1. 程式人生 > >kaggle 郵箱驗證的時候提示 You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again

kaggle 郵箱驗證的時候提示 You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again


  • You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again



kaggle 郵箱驗證的時候提示 You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again

聽一個朋友說的kaggle這個東西,打算藉此好好學習一下,註冊的時候郵箱驗證總顯示 You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please tr

解決Kaggle註冊問題(You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again

其實是由於瀏覽器的問題,當驗證的時候,驗證碼被和諧了,不顯示,所以導致了不能夠成功的註冊。 弄了還久才弄好,煩了,就寫篇部落格告訴大家把,別因為這點小事浪費了寶貴的時間。 找了找方法,有人說要翻牆可以解決,然後我就翻牆了,然而並沒有解決(可能我弄錯了吧,反正我翻牆沒弄好。。。

You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try againKaggle啟用失敗

今天想玩玩資料分析,到Kaggle上邊找點資料。 誰知道註冊Kaggle的時候,郵箱已經收到了be created的資訊, Your Kaggle account (*******) has been created. Click below to activate

【BUG解決】在git上pull時提示You have not concluded your merge. (MERGE_HEAD exists)

一,Bug提示情況 今天想在idea上pull主分支上的程式碼,但由於不懂fetch是什麼意思,所以執行了一遍fetch->pull,後來不知道怎麼搞的,想再pull一次就提示:You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD


先是在kaggle上註冊,然後到郵箱點選認證,結果出現如下介面: 然後百度原因和解決辦法,最後找到一個解決的辦法,下載“谷歌訪問助手”外掛,以下是網站連結,第一個是詳細的安裝步驟,按照步驟一步一步安裝就可以了,第二個是下載連結 : http://www.ggfwzs.com/ff/

You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components

窗口 exce wrong component iss sdk export comm port 問題出現在配完環境,生成apk的時候 >ionic build android   問題描述: BUILD FAILED Total time: 9 mins

ionic打包報錯:You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components: [Android S

錯誤資訊: ...... You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova telemetry on. Android Studio project detected ANDROID_HOME=C:\User

java.lang.IllegalStateException: onMeasure() did not set the measured dimension by calling setMeasur

今天自定義Recycleview時,呼叫 adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); 報異常,異常資訊如下:  java.lang.IllegalStateException: View with id 2131230785: com.example.sma

Eclipse中pom檔案提示"CoreException:Could not get the value for parameter compilerId for plugin execu"異常

1、在pom檔案中點選異常檢視詳細資訊為:Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile

Cordova run android報錯:You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK com

接連安裝完 Android Studio、Gradle 、 Android SDK 之後,執行cordova run android報錯: You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK c

cordova run android時報錯——You have not accpeted the license agruments of the following SDK components:

在用cordova+vue做混合APP時,執行cordova run android時報下面的錯誤:後面才知道,需要安裝這兩個,可以通過adt中的eclipse中的Android SDK Manager安裝然後就可以了。如果沒有出現想要的版本,關掉SDK Manager再開啟

ionic打包報錯:You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:   [Android S

錯誤資訊: ...... You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova telemetry on. Android Studio project detected ANDROID_HO

編譯ionic時出錯:You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components

最近安裝ionic後,新建了一個專案,結果在編譯是重試幾次都出錯: BUILD FAILED Total time: 3.638 secs Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output: FAILURE:

react native生成APP報錯:You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:

今晚因為這個問題,加班到晚上11點都沒搞出來。實在是氣憤,幸好回來查詢資料,終於找到了罪魁禍首。 一、報錯資訊 * What went wrong: A problem occurred config

eclipse 提示錯誤“Could not create the java virtual machine”

如題該問題,網上許多答案說要修改eclipse.ini的-Xms512m  -Xmx1024m      修改之後重啟依然報錯。原先的環境變數是jdk1.8,上午新裝了jdk1.7重開eclipse後報了該錯誤,考慮到是不是因為這個原因導致,檢視環境變數配置依舊是jdk1.8

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later. Nginx

ges 是否 gin blog tar ble try bsp star 訪問html可以正常訪問,但是訪問PHP則錯誤,原因: nginx不能正常通過FastCGI結果訪問PHP 查看php-fpm是否正常運行: 果然沒有,重啟php-fpm: /etc/init.

Nginx報錯:Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

cgi pre static 排除 filename 就是 不能 code please 查看了進程, nginx, php-fpm都在運行, 排除程序錯誤, 那麽就是配置的問題了. 一個可能的錯誤, 是由於配置中的 fastcgi_pass 配置錯了 錯誤的配置如下

遠端登入阿里雲伺服器時,提示Permission denied, please try again.

在使用ssh命令,遠端登入阿里雲伺服器時,提示Permission denied, please try again. 百分之九十的可能:你的密碼錯了! 你需要注意的是,我們的例項有兩個密碼 暫且稱呼它們為複雜密碼和簡單密碼,看一下兩個密碼的設定格式: 複雜密碼:

出現Ordering Service is not available, Please try again問題

前言: 上手hyperledger/fabric的專案中的examples/e2e_cli時,出現該問題,先上圖 除錯時,另開一個終端不斷測試時發現 其實orderer起來之後又被殺掉了,暫時沒去深入研究具體原因! 好了,說下最後的解決之道。目前發現主要是映象的版本原因造成的 因

linux筆記:Nginx報錯:Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later

文章目錄 前言 判斷 總結 前言 報錯如圖。 判斷 經分析,發現是php-rpm未安裝好。 安裝PHP。 1、依次執行以下命令,安裝PHP 7和一些所需的PHP擴充套件。 rpm -Uvh https://mirror.w