1. 程式人生 > >Transferring SPSS license

Transferring SPSS license

If you have your 20 digit authorization code for SPSS you used in the past we can reset it such that you can use it again on License Authorization Wizard.

To do so please post this code into the private reply I already send to you on this webpage. Private posts can only be viewed by you and the IBM moderators. Also, you need to be logged on to DWAnswers to see them. Sometimes a browser cache deletion or the use of a different browser is necessary to have private notes displayed.



Transferring SPSS license

If you have your 20 digit authorization code for SPSS you used in the past we can reset it such that you can use it again on License Auth

License Key Reset for SPSS 22

Hello, I would like to request 3 license keys for SPSS be reset for use on new computers. Could an administrator please create a private r

Reset license SPSS 22

@TReedijk Sorry we never saw your question before as it was not tagged with any SPSS related tags. I corrected that now. If you still nee


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