1. 程式人生 > >美國網站直接shopping之經驗總結 ZT

美國網站直接shopping之經驗總結 ZT

男裝女裝都有, 都很潮. 有最最受JMS喜歡的JUICY COUTURE, 還有DIESEL, ED HARDY, D&G, MCQ by Alexander Mcqueen, Paul & Joe, 還有很多人喜歡的Dogeared項鍊, Y-3等等, 大牌小牌都有

滿100刀就可以直接送到中國, USPS發貨, 不需要擔心被海關收稅, 除非實在是人品大爆發. 而且最最關鍵第一次註冊的新使用者, 第一次購買可以7折優惠. 所以建議大家第一次買的時候算好, 折後超過100刀, 免得7折給你了, 但是少於100刀問你收郵費的錢.

如何申請7折, 收到包裹以後. 發MAIL給客服. 大家會問如何發??

Yesterday, i received my package. So cute shoe and tee, i so like it.

Today my friend told me, First Order in revolveclothing, have 30% Off, right???

I am a new customer. My order #xxxxxxxx, this is my first order in revolveclothing.
Could you please kindly offer me the discount?


以上就是我當時發給客服的MAIL, 英文很菜, 只要申請成功就萬歲~~~


定單確認後, 加入購物車以後就CHECK OUT. 選擇信用卡種類, 比如是VISA還是MASTERCARD. 輸入卡號, 姓名, 有限期, 背面簽名爛最後3位數. 帳單地址一定要正確填寫, 如果是家庭地址就寫家庭, 公司地址就寫公司.

最後提交, 成功後立刻收到銀行消費簡訊. 我用的是招行的卡, 所以招行使用者特別要注意, 還款之前, 一定要先打電話到信用卡中心, 開通人民幣優先還美圓的這個功能. 否則等於沒有還美圓. 還會被扣利息, 牢記牢記啊!!! 其實銀行不知道, 大家可以去確認.

估計最近revolveclothing上買家越來越多的來自中國, 所以網頁又上角可以摺合成RMB了, 這樣的優點就是直接RMB消費了, 無需再等帳單來了再按當天匯率還款.

一切都搞定, 就等收貨了, revolveclothing的發貨速度是偶買過網站裡最快了. 第2天一早就收到了已經運出的通知. 10天后在油箱裡找到了郵局領包裹的通知~~~開開心心去提蘭橋拿包裹了. 哈哈獻花

有mm問, 發MAIL就一定會有7折嗎??
那是當然得, 看看他們回覆的MAIL吧~~~

Hi there,

Thank you for your inquiry.  Yes we do offer 30% off your first purchase.  Since our codes are automated, unfortunately we do not have one to send to you.  However, you can go ahead and place the order and then email or call us with the order/invoice number and we can take the discount off for you. 

Please remember, per manufacturer request, we are unable to code/coupon match the following brands: Rock & Republic, True Religion, 7 For All Mankind, Citizens of Humanity, Paige Denim, Nudie, Botkier, Kooba, Gustto, Rebecca Minkoff, Treesje, Joe's Jeans, Hudson, D&G by Dolce & Gabbana, Lutz and Patmos, Jovovich Hawk, Goldenbleu, Vena Cava, Cheap Monday, Clu, Sea, Common Projects, Rogues Gallery, Rose, A. Lawless, Band of Outsiders, Wayne, Apolis Activism & Bing Bang. 

If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.  We look forward to doing business with you!

Rock & Republic
True Religion
7 For All Mankind,
Citizens of Humanity,
Paige Denim,
Nudie, Botkier,
Rebecca Minkoff,
Joe's Jeans,
D&G by Dolce & Gabbana,
Lutz and Patmos,
Jovovich Hawk,
Vena Cava,
Cheap Monday,
Common Projects,
Rogues Gallery,
A. Lawless,
Band of Outsiders,
Apolis Activism
Bing Bang



其實和revolveclothing是一家公司的. 不過這個定位更高, 價格更貴. 都是集合了設計師的作品, 比如今年暴火的Alexander WANG, 繼VERA WANG之後又一位姓王的設計師, 不容易啊~~~偷笑偷笑

購買過程和revolveclothing是一樣的, 也是滿100刀免費送貨. 走USPS




Rest of the world - FREE
Delivery should normally take 5-10 working days.

一般接受國際運的網站, 信用卡資訊, 帳單地址填寫正確, 都可以順利購買成功的~~

這個偶沒試過, 大家可以試一下
當然其他論壇有幾個JMS已經買過了, 順利收到, 沒有被扣稅等問題~~~鼓掌鼓掌鼓掌 

下一個, 免費直運的化妝品網站benefit


購物滿115刀後, 使用CODE WORLD115, 就可以免費送到中國
也是走USPS, 安全高效不被扣

這個N多JMS買過了, 不用多說了, 115刀幾個人湊湊就有拉~~~



整個6月國際運費全免, 購物滿100刀, 就可以免費寄往中國~~
非常喜歡SHOPBOP這個網站, 聽說很多明星都在上面買衣服鞋子呢~~~
最最推薦的就是裡面的LOOKBOOK, 學習搭配的好地方

不過要注意的是, SHOPBOP是走UPS的, 所以建議大家不要多買, 最多湊滿100刀, 免得UPS來主動收稅~~~

如何從轉運網站運送, 具體如下

SHOPBOP.com前段時間搞活動, 75折
早就看中了JUICY的包包, 立馬下單

之前因為在USAMAIL2ME裡面已經註冊過了, 得到了一個自己的ID編號
所以在寫SHIPPING地址的時候, 就把這個地址寫上去, 收貨人名寫姓名的拼音

帳單地址寫國內地址, 下單完成. 當場收到扣款簡訊.

