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Preload, Prefetch And Priorities in Chrome

Don’t rely on fetch() working with “preload”… just yet. In Chrome if you try to use preload with the fetch() API you will end up triggering a double download. This doesn’t currently occur with XHR and we have an open bug to try addressing it.

Supply an “as” when preloading or you’ll negate any benefits!

If you don’t supply a valid “as” when specifying what to preload, for example, scripts, you will end up fetching twice.

Preloaded fonts without crossorigin will double fetch! Ensure you’re adding a crossorigin attribute when fetching fonts using preload otherwise they will be double downloaded. They’re requested using anonymous mode CORS. This advice applies even if fonts are on the same origin as the page. This is applicable to other anonymous fetches too (e.g XHR by default).

Resources with an integrity attribute can’t reuse preloaded resources (for now) and can also cause double fetches. The `integrity` attribute for link elements has not yet been implemented and there’s an open spec issue about it. This means the presence of any integrity metadata will currently discard preloaded resources. In the wild, it can also result in duplicate requests where you have to make a trade-off between security and performance.

Finally, although it won’t cause double fetches, this is generally good advice:

Don’t try preloading absolutely everything! Instead, select specific late discovered resources that you want to load earlier and use preload to tell the browser about them.

Should I just preload all the assets that my page requests in the head? Is there a recommended limit like “only preload ~6 things”?

This is a good example of Tools, not rules. How much you preload may well factor in how much network contention you’re going to have with other resources also being loaded on your page, your user’s available bandwidth and other network conditions.

Preload resources that are likely to be discovered late in your page, but are otherwise important to fetch as early as possible. With scripts, preloading your key bundles is good as it separates fetching from execution in a way that just using say, <script async> wouldn’t as it blocks the window’s onload event. You can preload images, styles, fonts, media. Most things — what’s important is that you’re in better control of early-fetching what you as a page author knows is definitely needed by your page sooner rather than later.

Does prefetch have any magical properties you should be aware of? Well, yes.

In Chrome, if a user navigates away from a page while prefetch requests for other pages are still in flight, these requests will not get terminated.

Furthermore, prefetch requests are maintained in the unspecified net-stack cache for at least 5 minutes regardless of the cachability of the resource.

I’m using a custom “preload” implementation written in JS. How does this differ from rel=”preload” or Preload headers?

Preload decouples fetching a resource from JS processing and execution. As such, preloads declared in markup are optimized in Chrome by the preload scanner. This means that in many cases, the preload will be fetched (with the indicated priority) before the HTML parser has even reached the tag. This makes it a lot more powerful than a custom preload implementation.

Wait. Shouldn’t we be using HTTP/2 Server Push instead of Preload?

Use Push when you know the precise loading order for resources and have a service worker to intercept requests that would cause cached resources to be pushed again. Use preload to move the start download time of an asset closer to the initial request — it’s useful for both first and third-party resources.

Again, this is going to be an “it depends”. Let’s imagine we’re working on a cart for the Google Play store. For a given request to play.google.com/cart:

Using Preload to load key modules for the page requires the browser to wait for the play.google.com/cart payload in order for the preload scanner to detect dependencies, but after this contains sufficient information to saturate a network pipe with requests for the site’s assets. This might not be the most optimal at cold-boot but is very cache and bandwidth friendly for subsequent requests.

Using H/2 Server Push, we can saturate the network pipe right away on the request for play.google.com/cart but can waste bandwidth if the resources being pushed are already in the HTTP or Service Worker cache. There are always going to be trade-offs for these two approaches.

Although Push is invaluable, it doesn’t enable all the same use-cases as Preload does.

Preload has the benefit of decoupling download from execution. Thanks to support for document onload events you can control scripting if, how and when a resource gets applied. This can be powerful for say, fetching JS bundles and executing them in idle blocks or fetching CSS and applying them at the right point in time.

Push can’t be used by third-party hosted content. By sending resources down immediately, it also effectively short-circuits the browser’s own resource prioritization logic. In cases where you know exactly what you’re doing, this can yield performance wins, but in cases where you don’t you could actually harm performance significantly.

What is the Link preload header? How does it compare to the preload link tag? And how does it relate to HTTP/2 Server Push?

As with other types of links, a preload link can be specified using either an HTML tag or an HTTP header (a Link preload header). In either case, a preload link directs the browser to begin loading a resource into the memory cache, indicating that the page expects with high confidence to use the resource and doesn’t want to wait for the preload scanner or the parser to discover it.

When the Financial Times introduced a Link preload header to their site, they shaved 1 second off the time it took to display the masthead image:


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