1. 程式人生 > >使用AxisHelper幫助理解View and Data API中的座標系統

使用AxisHelper幫助理解View and Data API中的座標系統

大家使用View and Data API做三維模型開發,必然首先要理解View and Data API的座標系統,即XYZ三個軸向分別是怎麼定義的。Three.js裡面提供了一個AxisHelper,但如果你直接運用的話,你會發現在viewer中並不顯示,並且控制檯中會有這樣的錯誤資訊:"Only THREE.Mesh can be rendered by the Firefly renderer. Use THREE.Mesh to draw lines."  原因是因為View and Data API採用的是Three.js上定製的render,有些three.js中可以使用的功能在viewer中並不能用。所以我重寫了一個這樣的AxisHelper,希望對你有幫助。


// It is recommended to load the extension when geometry is loaded



下面是截圖,你可以看到紅線是X軸,綠線是Y軸,藍線是Z軸。請注意和右上角的view cube的對應關係。

Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 2.38.34 PM

下面是這個擴充套件的原始碼,不過最好到 github 上下載,因為我可能會時不時的做更新,github上的才是最新的。


Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper = function (viewer, options) {

    Autodesk.Viewing.Extension.call(this, viewer, options);

    var _self = this;

_axisLines = []; _self.load = function () { console.log('Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper loaded'); addAixsHelper(); //workaround //have to call this to show up the axis viewer.restoreState(viewer.getState()); return true; }; _self.unload = function () { removeAixsHelper(); console.log('Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper unloaded'); return true; }; var addAixsHelper = function() { _axisLines = []; //get bounding box of the model var boundingBox = viewer.model.getBoundingBox(); var maxpt = boundingBox.max; var minpt = boundingBox.min; var xdiff = maxpt.x - minpt.x; var ydiff = maxpt.y - minpt.y; var zdiff = maxpt.z - minpt.z; //make the size is bigger than the max bounding box //so that it is visible var size = Math.max(xdiff,ydiff,zdiff) * 1.2; //console.log('axix size :' + size); // x-axis is red var material_X_Axis = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000, //red linewidth: 2 }); viewer.impl.matman().addMaterial('material_X_Axis',material_X_Axis,true); //draw the x-axix line var xLine = drawLine( {x : 0, y : 0, z : 0} , {x : size, y : 0, z : 0} , material_X_Axis); _axisLines.push(xLine); // y-axis is green var material_Y_Axis = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00, //green linewidth: 2 }); viewer.impl.matman().addMaterial('material_Y_Axis',material_Y_Axis,true); //draw the y-axix line var yLine = drawLine( {x : 0, y : 0, z : 0} , {x : 0, y : size, z : 0} , material_Y_Axis); _axisLines.push(yLine); // z-axis is blue var material_Z_Axis = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff, //blue linewidth: 2 }); viewer.impl.matman().addMaterial('material_Z_Axis',material_Z_Axis,true); //draw the z-axix line var zLine = drawLine( {x : 0, y : 0, z : 0} , {x : 0, y : 0, z : size} , material_Z_Axis); _axisLines.push(zLine); } var drawLine = function(start, end, material) { var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3( start.x, start.y, start.z)); geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3( end.x, end.y, end.z)); var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); viewer.impl.scene.add(line); //refresh viewer viewer.impl.invalidate(true); return line; } var removeAixsHelper = function() { _axisLines = []; _axisLines.forEach(function(line){ viewer.impl.scene.remove(line); }); //remove materials delete viewer.impl.matman().materials.material_X_Axis; delete viewer.impl.matman().materials.material_Y_Axis; delete viewer.impl.matman().materials.material_Z_Axis; } }; Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper.prototype = Object.create(Autodesk.Viewing.Extension.prototype); Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper.prototype.constructor = Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper; Autodesk.Viewing.theExtensionManager.registerExtension( 'Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper', Autodesk.ADN.Viewing.Extension.AxisHelper);

Hope it helps.


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