第3天SHOPBOP就發貨了, 走UPS到USAMAIL2ME的美國地址處, 過程都可以查詢的. 到達日期也是預定的. 過了5天終於到達USAMAIL2ME處了.

然後登陸USAMAIL2ME, 就看到我的包裹已經稱重過了, 一共3磅. 按照首磅70, 續磅35元, 正好是140元. 然後點選支付寶付款. 付款完成後, 當天USAMAIL2ME就發貨了, 3天后到達上海辦事處, 通過快遞交到偶手中.


7天內到達的所有包裹, 首重只要35元



首先, 寫這部分的時候要感謝UM論壇上的一個mm---gracieq , 是她彙總成功購物的經驗, 而我是隻站在了巨人的肩膀上. 這位mm應該也上籬笆的呀噶~~~嘿

COACH可以接受國內信用卡, 可惜只能傳真訂購.


1. 包包款式名字, STYLE NUMBER, 顏色以及數量
2. 自己的郵寄地址, 也就是USAMAIL2ME的收貨地址, 收貨人名
3. 信用卡資訊: 信用卡種類, 卡號, 有效期(年/月), 持卡人名字, 國內賬單地址, 信用卡髮卡行電話, 自己的國內聯絡電話
4. 快遞方式, Standard Shipping (另外還有express shipping和next business day shipping),費用是$8.50

以上4點, 列印在紙上, 發傳真過後. 第2天就會收到銀行扣款簡訊, 表明訂購成功.
發貨後會發MAIL通知, 告之快遞的tracking number. 有了tracking number就可以知道大約幾時收到了`~~

到達USAMAIL2ME後, 稱重, 付款, 就可以翹首已盼了~~~


英國網站, 是賣精油產品的. 偶不太懂這個, 還是這句話懂的人懂, 不懂的人還是不懂. 嘎嘎嘎
感謝tammywu, lynne2004提供的. 買任何產品都可以免費送往中國, 衝著這條大家一起拼了~~~~~


可以運到中國, 也是走USPS, 不過需要運費, 運費是按照購買金額來結算的.
要注意的是, 走直運是不收美國消費稅的, 但是如果走轉運網站, 就要收取了

得出的經驗是, 冬天買厚衣服最核算~~~

Purchase Amount      Standard Delivery              Express Delivery
$0 - $125                  $30.00                                $35.00
$125.01 - $225          $35.00                                $45.00
$225.01 - $325          $50.00                                $60.00
$325.01 - $425          $60.00                                $70.00
$425.01 - $525          $70.00                                $80.00
$525.01 - $1,500      $175.00                              $200.00
$1500.01 and over    $325.00                              $350.00

其實走Standard Delivery就可以了, 偶去年冬天買過, 不過當時是運到日本, 只用了5天. 如果是中國, 那麼效率稍微慢一點, 10天也肯定可以收到了.得意得意 

買滿250刀, 免費送到中國, 走USPS

日本2線化妝品品牌, 個別產品在YAHOO JP上很有名, 經常說已經銷售了幾百萬本.
如果有JMS要訂購, 偶可以幫你翻譯以上文字~~三腳貓日語看看這些應該麼問題. 哈哈 

美國網站, 保健品專賣, 牌子哈多
可以運到中國, 不過運費為$4.99 + actual freight
走Fedex, 最好不要超過50刀, 怕被收稅

需要使用轉運, 並且可以接受國內信用卡的網站~~~

(全美最大網路藥店, 和BEAUTY.com是一家, 可以一起買, 一個包裹寄來)

帳單地址寫轉運美國處的地址即可. 第一次購買有折扣, 可以去EBATES裡面查

信用卡國家選HK, 因為沒有CHINA這一攔, 地址寫正確的家庭地址, 也就是信用卡帳單地址, 電話也一定要寫清楚, 否則帳單會被取消

包括旗下的OLD NAVY也一樣

(買大嘴猴的好去處, 折扣很多, 各種街頭品牌, 第一次買可以用打折程式碼POP45)

國家選HK, 地址寫國內的地址
但是可能會發MAIL來提示要更新一下信用卡資訊, 然後這時候就可以選國家為PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA了. 還會被要求需要身份驗證, 當時我就是這樣被要求的, 後來無奈上面看中的衣服太多, 第一次取消定單, 第2次還是把信用卡和身份證拍照後發MAIL給他們看了. 吐血吐血吐血 拍信用卡和身份證照片時, 把信用卡的最後4位和背面簽名欄最後3位用便條遮住, 防止被盜用. 身份證不需要遮.


帳單地址填寫國內真實的地方, 郵寄地址寫轉運公司的或者如果選直運就填自己家的
不過老美很仔細, 可能來自中國的信用卡金額高了, 也要身份驗證的. 那麼同上, 拍信用卡和身份證照片時, 把信用卡的最後4位和背面簽名欄最後3位用便條遮住, 防止被盜用. 身份證不需要遮.


現在要說說撒叫返現網站. 很簡單, 就是從ebates上連線到他標出來的網站去購物, 就有1%-10%的返利. 每個網站不一樣, 比如DRUGSTORE是6%, katespade是5%, KARMALOOP也是6%, 而GAP滿小氣只有1%

但是對啊拉買家來說, 有總歸好餓, 批是伐是.

ebates旗下可以返的網站太多了, 上千家應該有的. 所以大家去各大網站購物之前, 先去ebates查查吧~~


2種方法, 1直接打到你的PAYPAL帳戶, 注意這個PAYPAL一定要去美國的PAYPAL, 並不是中國貝寶. 2直接開支票, 然後寄到上海

返現週期一般都是3個月, 為什麼是3個月才結算一次呢?? 因為美國網站上購物, 退換貨的週期就是3個月. 怕有些人東西退了, 但是返現卻拿到了, 所以是3個月才結算一次的.

