer

Use Hyperledger Composer to create a decentralized energy network of residents, banks, and utility companies in which residents exchange energy for coins with other residents and utilities, and exchange coins for fiat currency with banks.


Deploy an asset-transfer app using blockchain

Create a decentralized energy network with Hyperledger Composer

Deploy a React/Node App Using TravisCI and AWS

Step 2: Configure the back-end deployment process.The overall process for back-end deployment will be nearly identical to that of the front-end. The only d

Install Knative with Istio on IKS cluster and deploy an app on IBM Cloud

Install Knative with Istio on IKS cluster and deploy an app on IBM CloudThis post provides you step-by-step instructions to install Knative with Istio on I

Create an Android app with Blockchain integration

Description People who aware of their health and fitness often use mobile applications to track their data. Some of those apps reward

Deploy an agent on Windows

rate procedure ole res groups nuget page article amp https://www.visualstudio.com/zh-cn/docs/build/actions/agents/v2-windows Last Upd

Deploy, Issue and Transfer Tokens

【Deploy, Issue and Transfer Tokens】   本例使用 eosio.token 合約來嘗試發行Token. 1、簽出 eosio.contracts。 git clone https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio.contracts --branc

Create a Node.js App Using the Express Application Generator Tool

1) Install Express dependencies, create the project directory, and run the generatornpm i -g express express-generatormkdir express-projectcd express-proje

Moving to an era of highly scalable Blockchain networks

Moving to an Era of highly scalable Blockchain networksIf there was one thing that has held back the mass adoption of Blockchain or weakness so to say has

Ymappr: a todo app using mapped lists instead of regular lists

Hello hackers,I just launched a new MVP It's a todo app using mapped todo lists instead of regular lists !https://ymappr.comIt's bugged and very beta, but

Deploy a MERN stack app on Heroku

In this article, I will describe how to take an existing Web Application that is build using MongoDB, ExpressJS, Node.js, and React (often called as MERN s

Building an Image Segmentation App in iOS

Image segmentation is a computer vision task that labels each pixel in an image with the type of object it belongs to. We can use that labeled information

How to create role based accounts for your Saas App using FEAN? (Part 1)

Setup firebase in your angular app and express js// Front-endng new exampleAppcd exampleApp && cd exampleApp// For adding firebase to angular appng

An Introduction to Auction Theory: Blockchain Edition

Private ValuesIn the private values model, the value of the good is known only to each bidder and is theoretically unaffected by the signals that other bid

How to add a Native Facebook Like Button to your Android app using Facebook SDK for Android v4

Like button is one of the most important strategy to increase traffic to your website. No surprise why Facebook introduced a Native Like

Securing art using blockchain digital certificates

Summary Recently, a multi-million dollar painting by Andy Warhol was tokenized and sold on blockchain in what was the first transacti

Supporting IPv6 For Your App Using GCP TCP Load Balancer and HaProxy Rate Limiting

Supporting IPv6 For Your App Using GCP TCP Load Balancer and HaProxy Rate LimitingWhy IPv6?We apparently ran out of IPv4 addresses according to the Interne

Build an image gallery app in the cloud

Summary To illustrate object storage options in the cloud, you can use a code pattern to build a simple web gallery application that

Building an Ionic OCR App with Tesseract

轉自 If you need some sort of text recognition inside images for your app you’ll come across the two most popular libraries called Ocrad and Tesse

Securing your React Native App using Keychain

Securing your mobile application is crucial when dealing with passwords, touch ids, account names, credit card information and so on.In my previous post, w

[Free Guide] Create your first Android App using Kotlin in 15 minutes

The personal data that you provide through this form will be recorded in a file of Antonio Leiva Gordillo, in order to meet your request. The legitimation