C/C++ Runtime 多執行緒函式
一 簡單例項(來自codeprojct:http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/MultithreadingTutorial.asp)
* This program is an adaptation of the code Rex Jaeschke showed in
* "C++/CLI Threading: Part I". I changed it from C++/CLI (managed)
* code to standard C++.
* One hassle is the fact that C++ must employ a free (C) function
* or a static class member function as the thread entry function.
* This program must be compiled with a multi-threaded C run-time
* in a debug build).
* John Kopplin 7/2006
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>// for STL string class
#include <windows.h>// for HANDLE
#include <process.h>// for _beginthread()
class ThreadX
int loopStart;
int loopEnd;
int dispFrequency;
string threadName;
ThreadX( int startValue, int endValue, int frequency )
loopStart = startValue;
loopEnd = endValue;
dispFrequency = frequency;
// In C++ you must employ a free (C) function or a static
// class member function as the thread entry-point-function.
// Furthermore, _beginthreadex() demands that the thread
// entry function signature take a single (void*) and returned
// an unsigned.
static unsigned __stdcall ThreadStaticEntryPoint(void* pThis)
ThreadX * pthX = (ThreadX*)pThis; // the tricky cast
pthX->ThreadEntryPoint(); // now call the true entry-point-function
// A thread terminates automatically if it completes execution,
// or it can terminate itself with a call to _endthread().
return1; // the thread exit code
void ThreadEntryPoint()
// This is the desired entry-point-function but to get
// here we have to use a 2 step procedure involving
// the ThreadStaticEntryPoint() function.
for (int i = loopStart; i <= loopEnd; ++i)
if (i % dispFrequency ==0)
printf( "%s: i = %d\n", threadName.c_str(), i );
printf( "%s thread terminating\n", threadName.c_str() );
int main()
// All processes get a primary thread automatically. This primary
// thread can generate additional threads. In this program the
// primary thread creates 2 additional threads and all 3 threads
// then run simultaneously without any synchronization. No data
// is shared between the threads.
// We instantiate an object of the ThreadX class. Next we will
// create a thread and specify that the thread is to begin executing
// the function ThreadEntryPoint() on object o1. Once started,
// this thread will execute until that function terminates or
// until the overall process terminates.
ThreadX * o1 =new ThreadX( 0, 1, 2000 );
// When developing a multithreaded WIN32-based application with
// Visual C++, you need to use the CRT thread functions to create
// any threads that call CRT functions. Hence to create and terminate
// threads, use _beginthreadex() and _endthreadex() instead of
// the Win32 APIs CreateThread() and EndThread().
// The multithread library LIBCMT.LIB includes the _beginthread()
// and _endthread() functions. The _beginthread() function performs
// initialization without which many C run-time functions will fail.
// You must use _beginthread() instead of CreateThread() in C programs
// built with LIBCMT.LIB if you intend to call C run-time functions.
// Unlike the thread handle returned by _beginthread(), the thread handle
// returned by _beginthreadex() can be used with the synchronization APIs.
HANDLE hth1;
unsigned uiThread1ID;
hth1 = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, // security
0, // stack size
o1, // arg list
CREATE_SUSPENDED, // so we can later call ResumeThread()
&uiThread1ID );
if ( hth1 ==0 )
printf("Failed to create thread 1\n");
DWORD dwExitCode;
GetExitCodeThread( hth1, &dwExitCode ); // should be STILL_ACTIVE = 0x00000103 = 259
printf( "initial thread 1 exit code = %u\n", dwExitCode );
// The System::Threading::Thread object in C++/CLI has a "Name" property.
// To create the equivalent functionality in C++ I added a public data member
// named threadName.
o1->threadName ="t1";
ThreadX * o2 =new ThreadX( -1000000, 0, 2000 );
HANDLE hth2;
unsigned uiThread2ID;
hth2 = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, // security
0, // stack size
o2, // arg list
CREATE_SUSPENDED, // so we can later call ResumeThread()
&uiThread2ID );
if ( hth2 ==0 )
printf("Failed to create thread 2\n");
GetExitCodeThread( hth2, &dwExitCode ); // should be STILL_ACTIVE = 0x00000103 = 259
printf( "initial thread 2 exit code = %u\n", dwExitCode );
o2->threadName ="t2";
// If we hadn't specified CREATE_SUSPENDED in the call to _beginthreadex()
// we wouldn't now need to call ResumeThread().
ResumeThread( hth1 ); // serves the purpose of Jaeschke's t1->Start()
ResumeThread( hth2 );//你需要恢復執行緒的控制代碼 使用該函式能夠啟用執行緒的執行
// In C++/CLI the process continues until the last thread exits.
// That is, the thread's have independent lifetimes. Hence
// Jaeschke's original code was designed to show that the primary
// thread could exit and not influence the other threads.
// However in C++ the process terminates when the primary thread exits
// and when the process terminates all its threads are then terminated.
// Hence if you comment out the following waits, the non-primary
// threads will never get a chance to run.
WaitForSingleObject( hth1, INFINITE );
WaitForSingleObject( hth2, INFINITE );
//WaitForSingleObject函式用來檢測 hHandle 事件的訊號狀態,當函式的執行時間超過 dwMilliseconds 就返回,
//但如果引數 dwMilliseconds 為 INFINITE 時函式將直到相應時間事件變成有訊號狀態才返回,否則就一直等待下去
//,直到 WaitForSingleObject有返回直才執行後面的程式碼
GetExitCodeThread( hth1, &dwExitCode );
printf( "thread 1 exited with code %u\n", dwExitCode );
GetExitCodeThread( hth2, &dwExitCode );
printf( "thread 2 exited with code %u\n", dwExitCode );
//GetExitCodeThread這個函式是獲得執行緒的退出碼, 第二個引數是一個 DWORD的指標,
//使用者應該使用一個 DWORD 型別的變數去接收資料,返回的資料是執行緒的退出碼,
//第一個引數是執行緒控制代碼,用 CreateThread 建立執行緒時獲得到。
// The handle returned by _beginthreadex() has to be closed
// by the caller of _beginthreadex().
CloseHandle( hth1 );
CloseHandle( hth2 );
delete o1;
o1 = NULL;
delete o2;
o2 = NULL;
printf("Primary thread terminating.\n");
3) _beginthreadex函式的引數列表與CreateThread函式的引數列表是相同的,但是引數名和型別並不完全相同。這是因為Microsoft的C/C++執行期庫的開發小組認為,C/C++執行期函式不應該對Windows資料型別有任何依賴。_beginthreadex函式也像CreateThread那樣,返回新建立的執行緒的控制代碼。
4) _endthreadex的一些要點:
HANDLE GetCurrentProcess();
HANDLE GetCurrentThread();
DWORD GetCurrentProcessId();
DWORD GetCurrentThreadId()。
DWORD SetThreadIdealProcessor(HANDLE hThread,DWORD dwIdealProcessor);
BOOL SetThreadPriority(HANDLE hThread,int nPriority);
BOOL SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
BOOL GetThreadContext(HANDLE hThread,PCONTEXT pContext);BOOL SwitchToThread();
來源自自1999年7月MSJ雜誌的《Win32 Q&A》欄目
C++多執行緒(二)(_beginThreadex建立多執行緒) C/C++ Runtime 多執行緒函式 一 簡單例項(來自codeprojct:http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/MultithreadingTutorial.asp) 主執行緒建立2個執行緒t1
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這篇文章主要給大家講解一下GCD的平時不太常用的API,以及文末會貼出GCD定時器的一個小例子。 需要學習的朋友可以通過網盤免費下載pdf版 (先點選普通下載-----再選擇普通使用者就能免費下載了)http://putpan.com/fs/cy1i1beebn7s0h4u9/ 1.G