1. 程式人生 > >作業系統實驗三實驗報告






1.1 ucore虛擬記憶體機制


  • 完成初始化虛擬記憶體管理機制:IDE硬碟讀寫、缺頁異常處理

  • 設定虛擬頁空間和物理頁幀空間,表述不在實體記憶體中的“合法”虛擬頁

  • 完善建立頁表對映、頁訪問異常處理操作等函式實現





// the control struct for a set of vma using the same PDT
struct mm_struct {
    list_entry_t mmap_list;        // linear list link which sorted by start addr of vma
    struct vma_struct *mmap_cache; // current accessed vma, used for speed purpose
    pde_t *pgdir;                  // the PDT of
these vma int map_count; // the count of these vma void *sm_priv; // the private data for swap manager }; // the virtual continuous memory area(vma), [vm_start, vm_end), // addr belong to a vma means vma.vm_start<= addr <vma.vm_end struct vma_struct { struct
mm_struct *vm_mm; // the set of vma using the same PDT uintptr_t vm_start; // start addr of vma uintptr_t vm_end; // end addr of vma, not include the vm_end itself uint32_t vm_flags; // flags of vma list_entry_t list_link; // linear list link which sorted by start addr of vma };
  • mmap_list連結屬於同一個頁目錄表的所有vma_struct
  • mmap_cache指向當前正在使用的虛擬記憶體空間,基於區域性性原理對連結串列查詢加速
  • pgdir指向頁目錄表
  • map_count計數vma_struct的個數
  • sm_priv指向用來記錄訪問情況的連結串列
  • vm_mm指向所屬的mm_struct
  • vm_start記錄這個區域地址的起始
  • vm_end記錄這個區域地址的結束
  • vm_flags標記區域屬性,目前在vmm.h中巨集定義有VM_READVM_WRITEVM_EXEC三種標記
  • list_link根據地址從低到高連結了所有vma_struct,連結的不同區域在虛擬記憶體空間是不相交的

1.2 Page Fault異常處理

在程式的執行過程中由於某種原因而使 CPU 無法最終訪問到相應的實體記憶體單元,即無法完成從虛擬地址到實體地址對映時,CPU 會產生一次頁訪問異常,從而需要進行相應的頁訪問異常的中斷服務例程。當相關處理完成後,頁訪問異常服務例程會返回到產生異常的指令處重新執行,使得應用軟體可以繼續正常執行下去。


  • 目標頁幀不存在(表現為頁表項全為0,程式碼中的*pdep==0
  • 相應的物理頁幀不在記憶體中(表現為頁表項非空,但是Present==0,需要進一步執行換頁處理(練習3))
  • 不滿足訪問要求(表現為Present==1,但是低許可權程式訪問高許可權地址空間或是嘗試寫只允許讀的頁)


/* do_pgfault - interrupt handler to process the page fault execption
 * @mm         : the control struct for a set of vma using the same PDT
 * @error_code : the error code recorded in trapframe->tf_err which is setted by x86 hardware
 * @addr       : the addr which causes a memory access exception, (the contents of the CR2 register)
 * CALL GRAPH: trap--> trap_dispatch-->pgfault_handler-->do_pgfault
 * The processor provides ucore's do_pgfault function with two items of information to aid in diagnosing
 * the exception and recovering from it.
 *   (1) The contents of the CR2 register. The processor loads the CR2 register with the
 *       32-bit linear address that generated the exception. The do_pgfault fun can
 *       use this address to locate the corresponding page directory and page-table
 *       entries.
 *   (2) An error code on the kernel stack. The error code for a page fault has a format different from
 *       that for other exceptions. The error code tells the exception handler three things:
 *         -- The P flag   (bit 0) indicates whether the exception was due to a not-present page (0)
 *            or to either an access rights violation or the use of a reserved bit (1).
 *         -- The W/R flag (bit 1) indicates whether the memory access that caused the exception
 *            was a read (0) or write (1).
 *         -- The U/S flag (bit 2) indicates whether the processor was executing at user mode (1)
 *            or supervisor mode (0) at the time of the exception.
do_pgfault(struct mm_struct *mm, uint32_t error_code, uintptr_t addr) {
    int ret = -E_INVAL;
    //try to find a vma which include addr
    struct vma_struct *vma = find_vma(mm, addr);