之前在KARMALOOP上購買200多刀, 過了4,5天去EBATES查詢, 返到了17.42. 外加註冊就有5刀, 已經有22刀了, 用來補貼轉運的運費不錯~~~嘎嘎

BUT也不是所有已經打折的網站還會再返現給你哦, 也要看網站的`~

另外一個返現網站, 操作和用法都是EBATES一模一樣的

不過返還額度比EBATES大很多, DRUGSTORE竟然有10%, GAP有3%, KARMALOOP低了才3%

大家選擇的時候貨比三家, 多拿一點總歸好餓~~貼貼運費~~

仔細看了一下SHOPBOP, Benefit, 都可以返的, 以後購物之前一定要先去EBATES查一查呀

3%  Spiegel SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Budget Rent-A-Car SEE COUPONS > info 
15%  Restaurant.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Half.com by eBay  info 
5%  A Pea in the Pod SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  The A&E Shop SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  ABC TV Store  info 
1%  Abe's of Maine SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Abebooks  info 
2%  Abt Electronics SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Acacia Catalog  info 
9%  AccessoryGeeks SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  ACDSee SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Ace Hardware SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Acorn Online  info 
2%  Active Musician  info 
6%  Adagio Teas  info 
6%  Adidas SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Adobe SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Aerie by American Eagle SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Aeropostale  info 
3%  Air & Water  info 
1%  Air France SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  AJ Madison SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Akademiks  info 
3%  Alamo Car Rentals by Priceline  info 
$1  Alaska Airlines  info 
3%  Alibris SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Alienware SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  All About Dance SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  All Wine Baskets  info 
3%  Alloy SEE COUPONS > info 
Coupons Only  Alpha Omega Publications SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  American Blinds, Wallpaper & More SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  American Eagle Outfitters SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Andreasinc  info 
3%  Ann Taylor SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Ann Taylor Loft SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Anna's Linens  info 
2%  Anne Klein SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Anytime Costumes  info 
10%  Apothica  info 
5%  Appetizerstogo.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Apple Bottoms SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Apple Canada  info 
3%  Apple iTunes  info 
1%  Apple Small Business  info 
1%  Apple Store SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Appleseed's SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Aramark SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Arden B.  info 
4%  Are You Game  info 
4%  Armani Exchange  info 
4%  The Artful Home  info 
5%  Artistic Labels SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Ashford.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Ashro  info 
1%  Athleta SEE COUPONS > info 
$5  Audible.com  info 
12%  Auditions Shoes  info 
6%  Auto Barn SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Auto Parts Warehouse  info 
4%  Autosport Catalog  info 
6%  avenue SEE COUPONS > info 
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Coupons Only  Babies Online  info 
Coupons Only  Babies R' Us SEE COUPONS > info 
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3%  BabyAge SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  BabyCatalog SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  BabyDynamics.com  info 
6%  BabyEarth  info 
1%  BabyGap  info 
Coupons Only  BabytoBee  info 
2%  Bacario  info 
6%  Back in the Saddle  info 
5%  Back to Basics Toys SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Backcountry.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  BackcountryOutlet SEE COUPONS > info 
8%  BagsBuy SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Bake Me A Wish! SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Ballard Designs  info 
1%  Banana Republic SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Bangalla  info 
5%  Bare Necessities SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Bargain Catalog Outlet SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Bargain Cell SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Barnes & Noble.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  BaseballSavings.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Bass Pro Shops SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Bath&Body Works  info 
6%  BatteriesPlus SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Beachmart.com  info 
3%  Bealls SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Beauty.com SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  BeautyStoreDepot.com  info 
3%  bebe SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  BEBE SPORT  info 
4%  Becker Surf  info 
2%  BedandBreakfast.com SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Bellacor SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Belt Outlet SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Ben Sherman SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Benefit Cosmetics SEE COUPONS > info 
15%  Best Bath Store SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Best Buy SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  Best Deal Magazines SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Best Western  info 
4%  Betsey Johnson SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Better World  info 
5%  Betty's Attic  info 
4%  Bier Boot Haus  info 
5%  Bigfitness.net  info 
4%  Bigger & Brighter  info 
2%  Bike Bandit  info 
6%  BirkenstockCentral.com  info 
4%  The Black Bow  info 
5%  Blair  info 
3%  Blinds.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  BlindsGalore  info 
4%  Bliss Spa SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Blitz  info 
11%  Bloomingbulb SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Bloomingdale's SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Blue Bee SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Blue Nile SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  BlueBay Hotels & Resorts  info 
4%  Bluefly SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Boardtactics  info 
4%  BoatersWorld SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Bobbi Brown Cosmetics SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Boca Java SEE COUPONS > info 
$5  Boca Java Connoisseur Club  info 
5%  Boden SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  The Body Shop  info 
5%  BodyBuilding.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Book Close Outs SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  BooksAMillion  info 
5%  BootBarn  info 
5%  BootBay  info 
5%  Borders SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Boscov's SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Bose SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Botanic Choice SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Bowflex Shop  info 
7%  Broderbund  info 
Coupons Only  Brooks Brothers SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Brookstone  info 
6%  Brownstone Studio  info 
3%  BrylaneHome SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Buckle  info 
3%  Budget Rent-A-Car SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Budget Truck Rental  info 
10%  Busted Tees  info 
1%  Buy.com SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  BuyMusic SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Cabela's SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Cafe Britt  info 
10%  CafePress  info 
4%  Callaway Golf  info 
2%  Calumet Photographic SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Calvin Klein Jeans SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Calvin Klein Underwear SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Cambria Suites  info 
3%  Cambridge SoundWorks (HiFi) SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  CameraWorld  info 
3%  CampingWorld SEE COUPONS > info 
8%  Candle Bay SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Candlewood Suites  info 
5%  Candy Warehouse  info 
7%  Canvas on Demand SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Carlos Santana Shoes SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Carol Wrights Gifts SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Carolee SEE COUPONS > info 
11%  Carrot Ink SEE COUPONS > info 
$3  CarsDirect.com  info 
3%  Casual Male XL  info 
3%  Catherines SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  CBS Store  info 
6%  CBSSportsStore.com SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  CCS  info 
10%  Cell Phone Shop SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Cellhut  info 
3%  Chadwick's SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Champion Catalog SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Champs Sports SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Charles Tyrwhitt SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Charlotte Russe SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  CheapCaribbean.com SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  CheapTickets (Air)  info 
1%  CheapTickets (Cars) SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  CheapTickets (Hotels) SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  CheapTickets (Packages) SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  Cherry Moon Farms SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Cheryl & Co. SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Chico's SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Childcraft  info 
3%  The Children's Place SEE COUPONS > info 
No Discount  Chinaberry  info 
6%  Chique Life  info 
6%  Chocolate Source  info 
3%  Choice Hotels SEE COUPONS > info 
Coupons Only  Christianbook.com  info 
3%  Christmas Lights Etc  info 
3%  Christopher & Banks SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Chumby  info 
4%  Cindy's Charms  info 
7%  CitySights NY  info 
3%  CJ Banks SEE COUPONS > info 
11%  Clarins SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Clarion Hotel  info 
4%  Clinique SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Clothing Warehouse  info 
3%  clubfurniture  info 
1%  ClubMac SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Coastal Contacts SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  CoffeeForLess SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Coldwater Creek SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Collections Etc. SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Collector's Choice Music  info 
5%  Colonial Candle SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Colorful Images SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Comfort Inn  info 
3%  Comfort Suites  info 
5%  ComfortShoeShop.com  info 
3%  Compact Appliance SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  The Company Store SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  CompanyKids SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  CompSource  info 
1%  Computers4SURE  info 
5%  Conair SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Contacts America SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  The Container Store SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Converse  info 
3%  Cooking.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Cosmetic Mall  info 
6%  Costume Hub  info 
6%  Costume Kingdom  info 
7%  Costume SuperCenter  info 
4%  Country Door  info 
1%  Courtyard  info 
1%  Courtyard UK  info 
7%  CoutureCandy  info 
6%  Coward Shoes SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Crabtree & Evelyn SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Creative Labs SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Cross  info 
5%  Crowne Plaza SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Crucial Technology  info 
1%  Crutchfield SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Cubworld  info 
3%  Current Catalog SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Current Labels SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Customized Girl  info 
4%  Cutter & Buck  info 
4%  Cyberguys SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Dancing Deer Baking Co. SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Danskin Women's Apparel  info 
4%  David's Cookies SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Day Timer  info 
5%  Dealz4Real.com  info 
5%  DEAN & DELUCA  info 
10%  Defunker  info 
3%  dELiA*s SEE COUPONS > info 
Coupons Only  Dell Canada  info 
4%  Dell Home Systems (Computers) SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Dell Home Systems E&A SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Dell Refurbished Computers  info 
1%  Dell Small Business SEE COUPONS > info 
$3  Delta Air Lines  info 
3%  Dereon  info 
5%  DERMAdoctor.com  info 
3%  Design Within Reach  info 
5%  Designed 2B Sweet  info 
4%  Designer Linens Outlet SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Designers Imports  info 
6%  Diamond Harmony SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Diamond.com  info 
1%  Diapers.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Dick Blick Art Materials  info 
1%  Dick's Sporting Goods SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Dickies SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Dillard's SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Discovery Channel Store SEE COUPONS > info 
$11  Disney Movie Club  info 
3%  DisneyStore.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  DJ Premium  info 
2%  Dockers SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  DockersShoes.com  info 
5%  Dog.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  DogToys.com  info 
3%  Dollar Rent-A-Car  info 
2%  Domestications  info 
6%  Dr. Leonard's Healthcare SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Dr. Scholls Shoes SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Drs. Foster & Smith SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  drugstore.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  DSW SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Dunham's Sports SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  DuracellDirect.com  info 
6%  Dutch Gardens SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  DVD Planet SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  e.l.f. Cosmetics SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Eastbay SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Eastern Mountain Sports  info 
2%  Easy Comforts SEE COUPONS > info 
8%  eBags SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  eBatts.com  info 
3%  eBay SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Econo Lodge  info 
1%  eCOST SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Eddie Bauer SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  eDesignerShop  info 
5%  eDressMe SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  eDressMeProm.com  info 
3%  Edwin Watts Golf  info 
4%  eFaucets  info 
7%  eHarlequin SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  ehotel  info 
4%  Electric Fireplaces Direct  info 
2%  Electronics Expo SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  EliteCarSeats.com  info 
4%  Ella Moss SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Elliott Lucca SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Endless SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Enterprise Rent-A-Car SEE COUPONS > info 
$6  Entertainment.com  info 
Coupons Only  EpsonStore SEE COUPONS > info 
12%  Equifax Consumer Services  info 
5%  ESPN Shop  info 
3%  Esprit  info 
5%  etnies SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  evVive  info 
3%  eWatches.com  info 
5%  Executive Essentials SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Expedia SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Exposures SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Express  info 
$3  Extended Stay Hotels  info 
8%  Extreme Halloween SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Eye Buy Direct SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Fabric.com SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Fairfield Inn  info 
1%  Fairfield Inn UK  info 
3%  Fairmont Hotels & Resorts  info 
9%  Famous Footwear SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Fannie May Candies SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Fans Edge  info 
6%  FantasticFans.com  info 
2%  Fashion Chateau  info 
5%  Fathead SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Faucets Fixtures Overstock  info 
5%  Fergie Shoes SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  figleaves  info 
5%  Final Score SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Fine Jewelers  info 
4%  Fingerhut SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Finish Line SEE COUPONS > info 
8%  Fleurop  info 
5%  Florist.com  info 
4%  Florsheim  info 
10%  Flower Store  info 
8%  Flowers Across America  info 
10%  Flowers Fast  info 
4%  Fogdog.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Folica Beauty Supply SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Foot Locker SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Football Fanatics  info 
10%  FootSmart SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Fox Rent-a-Car  info 
4%  Fox Shop  info 
6%  Fox TV Store  info 
7%  Fragrance House  info 
6%  FragranceNet.com SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  FragranceX.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  FramesDirect.com SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  FranklinCovey  info 
4%  frederick's of hollywood SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Frenchtoast.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  FreshPair SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Frog Pond Aquatics  info 
2%  Frontgate  info 
6%  The Fruit Company  info 
10%  FTD.COM SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Fujitsu SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Full of Life  info 
Coupons Only  Funjet Vacations SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Furniture-Online  info 
2%  fye.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  G by GUESS SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Gaiam SEE COUPONS > info 
Coupons Only  GameStop  info 
1%  Gap SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  GapBody  info 
1%  GapKids  info 
1%  GapMaternity  info 
4%  Gardeners Supply Company SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Geeks.com  info 
7%  Get Organized SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Gevalia Catalog SEE COUPONS > info 
$5  Gevalia Coffee Club  info 
5%  Ghirardelli Chocolate SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  GiftBaskets.com  info 
2%  GiftCertificates.com  info 
7%  Gifts For You Now SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  GiftTree SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  giggle SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Ginny's Catalog  info 
5%  Giorgio Armani Beauty SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Give Me Toys  info 
5%  GKWorld  info 
3%  Global Golf  info 
4%  Global Industrial SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  GNC SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Go Card USA  info 
4%  Go2 Outfitters  info 
5%  GODIVA Chocolatier SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  GoGamer.com  info 
5%  GoGoods.com  info 
6%  GoldenMine SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Goldyn  info 
7%  Golf Outlet USA  info 
3%  Golf Shoes Only  info 
6%  Golfballs.com  info 
5%  Golfsmith SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Gordon's Jewelers SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Gourmet Gift Baskets SEE COUPONS > info 
$6  Gourmet Monthly Clubs SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Grandin Road  info 
5%  Great Gift Ideas Etc.  info 
2%  The Great Indoors  info 
5%  GreatLookz.com  info 
6%  GreekGear.com  info 
5%  Green Mountain Coffee Roasters  info 
10%  Griffin Technology  info 
4%  Gta hotels  info 
3%  GUESS  info 
8%  Gurney's Seed & Nursery Co.  info 
12%  H&R Block  info 
5%  H20 Plus SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Haband SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Half Price Costumes  info 
3%  Half.com by eBay  info 
6%  Hammacher Schlemmer SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Hand Held Items  info 
7%  Handango  info 
4%  Hanes SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  HansonEllis Wedding Favors  info 
8%  Hartstone Pottery  info 
7%  Havaianas  info 
2%  Hawthorn Suites SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  HB Drums  info 
4%  HBO Store  info 
5%  HelloDirect  info 
5%  HerRoom SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Hickory Farms SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  HisRoom SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  The History Channel SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Holabird Sports  info 
5%  Holiday Inn  info 
5%  Holiday Inn Express  info 
3%  Home Decorators Collection SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Home Decorators Collection Outlet  info 
5%  Home Depot SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  The Home Marketplace SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Home Visions  info 
2%  HomeOfficeSolutions.com  info 
3%  Horchow  info 
6%  Hot Topic SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Hotel Chocolat  info 
3%  Hotel Chocolat UK  info 
5%  Hotel Indigo  info 
4%  Hotelpronto  info 
3%  Hotels.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  HotWaterSource  info 
2%  Hotwire (Airline Tickets)  info 
2%  Hotwire (Car Rental) SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Hotwire (Hotel Reservations)  info 
2%  Hotwire (Vacation Packages)  info 
6%  The House  info 
1%  House of Brides  info 
4%  House of Nutrition  info 
5%  HP Home and Home Office Store SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  HSN SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Hudson Reed  info 
4%  Huntington Surf & Sport  info 
4%  I Bike Do You 2  info 
4%  ICE.com SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  iChapters  info 
7%  illy caffe  info 
6%  In the Company of Dogs  info 
4%  Indian Selections  info 
15%  Inkgrabber SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Inspired Play  info 
3%  Instawares  info 
3%  InstrumentPro SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Instruments Express  info 
5%  InterContinental Hotels & Resorts  info 
5%  International Wine Accessories  info 
5%  Internet Florist  info 
4%  Invitation Box  info 
3%  Invitation Consultants  info 
6%  Invitations by Dawn  info 
12%  iPrint.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  iRobot SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Irv's Luggage Warehouse SEE COUPONS > info 
No Discount  Isabella Catalog  info 
5%  Islandsurf  info 
5%  Ivy Blue  info 
3%  J and R Music and Computer World SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  J.Jill.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Jade Boutique  info 
6%  Jake's Dog House  info 
2%  James Allen  info 
3%  James Avery  info 
4%  JCPenney SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  JCrew  info 
5%  JCWhitney SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  JDHines.com  info 
5%  Jelly Belly SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Jessica London SEE COUPONS > info 
$1  JetBlue Airways  info 
6%  JewelBasket.com  info 
5%  Jewelry Television  info 
7%  Jewels for Me  info 
5%  joann.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Jockey  info 
3%  JoggingStroller.com  info 
6%  Johnston & Murphy SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Jones New York SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Jos. A. Bank SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Journeys  info 
4%  JourneysKidz  info 
5%  Just Because Baskets SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Just Lenses  info 
3%  Just My Size SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Justice  info 
6%  JustMetal  info 
1%  JW Marriott  info 
1%  JW Marriott UK  info 
4%  K. Jordan  info 
7%  Kaehler World Traveler  info 
3%  Kansas City Steaks SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Kaplan Test Prep  info 
4%  Karen Neuburger  info 
6%  Karmaloop SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Kate Spade SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  KazooToys  info 
3%  Kegerator.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Kids Bargains  info 
5%  Kids Foot Locker  info 
6%  KidSafe  info 
3%  Kidsurplus  info 
6%  Kiehl's Since 1851  info 
3%  King Size Direct  info 
5%  Kipling  info 
3%  Kitchen Collection  info 
6%  KitchenAid  info 
3%  Kiwi Kids Gear  info 
2%  Kmart.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Kodak SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  KODAK Gallery SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Kohls  info 
3%  Kosher.com  info 
2%  L.L.Bean SEE COUPONS > info 
12%  La Cense Beef  info 
4%  Lab Series for Men SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Lady Foot Locker SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  LaMonir  info 
6%  Lancome  info 
4%  The Land of Nod  info 
3%  Lands' End SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Lane Bryant SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Lane Bryant Catalog  info 
4%  Lapworks SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Lastminute.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  LeapFrog SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Leaps and Bounds  info 
4%  Lee Jeans  info 
5%  Legal Sea Foods  info 
5%  Legends Tickets  info 
1%  LEGO Shop at Home  info 
3%  Lenovo SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Lenox.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Lens.com SEE COUPONS > info 
9%  LensCrafters  info 
7%  LensMart SEE COUPONS > info 
$45  LetsTalk.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Lew Magram SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Lids.com SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  LifeStride SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  The Light Shop  info 
5%  The Lighter Side Co.  info 
3%  Lighting By Gregory  info 
7%  Limoges Jewelry SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Linea Pelle SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Little Tikes SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  LivingDirect  info 
4%  LivingXL  info 
7%  Lobster Gram  info 
2%  Logitech SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  London Fog SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  London Pass  info 
4%  Lord and Taylor SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Loud Kricket Gift Shoppe  info 
5%  LoveSac  info 
2%  Lucky Brand Jeans  info 
7%  Luggage Guy  info 
6%  Luggage Point  info 
6%  Luggage Pros  info 
8%  LuggageOnline  info 
5%  Lugz Footwear SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Lumens.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Luxury Link  info 
2%  MacMall SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  macys SEE COUPONS > info 
20%  Magazineline SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  Magazines Unlimited  info 
5%  Magazines.com SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Magellans.com SEE COUPONS > info 
16%  MagsForLess SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Maidenform  info 
3%  MainStay Suites  info 
9%  Makeup.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Man Alive SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Manhattanite  info 
4%  Mantels Direct  info 
5%  Maps.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Marciano  info 
1%  Marriott Hotels & Resorts SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Marriott Hotels & Resorts UK  info 
6%  Martha Stewart Flowers for 1-800-FLOWERS SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Martin and Osa SEE COUPONS > info 
12%  Maryland Square  info 
12%  Mason Shoe  info 
12%  Masseys  info 
10%  Match.com  info 
5%  Max & Chloe  info 
6%  Maxstudio SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  MC Sports SEE COUPONS > info 
12%  McAfee.com SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Meaningful Beauty  info 
10%  Medifast Diet SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Meijer SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Men Science  info 
4%  Men's Wearhouse  info 
3%  MetroKitchen  info 
3%  metrostyle SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Mexicana Airlines SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Michael Stars SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Michele  info 
5%  Microsoft Store  info 
4%  Midnight Velvet SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Mighty Leaf Tea SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Mikasa SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Miles Kimball SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  MisterArt.com  info 
3%  MLB.com  info 
3%  Modell's SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Monroe and Main  info 
No Discount  Monster.com  info 
5%  Moosejaw SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Morgan Mint  info 
2%  Motel 6 SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Mothercare  info 
5%  Motherhood Maternity  info 
7%  MotherNature.com  info 
2%  MotoSport  info 
3%  Mr. Beer  info 
5%  Mrs. Beasley's SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Mrs. Fields SEE COUPONS > info 
11%  Murad Skin Care  info 
5%  Music by Andreas  info 
6%  Musician's Hut  info 
3%  Musicians Friend SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Musicnotes.com SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  MusicSpace SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Mwave SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  My Flavia SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  My Jewelry Box SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  My Strollers  info 
3%  Nascar  info 
4%  National Geographic Store  info 
6%  National Jean Company SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  National Pet Pharmacy SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Natural Advantage  info 
5%  Naturalizer SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Nautica  info 
4%  Nautilus  info 
4%  Nautilus Catalog  info 
2%  NB Web Express  info 
5%  NBA Store SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  NBC Universal Store SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Nero  info 
$14  Netflix.com  info 
12%  Network Solutions SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  New York & Company SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  The New York Pass  info 
2%  Newegg SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Newport News SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  NFL Shop SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Nickelodeon Store SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Nicole Miller SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Nike  info 
3%  Nine West  info 
3%  Nordstrom SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Norm Thompson SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  The North Face SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Northern Tool SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  NorthStyle  info 
5%  Nothing But Software  info 
5%  Numi Organic Tea  info 
8%  NutriSystem  info 
2%  Office Depot SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  OfficeDesigns.com  info 
4%  OfficeFurniture.com  info 
3%  OfficeMax SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  OHbaby! SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Old Navy SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  OlympiaSports  info 
6%  Omaha Steaks SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  One Step Ahead SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  One Stop Plus SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  onehanesplace.com SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Oneida SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  The Onion Store  info 
6%  Online Sports SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Only Natural Pet Store  info 
2%  OnSale SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  OrangeOnions  info 
1%  Orbitz SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Organic Bouquet SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Organic Style  info 
4%  Organize.com  info 
3%  Oriental Trading Co.  info 
5%  Origins SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Orvis SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  OtterBox  info 
4%  OutInStyle  info 
10%  Overnight Prints  info 
4%  Overstock  info 
2%  Overtons SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Pacific Pillows SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Palm Beach Jewelry SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Palm Store SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  PaperDirect SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Paragon Sports  info 
5%  Park Seed  info 
3%  Parts Express SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Party Brights  info 
4%  Patagonia  info 
6%  Paul Fredrick SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Payless Shoe Source SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  PC Connection SEE COUPONS > info 
22%  PC Tools Software  info 
2%  PCMall SEE COUPONS > info 
25%  PerfectMatch.com  info 
3%  Performance Bicycle  info 
6%  Perfume Country  info 
6%  Perfume Emporium  info 
6%  The Perfume Spot  info 
7%  PerfumeWorldwide.com  info 
8%  Personal Creations SEE COUPONS > info 
8%  Personalization Mall SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Peruvian Connection SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Pet Street Mall  info 
12%  PetCareRx  info 
5%  PetFoodDirect.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Petit Bateau  info 
4%  PetSmart SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Pfaelzer Brothers SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Pfaltzgraff SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Phat Farm SEE COUPONS > info 
9%  PhotoWorks SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Pinatas.com  info 
8%  Pinemeadow Golf  info 
4%  Pink Mascara  info 
1%  Piperlime SEE COUPONS > info 
$40  Pitney Bowes  info 
6%  Planet Shoes SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Poker N Stuff  info 
3%  PoolDawg  info 
6%  The Popcorn Factory  info 
5%  PosterXXL US  info 
7%  PrankPlace SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Prescriptives SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Priceline Europe Hotels  info 
2%  Priceline.com (Airline Tickets) SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Priceline.com (Car Rental) SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Priceline.com (Hotel Rooms) SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Priceline.com (Vacation) SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Principal Secret  info 
9%  PrintingForLess.com  info 
12%  PrintRunner SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Pro Street Lighting  info 
5%  Proactiv Solution  info 
10%  ProFlowers SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  ProGolf  info 
5%  Promgirl  info 
5%  ProSportsMemorabilia  info 
10%  PsPrint SEE COUPONS > info 
12%  Pugster SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Puma  info 
10%  Punch! Software  info 
10%  Pur Minerals SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  PurchaseTix  info 
5%  Puritan's Pride SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Purity Products  info 
3%  Quality Inn  info 
3%  Queen Bee Girls SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Quill SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  QVC SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  RadioShack SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Raidentech SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Rainbow Appliance SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  RalphLauren.com SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Rand McNally  info 
4%  Razor Gator SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  RedEnvelope SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Redford Films  info 
3%  RedOctane SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  RedStamp.com  info 
5%  Reebok  info 
3%  REI SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  REI-OUTLET  info 
3%  Relax The Back  info 
1%  Renaissance Hotels & Resorts  info 
1%  Renaissance Hotels & Resorts UK  info 
4%  ReplaceYourCell.com  info 
1%  Residence Inn  info 
1%  Residence Inn UK  info 
15%  Restaurant.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  ReStockIt.com SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  RICHART Chocolates  info 
3%  RitzCamera SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Ritzpix  info 
