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AIX download and service information


For each supported version of Java there is one set of images for all supported versions of AIX. For example, the same Java 6 images are provided for AIX 5.3 and 6.1. IBM supplied fixes for a Java problem are known as APARs. When you install an APAR for one of the Java products, then that APAR will update the code that you currently have installed for that product. For a list of the APARs for a Java release, click on the corresponding “Fix Info” link in the table.

These images may be specific to an AIX release. See the minimum AIX level support section below for more information.

Java SE Version 8

Java SE Version 7

IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 7 Release 1

IBM(R) SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 7 Release 1 is the latest release of the Java SE 7 application programming interfaces (APIs). This release contains the latest virtual machine technology from IBM and extends the capabilities of IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition Version 7 service refresh 6 and later refreshes.

Learn about the new features and functions available with this release.

IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 7

IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 7 is for established users of the Java SE 7 application programming interfaces (APIs). This release contains bug fixes and security enhancements based upon the current technology and is intended as a regular in-service replacement. New features and additional function can be found in the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 7 Release 1.

Java SE Version 6

Note: If your IBM product includes an Java 6 SDK with an IBM J9 2.6 virtual machine please refer to this fixes list. Enter java -version on the command line to obtain information about the J9 virtual machine build level.

Java SE Version 5.0

IBM WebSphere Real Time V3 on AIX

Platform Base image SDK fixes (PTFs) Latest fixes list User guides End of Service

J2SE Version 1.4.2

Version 1.4.2 of the IBM SDK reached end of service on September 2013. Customers are strongly advised to move to an in service version of Java. Fixes for version 1.4.2 are available from Fix Central for AIX 1.4.2 32-bit and AIX 1.4.2 64-bit.

Java SE and IBM WebSphere Real Time minimum AIX support levels

To take advantage of recent AIX fixes, use the latest AIX Maintenance Level from Fix Central.

The minimum AIX level supported for each IBM SDK release is:

IBM SDK version AIX 7.2 AIX 7.1 AIX 6.1 AIX 5.3 AIX 5.2 AIX 5.1
8 7200-00 7100-03 6100-07 N/A N/A N/A
7 Release 1 7200-00 7100-01 6100-07 N/A N/A N/A
7 7200-00 7100-00 6100-05 N/A N/A N/A
6 7200-00 7100-00 6100-00 5300-07 (APAR IZ07976) N/A N/A
5 N/A 7100-00 6100-00 5300-03 (APAR IY71011) 5200-07 (APAR IY67914) N/A
1.4.2 N/A 7100-00 6100-00 5300-02 (APAR IY69190) 5200-06 (APAR IY67913) 5100-08 (APAR IY70781)
IBM WebSphere Real Time V3 7200-00 7100-00 6100-05 N/A N/A N/A
IBM WebSphere Real Time V2 N/A N/A 6100-03 SP1 (IZ55195,IZ54013) 5300-10 SP1 (IZ55195) N/A N/A

Java service information

Future fixes to a Java product are built on top of the most recently released APAR for that product.

IBM is dedicated to fixing defects found in IBM Java products. However, some Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) have non-IBM, 3rd party products that are certified to run only on specific versions of IBM’s Java for AIX. IBM has no control over which versions of Java an ISV will certify and/or support their products with. If an ISV indicates in their documentation that their product will only work with a certain version of Java, you must use that version of Java. If a problem occurs with an ISV’s product that has a dependency on specific (or certified) IBM JVM releases, the issue must be handled by the ISV’s support organization. IBM will work with the ISV to fix a problem when the ISV provides information that shows a deficiency with the IBM JVM. This process ensures that any new fix provided by IBM will be supported by the ISV.

Many ISVs work with IBM to ensure that their products run well on IBM’s Java. Many ISVs already have a partnership with IBM to pursue any incompatibility between their product and IBM’s Java products. If you want an ISV’s product to be certified to run with a different version of Java, you must make this request to the ISV. The ISV can pursue the request through their normal relationship with IBM.

Warning: IBM has no control over which versions of Java an ISV certifies their product on. An ISV might sell a product that was certified on a version of IBM’s Java that is no longer supported by IBM. Check the end of service dates for both the ISV product and the IBM Java product it uses.

Each download page lists files to be used specifically for the purpose of redistribution. Customers can incorporate the contents of these files with their own products, subject to the terms specified in the files’ license, but IBM provides no support for these files. You can view the license from the download page. Updates to the files are made, but not guaranteed, when problems are fixed in the corresponding installp packages.

All suspected Java problems must be reproducible on a Java SDK (software developer kit) product, located in the Install Directory shown in the download table. If a problem occurs using Java code that is copied or installed in other directories, support will not be provided.


AIX download and service information

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