Kafka Producer同步模式傳送message原始碼分析
// 入口,處理 message及messages
def handle(events: Seq[KeyedMessage[K,V]])
private def dispatchSerializedData(messages: Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]): Seq[KeyedMessage[K, Message]]
// 為messages分割槽
def partitionAndCollate(messages: Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]): Option[Map[Int, collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]]]]
* Constructs and sends the produce request based on a map from (topic, partition) -> messages
* @param brokerId the broker that will receive the request
* @param messagesPerTopic the messages as a map from (topic, partition) -> messages
* @return the set (topic, partitions) messages which incurred an error sending or processing
private def send(brokerId: Int, messagesPerTopic: collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, ByteBufferMessageSet])
DefaultEventHandler得到messages(可能包含多個topic的messages)後,呼叫dispatchSerializedData方法,遍歷message為各個topic的每個message進行partition分割槽。如果message中key!=null, 則呼叫配置的partition.class定義的分割槽規則類,得到partitionIndex,否則在sendPartitionPerTopicCache的記錄中去獲取topic的partitionId,然後找到partitionIndex對應的leaderBrokerId。所以1個message會分配給1個topic的1個partition的leaderBrokerId.
package kafka.producer.async
import kafka.common._
import kafka.message.{NoCompressionCodec, Message, ByteBufferMessageSet}
import kafka.producer._
import kafka.serializer.Encoder
import kafka.utils.{Utils, Logging, SystemTime}
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.{Seq, Map}
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, Set}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import kafka.api.{TopicMetadata, ProducerRequest}
class DefaultEventHandler[K,V](config: ProducerConfig,
private val partitioner: Partitioner[K],
private val encoder: Encoder[V],
private val keyEncoder: Encoder[K],
private val producerPool: ProducerPool,
private val topicPartitionInfos: HashMap[String, TopicMetadata] = new HashMap[String, TopicMetadata])
extends EventHandler[K,V] with Logging {
val isSync = ("sync" == config.producerType)
val correlationId = new AtomicInteger(0)
val brokerPartitionInfo = new BrokerPartitionInfo(config, producerPool, topicPartitionInfos)
private val topicMetadataRefreshInterval = config.topicMetadataRefreshIntervalMs
private var lastTopicMetadataRefreshTime = 0L
private val topicMetadataToRefresh = Set.empty[String]
private val sendPartitionPerTopicCache = HashMap.empty[String, Int]
private val producerStats = ProducerStatsRegistry.getProducerStats(config.clientId)
private val producerTopicStats = ProducerTopicStatsRegistry.getProducerTopicStats(config.clientId)
// 入口,處理 message及messages
def handle(events: Seq[KeyedMessage[K,V]]) {
val serializedData = serialize(events)
serializedData.foreach {
keyed =>
val dataSize = keyed.message.payloadSize
var outstandingProduceRequests = serializedData
var remainingRetries = config.messageSendMaxRetries + 1
val correlationIdStart = correlationId.get()
debug("Handling %d events".format(events.size))
while (remainingRetries > 0 && outstandingProduceRequests.size > 0) {
topicMetadataToRefresh ++= outstandingProduceRequests.map(_.topic)
if (topicMetadataRefreshInterval >= 0 &&
SystemTime.milliseconds - lastTopicMetadataRefreshTime > topicMetadataRefreshInterval) {
Utils.swallowError(brokerPartitionInfo.updateInfo(topicMetadataToRefresh.toSet, correlationId.getAndIncrement))
lastTopicMetadataRefreshTime = SystemTime.milliseconds
// 處理序列化的資料
outstandingProduceRequests = dispatchSerializedData(outstandingProduceRequests)
if (outstandingProduceRequests.size > 0) {
info("Back off for %d ms before retrying send. Remaining retries = %d".format(config.retryBackoffMs, remainingRetries-1))
// back off and update the topic metadata cache before attempting another send operation
// get topics of the outstanding produce requests and refresh metadata for those
Utils.swallowError(brokerPartitionInfo.updateInfo(outstandingProduceRequests.map(_.topic).toSet, correlationId.getAndIncrement))
remainingRetries -= 1
if(outstandingProduceRequests.size > 0) {
val correlationIdEnd = correlationId.get()
