解決Kaggle註冊問題(You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again)
解決Kaggle註冊問題(You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again)
其實是由於瀏覽器的問題,當驗證的時候,驗證碼被和諧了,不顯示,所以導致了不能夠成功的註冊。 弄了還久才弄好,煩了,就寫篇部落格告訴大家把,別因為這點小事浪費了寶貴的時間。 找了找方法,有人說要翻牆可以解決,然後我就翻牆了,然而並沒有解決(可能我弄錯了吧,反正我翻牆沒弄好。。。
kaggle 郵箱驗證的時候提示 You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again
聽一個朋友說的kaggle這個東西,打算藉此好好學習一下,註冊的時候郵箱驗證總顯示 You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please tr
You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again! Kaggle啟用失敗
今天想玩玩資料分析,到Kaggle上邊找點資料。 誰知道註冊Kaggle的時候,郵箱已經收到了be created的資訊, Your Kaggle account (*******) has been created. Click below to activate
SQL建立資料庫失敗解決辦法:(Collation '' is not valid.)
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解決Gradle執行命令時報Could not determine the dependencies of task ':compileReleaseJava'.
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You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components
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今晚因為這個問題,加班到晚上11點都沒搞出來。實在是氣憤,幸好回來查詢資料,終於找到了罪魁禍首。 一、報錯資訊 * What went wrong: A problem occurred config
解決Gradle執行命令時報Could not determine the dependencies of task ':compileReleaseJava'.
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':compileReleaseJava'. > failed to find target andro