1. 程式人生 > >最小費用流判負環消圈演算法(poj2175)


The City has a number of municipal buildings and a number of fallout shelters that were build specially to hide municipal workers in case of a nuclear war. Each fallout shelter has a limited capacity in terms of a number of people it can accommodate, and there's almost no excess capacity in The City's fallout shelters. Ideally, all workers from a given municipal building shall run to the nearest fallout shelter. However, this will lead to overcrowding of some fallout shelters, while others will be half-empty at the same time. 

To address this problem, The City Council has developed a special evacuation plan. Instead of assigning every worker to a fallout shelter individually (which will be a huge amount of information to keep), they allocated fallout shelters to municipal buildings, listing the number of workers from every building that shall use a given fallout shelter, and left the task of individual assignments to the buildings' management. The plan takes into account a number of workers in every building - all of them are assigned to fallout shelters, and a limited capacity of each fallout shelter - every fallout shelter is assigned to no more workers then it can accommodate, though some fallout shelters may be not used completely. 

The City Council claims that their evacuation plan is optimal, in the sense that it minimizes the total time to reach fallout shelters for all workers in The City, which is the sum for all workers of the time to go from the worker's municipal building to the fallout shelter assigned to this worker. 

The City Mayor, well known for his constant confrontation with The City Council, does not buy their claim and hires you as an independent consultant to verify the evacuation plan. Your task is to either ensure that the evacuation plan is indeed optimal, or to prove otherwise by presenting another evacuation plan with the smaller total time to reach fallout shelters, thus clearly exposing The City Council's incompetence. 

During initial requirements gathering phase of your project, you have found that The City is represented by a rectangular grid. The location of municipal buildings and fallout shelters is specified by two integer numbers and the time to go between municipal building at the location (Xi, Yi) and the fallout shelter at the location (Pj, Qj) is Di,j
 = |Xi - Pj| + |Yi - Qj| + 1 minutes. 



The City has a number of municipal buildings and a number of fallout shelters that were build specially to hide municipal workers in case of a nuclear war


Description DZY家的後院有一塊地,由N行M列的方格組成,格子內種的菜有一定的價值,並且每一條單位長度的格線有一定的費用。 DZY喜歡在地裡散步。他總是從任意一個格點出發,沿著格線行走直到回到出發點,且在行走途中不允許與已走過的路線有任何相交或觸碰(出發點除外)。記這條

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