error("Failed to send requests for topics %s with correlation ids in [%d,%d]"
correlationIdStart, correlationIdEnd-1))
throw new FailedToSendMessageException("Failed to send messages after " + config.messageSendMaxRetries + " tries.", null)
private def dispatchSerializedData(messages: Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]): Seq[KeyedMessage[K, Message]] = {
val partitionedDataOpt = partitionAndCollate(messages)
partitionedDataOpt match {
case Some(partitionedData) =>
val failedProduceRequests = new ArrayBuffer[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]
try {
for ((brokerid, messagesPerBrokerMap) <- partitionedData) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled)
messagesPerBrokerMap.foreach(partitionAndEvent =>
trace("Handling event for Topic: %s, Broker: %d, Partitions: %s".format(partitionAndEvent._1, brokerid, partitionAndEvent._2)))
val messageSetPerBroker = groupMessagesToSet(messagesPerBrokerMap)
val failedTopicPartitions = send(brokerid, messageSetPerBroker)
failedTopicPartitions.foreach(topicPartition => {
messagesPerBrokerMap.get(topicPartition) match {
case Some(data) => failedProduceRequests.appendAll(data)
case None => // nothing
} catch {
case t: Throwable => error("Failed to send messages", t)
case None => // all produce requests failed
def serialize(events: Seq[KeyedMessage[K,V]]): Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]] = {
val serializedMessages = new ArrayBuffer[KeyedMessage[K,Message]](events.size)
events.map{e =>
try {
serializedMessages += KeyedMessage[K,Message](topic = e.topic, key = e.key, message = new Message(key = keyEncoder.toBytes(e.key), bytes = encoder.toBytes(e.message)))
serializedMessages += KeyedMessage[K,Message](topic = e.topic, key = null.asInstanceOf[K], message = new Message(bytes = encoder.toBytes(e.message)))
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
if (isSync) {
throw t
} else {
// currently, if in async mode, we just log the serialization error. We need to revisit
// this when doing kafka-496
error("Error serializing message for topic %s".format(e.topic), t)
// 為messages分割槽
def partitionAndCollate(messages: Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]): Option[Map[Int, collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]]]] = {
//定義一個leaderId ==> (topic,messages)的對映
val ret = new HashMap[Int, collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]]]
try {
for (message <- messages) {
val topicPartitionsList = getPartitionListForTopic(message)
//為message分配partition index,如果message的key不等於null,則會呼叫配置的partitioner.class
val partitionIndex = getPartition(message.topic, message.key, topicPartitionsList)
val brokerPartition = topicPartitionsList(partitionIndex)
// postpone the failure until the send operation, so that requests for other brokers are handled correctly
// 獲取partitionIndex的leaderBrokerId
val leaderBrokerId = brokerPartition.leaderBrokerIdOpt.getOrElse(-1)
// 定義leaderBrokerId需要傳送的資料集合<topic,messages>
//最終傳送messages時是按照 每個leaderBrokerId的每個Topic的每個partitionId傳送的
var dataPerBroker: HashMap[TopicAndPartition, Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]] = null
ret.get(leaderBrokerId) match {
case Some(element) =>
dataPerBroker = element.asInstanceOf[HashMap[TopicAndPartition, Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]]]
case None =>
dataPerBroker = new HashMap[TopicAndPartition, Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]]
ret.put(leaderBrokerId, dataPerBroker)
val topicAndPartition = TopicAndPartition(message.topic, brokerPartition.partitionId)
// 定義topic的配個Partition傳送的messages
var dataPerTopicPartition: ArrayBuffer[KeyedMessage[K,Message]] = null
dataPerBroker.get(topicAndPartition) match {
case Some(element) =>
dataPerTopicPartition = element.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]]
case None =>
dataPerTopicPartition = new ArrayBuffer[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]
dataPerBroker.put(topicAndPartition, dataPerTopicPartition)
// 為brokerid的topic的partition 追加需要傳送的訊息
}//end for
}catch { // Swallow recoverable exceptions and return None so that they can be retried.
