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View and Data API Tips: Constrain Viewer Within a div Container

When working with View and Data API, you probably want to contain viewer into a <div> tag, the position and size of <div> can be defined with CSS. The HTML can be simple as below, a <div> tag as a container, the position and style is defined in a CSS class named as “viewer”:

    <h2>Autodesk View and Data API</h2>
    <div id="viewer"
class="viewer"> </div>

For example, here is my css class, make the viewer container with 800px * 500px, and to make it easy to see, I also add a background color:

.viewer {

    background-color: darksalmon;
    height: 500px;
    width: 800px;

Here is how it looks like, seems good:

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 2.29.30 PM

Now let’s add viewer, the code snippet is simple, you can go to github for complete code:

        var viewerContainer = document.getElementById(containerId);
        var viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Private.GuiViewer3D(

But just with this style, the viewer is “overflow” out of the <div> container,:

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 2.39.12 PM

Here is a tip to contains the viewer into the <div> container, just edit the CSS as below, add “position : relative” :

.viewer {

    background-color: darksalmon;
    height: 500px;
    width: 800px;
    position: relative;

Here is how it looks after the change, the viewer is constrained within the div tag:

Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 2.43.25 PM

Not a big deal, just a small tip in case you do not know.


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資料頁和資料行   資料庫中的空間被劃分為邏輯8KB頁面。這些頁面從開始就連續編號。它們可以通過指定檔案ID和頁碼來引用。頁碼是始終是連續的,這樣當SQL Server增長資料庫檔案時,新頁面就會開始編號從檔案的最高頁碼加1。類似地,當SQL Server收縮檔案時,它將刪除檔案中頁數最多的頁面

《Pro SQL Server Internals, 2nd edition》的CHAPTER 1 Data Storage Internals中的Data Pages and Data Rows(翻譯)

資料頁和資料行 資料庫中的空間被劃分為邏輯8KB的頁面。這些頁面是以0開始的連續編號,並且可以通過指定檔案ID和頁號來引用它們。頁面編號都是連續的,這樣當SQL Server增長資料庫檔案時,從檔案中的最高頁面編號+1開始對新頁面進行編號。類似地,當SQL Server收縮檔案時,它將從檔案中刪除最高數量的