5%  Road Runner Sports SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Roaman's SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Rob Diamond  info 
7%  Robeez  info 
3%  Rocawear  info 
5%  Rochester Big and Tall  info 
4%  Rock Creek  info 
4%  Rockport Shop  info 
6%  Rocky Mountain Trail  info 
3%  Rodeway Inn  info 
7%  Ross-Simons SEE COUPONS > info 
12%  Roxio SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Rugby by Ralph Lauren SEE COUPONS > info 
8%  Rugman.com SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  RushMyPassport.com  info 
4%  RVCA  info 
4%  S&S Worldwide SEE COUPONS > info 
$5  Safeway.com  info 
4%  Sahalie  info 
4%  The Sak SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Saks Fifth Avenue SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Sally Beauty Supply SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Salon Wish  info 
1%  Sam's Club  info 
3%  Samsonite Company Stores SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  San Francisco Music Box Co. SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  The Savile Row Co  info 
5%  Scholastic Store  info 
4%  The Scrap Queen  info 
4%  Sears SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  Sears Canada SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Sears PartsDirect SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  Secret Spoon SEE COUPONS > info 
12%  SeeHere by FUJIFILM SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Select Blinds  info 
3%  Sensational Beginnings  info 
4%  Sephora SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Seventh Avenue  info 
5%  Sheer Cover  info 
8%  Shindigz SEE COUPONS > info 
20%  Shockwave  info 
10%  ShoeBuy SEE COUPONS > info 
13%  ShoeMall  info 
8%  Shoes.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  ShoeSteal SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  ShoeTrader.com  info 
4%  SHOP.COM  info 
4%  Shop4Tech SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  ShopBathroomLighting.com  info 
6%  Shopbop  info 
2%  ShopEcko.com  info 
2%  Shoplet.com SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  ShopNBC SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  ShopOutdoorLighting.com  info 
6%  ShopPBS SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  ShopTableLamps.com  info 
5%  Shu Uemura SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  Shutterfly SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Sierra Trading Post SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Silhouettes SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Silk by Andreas  info 
10%  Silkflowers  info 
4%  Sitstay.com SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Six Flags  info 
1%  Sixth Avenue Electronics SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Skechers SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  SkinBotanica  info 
10%  SkinCareRx SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  SkinStore.com SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  SkyMall  info 
3%  Sleep Inn  info 
3%  SmartBargains SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Smarthome SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Smashbox  info 
7%  SmileMakers SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Smith & Hawken SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Smith and Noble SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  SmoothFitness  info 
15%  Snapfish by HP SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Sneaks 4 Sale  info 
4%  SnowShack  info 
2%  Soft Surroundings SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  SOHO LAB  info 
5%  Solio  info 
4%  Solutions SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Soma Intimates SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Sony SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Southwest Airlines Vacations SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Spa Finder SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  SpaLook  info 
3%  Speedo USA SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Spiegel SEE COUPONS > info 
8%  Spirit Halloween  info 
1%  Spirit Vacations  info 
4%  Splendid  info 
3%  The Sports Authority SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  SportsFanfare  info 
4%  SportStop  info 
12%  Spreadshirt Designer  info 
1%  SpringHill Suites  info 
1%  SpringHill Suites UK  info 
4%  Stacks and Stacks  info 
2%  Staples  info 
3%  Star Wars Shop  info 
8%  Starbucks Store  info 
5%  StayBridge Suites  info 
4%  Steelcase Store  info 
4%  Steve Madden SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  Steve's Blinds & Wallpaper  info 
6%  StickerGiant  info 
4%  Stonewall Kitchen  info 
5%  StopDirt.com  info 
3%  StrawberryNET SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Stubhub SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Studio 6  info 
5%  StuffKidsLike  info 
4%  Style Rocket  info 
3%  Stylin' Trucks  info 
5%  Subside Sports  info 
3%  Suburban  info 
5%  Summit Fashions  info 
6%  Sunglass Hut  info 
2%  Super Media Store  info 
1%  Super Warehouse  info 
6%  SuperJeweler  info 
4%  Sur La Table SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  SurfCity Instruments  info 
3%  SuuntoWatches.com  info 
4%  Swell  info 
3%  Swimsuitsforall  info 
4%  The Swiss Colony  info 
8%  Symantec SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Szul.com  info 
4%  Tabasco Country Store  info 
$1.50  TACA  info 
4%  Tafford SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Target SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Tea Collection  info 
4%  The Teaching Company  info 
1%  Tech Depot  info 
5%  Tech for Less  info 
3%  The Tech Geek  info 
6%  Tees For All SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Teleflora SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  The Tender Filet  info 
3%  Textbooks.com  info 
3%  TextbookX.com  info 
3%  Textileshop  info 
3%  TGW.com  info 
3%  TheFurniture.com  info 
2%  TheNerds.net  info 
5%  TheShoeMart  info 
11%  Thierry Mugler  info 
5%  Things Remembered SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  Things You Never Knew Existed  info 
3%  Thomas Pink  info 
5%  Thompson Cigar  info 
3%  Thrifty Car Rental SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  TickCo Premium Seating  info 
6%  TicketsNow  info 
5%  Tico Decorations  info 
3%  TigerDirect SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  TigerGPS SEE COUPONS > info 
5%  TikiMaster  info 
4%  Tilly's SEE COUPONS > info 
4%  Timberland SEE COUPONS > info 
6%  Time Life SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  TipToeTurtle.com  info 
3%  Tire Rack SEE COUPONS > info 
7%  Titanium Kay  info 
$15  TiVo  info 
2%  Tobi  info 
5%  TOMS Shoes  info 
1%  TomTom  info 
3%  ToolKing  info 
5%  toolprice.com  info 
6%  Torrid SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  ToshibaDirect.com SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Tower.com SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  TownePlace Suites  info 
1%  TownePlace Suites UK  info 
Coupons Only  Toys R' Us SEE COUPONS > info 
1%  TracFone SEE COUPONS > info 
2%  Tractor Supply Company SEE COUPONS > info 
10%  Transparent Language  info 
1%  Travelocity SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  TravelSmith  info 
3%  Treo Store  info 
3%  U.S. Toy Company  info 
3%  uBid  info 
3%  UFC Store SEE COUPONS > info 
3%  ULTA Beauty SEE COUPONS > inf