case ute: UnknownTopicOrPartitionException => warn("Failed to collate messages by topic,partition due to: " + ute.getMessage); None
case lnae: LeaderNotAvailableException => warn("Failed to collate messages by topic,partition due to: " + lnae.getMessage); None
case oe: Throwable => error("Failed to collate messages by topic, partition due to: " + oe.getMessage); None
private def getPartitionListForTopic(m: KeyedMessage[K,Message]): Seq[PartitionAndLeader] = {
val topicPartitionsList = brokerPartitionInfo.getBrokerPartitionInfo(m.topic, correlationId.getAndIncrement)
debug("Broker partitions registered for topic: %s are %s"
.format(m.topic, topicPartitionsList.map(p => p.partitionId).mkString(",")))
val totalNumPartitions = topicPartitionsList.length
if(totalNumPartitions == 0)
throw new NoBrokersForPartitionException("Partition key = " + m.key)
* Retrieves the partition id and throws an UnknownTopicOrPartitionException if
* the value of partition is not between 0 and numPartitions-1
* @param key the partition key
* @param topicPartitionList the list of available partitions
* @return the partition id
private def getPartition(topic: String, key: K, topicPartitionList: Seq[PartitionAndLeader]): Int = {
val numPartitions = topicPartitionList.size
if(numPartitions <= 0)
throw new UnknownTopicOrPartitionException("Topic " + topic + " doesn't exist")
val partition =
if(key == null) {
// If the key is null, we don't really need a partitioner
// So we look up in the send partition cache for the topic to decide the target partition
val id = sendPartitionPerTopicCache.get(topic)
id match {
case Some(partitionId) =>
// directly return the partitionId without checking availability of the leader,
// since we want to postpone the failure until the send operation anyways
case None =>
val availablePartitions = topicPartitionList.filter(_.leaderBrokerIdOpt.isDefined)
if (availablePartitions.isEmpty)
throw new LeaderNotAvailableException("No leader for any partition in topic " + topic)
val index = Utils.abs(Random.nextInt) % availablePartitions.size
val partitionId = availablePartitions(index).partitionId
sendPartitionPerTopicCache.put(topic, partitionId)
} else
partitioner.partition(key, numPartitions)
if(partition < 0 || partition >= numPartitions)
throw new UnknownTopicOrPartitionException("Invalid partition id: " + partition + " for topic " + topic +
"; Valid values are in the inclusive range of [0, " + (numPartitions-1) + "]")
trace("Assigning message of topic %s and key %s to a selected partition %d".format(topic, if (key == null) "[none]" else key.toString, partition))
* Constructs and sends the produce request based on a map from (topic, partition) -> messages
* @param brokerId the broker that will receive the request
* @param messagesPerTopic the messages as a map from (topic, partition) -> messages
* @return the set (topic, partitions) messages which incurred an error sending or processing
private def send(brokerId: Int, messagesPerTopic: collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, ByteBufferMessageSet]) = {
if(brokerId < 0) {
warn("Failed to send data since partitions %s don't have a leader".format(messagesPerTopic.map(_._1).mkString(",")))
} else if(messagesPerTopic.size > 0) {
val currentCorrelationId = correlationId.getAndIncrement
val producerRequest = new ProducerRequest(currentCorrelationId, config.clientId, config.requestRequiredAcks,
config.requestTimeoutMs, messagesPerTopic)
var failedTopicPartitions = Seq.empty[TopicAndPartition]
try {
val syncProducer = producerPool.getProducer(brokerId)
debug("Producer sending messages with correlation id %d for topics %s to broker %d on %s:%d"
.format(currentCorrelationId, messagesPerTopic.keySet.mkString(","), brokerId, syncProducer.config.host, syncProducer.config.port))
