1. 程式人生 > >ncbi的genome,gene序列轉換和gb2gtf——鏈特異性轉錄組



use warnings;
use strict;

die qq/
perl $0 <type> <outprefix> <file1> [<file2> ...] 

type: "gtf", "gene" and "genome".
Note: "genome" need gtf.list of "gtf", and gtf.list must be the end option of <file...>.

/ if(@ARGV < 3);

my $t = shift @ARGV;
my $out = shift @ARGV;
my $py = "gbk2gtf.py";

if($t eq "gtf")
	my @gtf;
		system "cat $_ | python $py > $_.tmp";
		push @gtf, "$_.tmp";

	system "cat @gtf > $out.gtf";
	system "cut -f 1 $out.gtf | sort | uniq > gtf.list";
	system "rm *.tmp -rf";

}elsif($t eq "gene"){
	my @gene;
	foreach my $f(@ARGV)
		open FF, $f or die $!;
		open OUT, "> $f.tmp" or die $!;
			next if(/^\n/);
				my ($id) = $_ =~ /locus_tag=(\w+)/;
				print OUT ">$1\n";
				print OUT "$_\n";
		close FF;
		close OUT;
		push @gene, "$f.tmp";

	system "cat @gene > $out.gene.fa";
	system "rm *.tmp -rf";

}elsif($t eq "genome"){
	my $gtf = pop @ARGV;
	my %hash;
	my @genome;
	open GTF, $gtf or die $!;
		$hash{$_} = 0;
	close GTF;

	foreach my $f(@ARGV)
		open FF, $f or die $!;
		open OUT, "> $f.tmp" or die $!;
				foreach my $k(keys %hash)
						print OUT ">$k\n";
				print OUT "$_\n";
		close FF;
		close OUT;
		push @genome, "$f.tmp";

	system "cat @genome > $out.genome.fa";
	system "rm *.tmp -rf";
	my @cl = `fastalength $out.genome.fa`;
	open OO, ">contig.length" or die $!;
	foreach my $c(@cl)
		my @tmp = split /\s+/, $c;
		print OO "$tmp[1]\t$tmp[0]\n";
	close OO;

	die "please choose correct type: \"gtf\", \"gene\" and \"genome\".";
#!/usr/bin/env python
Convert genbank to gtf.

cat file.gb | gb2gtf.py > file.gtf

It's designed to work with gb files coming from GenBank. gene is used as gene_id and transcript_id (locus_tag if gene not present).
Only entries having types in allowedTypes = ['gene','CDS','tRNA','tmRNA','rRNA','ncRNA'] are stored in GTF. Need to include exon processing.
No frame info is processed. Need to be included in order to process genes having introns!

Leszek Pryszcz
[email protected]
Version 0.1 """ import os, sys from datetime import datetime from Bio import SeqIO def gb2gtf( source='gb2gtf',allowedTypes=set(['gene','CDS','tRNA','tmRNA','rRNA','ncRNA']) ): """ """ handle = sys.stdin for gb in SeqIO.parse( handle,'gb' ): acc = gb.id #gb.name #gb.description # # skipped = 0 skippedTypes = set() for f in gb.features: #process only gene and CDS entries if f.type not in allowedTypes: skipped += 1 skippedTypes.add( f.type ) continue #generate comments field if 'locus_tag' in f.qualifiers: #use locul tag as gene_id/transcript_id gene_id = transcript_id = f.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] else: sys.stderr.write( "Error: Neither `gene` nor `locus_tag` found for entry: %s\n" % '; '.join( str(f).split('\n') ) ) continue comments = 'gene_id "%s"; transcript_id "%s"' % ( gene_id,transcript_id ) if 'gene' in f.qualifiers: comments += '; gene_id "%s"' % f.qualifiers['gene'][0] if 'protein_id' in f.qualifiers: comments += '; protein_id "%s"' % f.qualifiers['protein_id'][0] #add external IDs if 'db_xref' in f.qualifiers: for extData in f.qualifiers['db_xref']: comments += '; db_xref "%s"' % extData #code strand as +/- (in genbank 1 or -1) if int(f.strand)>0: strand = '+' else: strand = '-' #define gb """ seqname - The name of the sequence. Must be a chromosome or scaffold. source - The program that generated this feature. feature - The name of this type of feature. Some examples of standard feature types are "CDS", "start_codon", "stop_codon", and "exon". start - The starting position of the feature in the sequence. The first base is numbered 1. end - The ending position of the feature (inclusive). score - A score between 0 and 1000. If the track line useScore attribute is set to 1 for this annotation data set, the score value will determine the level of gray in which this feature is displayed (higher numbers = darker gray). If there is no score value, enter ".". strand - Valid entries include '+', '-', or '.' (for don't know/don't care). frame - If the feature is a coding exon, frame should be a number between 0-2 that represents the reading frame of the first base. If the feature is not a coding exon, the value should be '.'. comments - gene_id "Em:U62317.C22.6.mRNA"; transcript_id "Em:U62317.C22.6.mRNA"; exon_number 1 """ gtf = '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t.\t%s\t.\t%s' % ( acc,source,f.type,f.location.start.position+1,f.location.end.position,strand,comments ) #f.frame, print gtf sys.stderr.write( "%s\tSkipped %s entries having types: %s.\n" % ( gb.id,skipped,', '.join(skippedTypes) ) ) if __name__=='__main__': t0=datetime.now() gb2gtf() dt=datetime.now()-t0 sys.stderr.write( "#Time elapsed: %s\n" % dt )



ncbi下載的資料不一定符合鏈特異性轉錄組的格式,寫個小指令碼進行處理一下: #!perl use warnings; use strict; die qq/ perl $0 <type> <outprefix> <file1> [


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1.File類 File類可以在程式中 操作檔案和目錄。File類是通過建立File類物件,在呼叫File類的物件來進行相關操作的。 示例: --------------------- 本文來自 dajiahuooo 的CSDN 部落格 ,全文地址請點選:https://blog.csdn.net/

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star font style strong 字符串轉換 定義 obj tarray def 1:動態添加 對象屬性 var obj = new Object(); console.log (obj.username); obj.username = "haha"; con


sel 初始 否則 通用 __init__ period 類型 反序列化 信息 繼承+組合應用示例 1 class Date: #定義時間類,包含姓名、年、月、日,用於返回生日 2 def __init__(self,name,year,mon,day):


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[微軟]有兩個序列a,b大小都為n,序列元素的值任意整數無序; 要求:通過交換a,b中的元素使[序列a元素的]與[序列b元素的]之間的差最小_利用排列組合思路解決_python版

+= 求和 ever tro 解決 turn 運行 main lis (原題出自微軟公司面試題)問題如下:有兩個序列a,b,大小都為n,序列元素的值任意整數,無序;要求:通過交換a,b中的元素,使[序列a元素的和]與[序列b元素的和]之間的差最小。例如:a=[100,99,


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數據 其他 imp 函數名 fun pro serializa and cal 列表生成式,生產器 #列表生成式,可以是代碼更復雜 a = [i for i in range(10)] #這裏的i,可以使用函數來裝飾 print(a) #生產器:就是數據在調用的時候才有

Serializable 指示一個類可以序列化;ICloneable支持克隆即用與現有實例相同的值創建類的新實例(接口);ISerializable允許對象控制其自己的序列序列化過程(接口)

att 文本 所有 可能 成員 強制 void inter 適用於 Serializable : 序列化是指將對象實例的狀態存儲到存儲媒體的過程。在此過程中,先將對象的公共字段和私有字段以及類的名稱(包括類所在的程序集)轉換為字節流,然後再把字節流寫入數據流。在隨後對對象進


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vertical 合同 機器 停止 提高 高速 TP top 應對 照片是真實世界的反映嗎?或許從照相技術發明的初衷來說,應該是這樣的。不過現實情況卻是,在拍照技術被發明不久後,利用照片沖印技術進行照片修繕和造假的情況就已經出現了。等到了數碼照片時代,Adobe這樣的圖像處