    //If the addr is in the range of a mm's vma?
    if (vma == NULL || vma->vm_start > addr) {
        cprintf("not valid addr %x, and  can not find it in vma\n", addr);
        goto failed;
    //check the error_code
    switch (error_code & 3) {
            /* error code flag : default is 3 ( W/R=1, P=1): write, present */
    case 2: /* error code flag : (W/R=1, P=0): write, not present */
        if (!(vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE)) {
            cprintf("do_pgfault failed: error code flag = write AND not present, but the addr's vma cannot write\n");
            goto failed;
    case 1: /* error code flag : (W/R=0, P=1): read, present */
        cprintf("do_pgfault failed: error code flag = read AND present\n");
        goto failed;
    case 0: /* error code flag : (W/R=0, P=0): read, not present */
        if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_READ | VM_EXEC))) {
            cprintf("do_pgfault failed: error code flag = read AND not present, but the addr's vma cannot read or exec\n");
            goto failed;
    /* IF (write an existed addr ) OR
     *    (write an non_existed addr && addr is writable) OR
     *    (read  an non_existed addr && addr is readable)
     * THEN
     *    continue process
    uint32_t perm = PTE_U;
    if (vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE) {
        perm |= PTE_W;
    addr = ROUNDDOWN(addr, PGSIZE);

    ret = -E_NO_MEM;

    pte_t *ptep=NULL;
    * Maybe you want help comment, BELOW comments can help you finish the code
    * Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.
    * MACROs or Functions:
    *   get_pte : get an pte and return the kernel virtual address of this pte for la
    *             if the PT contians this pte didn't exist, alloc a page for PT (notice the 3th parameter '1')
    *   pgdir_alloc_page : call alloc_page & page_insert functions to allocate a page size memory & setup
    *             an addr map pa<--->la with linear address la and the PDT pgdir
    * DEFINES:
    *   VM_WRITE  : If vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE == 1/0, then the vma is writable/non writable
    *   PTE_W           0x002                   // page table/directory entry flags bit : Writeable
    *   PTE_U           0x004                   // page table/directory entry flags bit : User can access
    *   mm->pgdir : the PDT of these vma
    ptep = get_pte(mm->pgdir, addr, 1);         //try to find a pte
    if(ptep == NULL){
        cprintf("do_pgfault failed: get_pte returns NULL\n");
        goto failed;
#if 0
    ptep = ???              //(1) try to find a pte, if pte's PT(Page Table) isn't existed, then create a PT.
    if (*ptep == 0) {
                            //(2) if the phy addr isn't exist, then alloc a page & map the phy addr with logical addr

    else {
    * Now we think this pte is a  swap entry, we should load data from disk to a page with phy addr,
    * and map the phy addr with logical addr, trigger swap manager to record the access situation of this page.
    *  Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.
    *  MACROs or Functions:
    *    swap_in(mm, addr, &page) : alloc a memory page, then according to the swap entry in PTE for addr,
    *                               find the addr of disk page, read the content of disk page into this memroy page
    *    page_insert : build the map of phy addr of an Page with the linear addr la
    *    swap_map_swappable : set the page swappable
        if(swap_init_ok) {
            struct Page *page=NULL;
                                    //(1)According to the mm AND addr, try to load the content of right disk page
                                    //    into the memory which page managed.
                                    //(2) According to the mm, addr AND page, setup the map of phy addr <---> logical addr
                                    //(3) make the page swappable.
        else {
            cprintf("no swap_init_ok but ptep is %x, failed\n",*ptep);
            goto failed;
    if(*ptep == 0){                             //if the physical addr which is pt's content(*petp) isn't exist, then call pgdir_alloc_page()
        if(pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, addr, perm) == NULL){
            cprintf("do_pgfault failed: pgdir_alloc_page returns NULL\n");
            goto failed;
            struct Page *page = NULL;
            if((ret = swap_in(mm, addr, &page)) != 0){
                cprintf("do_pgfault failed: swap_in returns %d",ret);
                goto failed;
            page_insert(mm->pgdir, page, addr, perm);
            swap_map_swappable(mm, addr, page, 1);
            page->pra_vaddr = addr;
            cprintf("do_pgfault failed: swap_init_ok is 0 but ptep is %x\n",*ptep);
            goto failed;
    ret = 0;
    return ret;




 * (3)_fifo_map_swappable: According FIFO PRA, we should link the most recent arrival page at the back of pra_list_head queue
static int
_fifo_map_swappable(struct mm_struct *mm, uintptr_t addr, struct Page *page, int swap_in)
    list_entry_t *head=(list_entry_t*) mm->sm_priv;
    list_entry_t *entry=&(page->pra_page_link);

    assert(entry != NULL && head != NULL);
    //record the page access situation
    //(1)link the most recent arrival page at the back of the pra_list_head queue.
    list_add_before(head, entry);
    return 0;
 *  (4)_fifo_swap_out_victim: According FIFO PRA, we should unlink the  earliest arrival page in front of pra_list_head queue,
 *                            then set the addr of addr of this page to ptr_page.
static int
_fifo_swap_out_victim(struct mm_struct *mm, struct Page ** ptr_page, int in_tick)
     list_entry_t *head=(list_entry_t*) mm->sm_priv;
         assert(head != NULL);
     /* Select the victim */
     //(1)  unlink the  earliest arrival page in front of pra_list_head queue
     //(2)  set the addr of addr of this page to ptr_page
     list_entry_t *le = head->next;
     //assert(head != le); //ref: labcode_answer...
     struct Page *page = le2page(le, pra_page_link);
     //assert(p != NULL);  //ref: labcode_answer...
     *ptr_page = page;
     return 0;


完成所有內容後,呼叫make qemu 後執行結果如下,函式功能實現成功

check_vma_struct() succeeded!
page fault at 0x00000100: K/W [no page found].
check_pgfault() succeeded!                                
check_vmm() succeeded.
ide 0:      10000(sectors), 'QEMU HARDDISK'.
ide 1:     262144(sectors), 'QEMU HARDDISK'.
SWAP: manager = fifo swap manager
BEGIN check_swap: count 31966, total 31966
setup Page Table for vaddr 0X1000, so alloc a page
setup Page Table vaddr 0~4MB OVER!
set up init env for check_swap begin!
page fault at 0x00001000: K/W [no page found].
page fault at 0x00002000: K/W [no page found].
page fault at 0x00003000: K/W [no page found].
page fault at 0x00004000: K/W [no page found].
set up init env for check_swap over!
write Virt Page c in fifo_check_swap
write Virt Page a in fifo_check_swap
write Virt Page d in fifo_check_swap
write Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap
write Virt Page e in fifo_check_swap
page fault at 0x00005000: K/W [no page found].
swap_out: i 0, store page in vaddr 0x1000 to disk swap entry 2
write Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap
write Virt Page a in fifo_check_swap
page fault at 0x00001000: K/W [no page found].
swap_out: i 0, store page in vaddr 0x2000 to disk swap entry 3
swap_in: load disk swap entry 2 with swap_page in vadr 0x1000
write Virt Page b in fifo_check_swap
page fault at 0x00002000: K/W [no page found].
swap_out: i 0, store page in vaddr 0x3000 to disk swap entry 4
swap_in: load disk swap entry 3 with swap_page in vadr 0x2000
write Virt Page c in fifo_check_swap
page fault at 0x00003000: K/W [no page found].
swap_out: i 0, store page in vaddr 0x4000 to disk swap entry 5
swap_in: load disk swap entry 4 with swap_page in vadr 0x3000
write Virt Page d in fifo_check_swap
page fault at 0x00004000: K/W [no page found].
swap_out: i 0, store page in vaddr 0x5000 to disk swap entry 6
swap_in: load disk swap entry 5 with swap_page in vadr 0x4000
write Virt Page e in fifo_check_swap
page fault at 0x00005000: K/W [no page found].
swap_out: i 0, store page in vaddr 0x1000 to disk swap entry 2
swap_in: load disk swap entry 6 with swap_page in vadr 0x5000
write Virt Page a in fifo_check_swap
page fault at 0x00001000: K/R [no page found].
swap_out: i 0, store page in vaddr 0x2000 to disk swap entry 3
swap_in: load disk swap entry 2 with swap_page in vadr 0x1000
count is 7, total is 7
check_swap() succeeded!                            
++ setup timer interrupts
100 ticks
100 ticks
100 ticks



實驗三:虛擬記憶體管理 練習0:填寫已有實驗 參考實驗二中的做法,使用meld可以很快完成 練習1:給未被對映的地址對映上物理頁 1.1 ucore虛擬記憶體機制 ucore的虛擬記憶體管理總體框架主要包含 完成初始化虛擬記

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