val response = syncProducer.send(producerRequest)
debug("Producer sent messages with correlation id %d for topics %s to broker %d on %s:%d"
.format(currentCorrelationId, messagesPerTopic.keySet.mkString(","), brokerId, syncProducer.config.host, syncProducer.config.port))
if(response != null) {
if (response.status.size != producerRequest.data.size)
throw new KafkaException("Incomplete response (%s) for producer request (%s)".format(response, producerRequest))
if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
val successfullySentData = response.status.filter(_._2.error == ErrorMapping.NoError)
successfullySentData.foreach(m => messagesPerTopic(m._1).foreach(message =>
trace("Successfully sent message: %s".format(Utils.readString(message.message.payload)))))
val failedPartitionsAndStatus = response.status.filter(_._2.error != ErrorMapping.NoError).toSeq
failedTopicPartitions = failedPartitionsAndStatus.map(partitionStatus => partitionStatus._1)
if(failedTopicPartitions.size > 0) {
val errorString = failedPartitionsAndStatus
.sortWith((p1, p2) => p1._1.topic.compareTo(p2._1.topic) < 0 ||
(p1._1.topic.compareTo(p2._1.topic) == 0 && p1._1.partition < p2._1.partition))
case(topicAndPartition, status) =>
topicAndPartition.toString + ": " + ErrorMapping.exceptionFor(status.error).getClass.getName
warn("Produce request with correlation id %d failed due to %s".format(currentCorrelationId, errorString))
} else
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
warn("Failed to send producer request with correlation id %d to broker %d with data for partitions %s"
.format(currentCorrelationId, brokerId, messagesPerTopic.map(_._1).mkString(",")), t)
} else {
private def groupMessagesToSet(messagesPerTopicAndPartition: collection.mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[KeyedMessage[K,Message]]]) = {
/** enforce the compressed.topics config here.
* If the compression codec is anything other than NoCompressionCodec,
* Enable compression only for specified topics if any
* If the list of compressed topics is empty, then enable the specified compression codec for all topics
* If the compression codec is NoCompressionCodec, compression is disabled for all topics
val messagesPerTopicPartition = messagesPerTopicAndPartition.map { case (topicAndPartition, messages) =>
val rawMessages = messages.map(_.message)
( topicAndPartition,
config.compressionCodec match {
case NoCompressionCodec =>
debug("Sending %d messages with no compression to %s".format(messages.size, topicAndPartition))
new ByteBufferMessageSet(NoCompressionCodec, rawMessages: _*)
case _ =>
config.compressedTopics.size match {
case 0 =>
debug("Sending %d messages with compression codec %d to %s"
.format(messages.size, config.compressionCodec.codec, topicAndPartition))
new ByteBufferMessageSet(config.compressionCodec, rawMessages: _*)
case _ =>
if(config.compressedTopics.contains(topicAndPartition.topic)) {
debug("Sending %d messages with compression codec %d to %s"
.format(messages.size, config.compressionCodec.codec, topicAndPartition))
new ByteBufferMessageSet(config.compressionCodec, rawMessages: _*)
else {
debug("Sending %d messages to %s with no compression as it is not in compressed.topics - %s"
.format(messages.size, topicAndPartition, config.compressedTopics.toString))
new ByteBufferMessageSet(NoCompressionCodec, rawMessages: _*)
def close() {
if (producerPool != null)
Kafka Producer同步模式傳送message原始碼分析
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Android Doze模式原始碼分析
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接著上一篇補充 官網上關於這一塊迷迷糊糊的看不懂,自己總結了下其中的差異: 我們一般沒做特殊處理的就是同步模式,生產者傳送訊息,然後交給消費者,這裡面我們也可以對訊息的結果進行處理,防止訊息丟失 kafkademo中,修改REST介面如下: