1. 程式人生 > >Unity攝像機基本功能介紹



Unity's flexible Camera object 

Properties 屬性

  • Clear Flags 清除標識 Determines which parts of the screen will be cleared. This is handy when using multiple Cameras to draw different game elements.
  • Background 背景 Color applied to the remaining screen after all elements in view have been drawn and there is no skybox.
  • Culling Mask 消隱遮罩 Include or omit layers of objects to be rendered by the Camera. Assign layers to your objects in the Inspector.
  • Projection 投影 Toggles the camera's capability to simulate perspective.
  •     Perspective 透視 Camera will render objects with perspective intact.
  •     Orthographic 正交 Camera will render objects uniformly, with no sense of perspective.
  • Size 大小
    (when Orthographic is selected)
    The viewport size of the Camera when set to Orthographic.
  • Field of view 視野 Width of the Camera's view angle, measured in degrees along the local Y axis.
  • Clipping Planes 裁剪面 Distances from the camera to start and stop rendering.
  •     Near  The closest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.
  •     Far  The furthest point relative to the camera that drawing will occur.
  • Normalized View Port Rect
    規範化的視口矩形 Four values that indicate where on the screen this camera view will be drawn, in Screen Coordinates (values 0-1).
    標明這臺相機檢視將會在螢幕上繪製的螢幕座標(值0 - 1) 的4個值。
  •     X The beginning horizontal position that the camera view will be drawn.
  •     Y The beginning vertical position that the camera view will be drawn.
  •     W (Width) 寬度 Width of the camera output on the screen. 攝像機輸出在螢幕上的寬度。
  •     H (Height) 高度 Height of the camera output on the screen. 攝像機輸出在螢幕上的高度。
  • Depth 深度 The camera's position in the draw order. Cameras with a larger value will be drawn on top of cameras with a smaller value.
  • Rendering Path 渲染路徑 Options for defining what rendering methods will be used by the camera.
  •     Use Player Settings 使用玩家設定 This camera will use whichever Rendering Path is set in the Player Settings.
    在玩家設定(Player Settings.)相機使用哪個渲染路徑。
  •     Vertex Lit 頂點光照 All objects rendered by this camera will be rendered as Vertex-Lit objects.
  •     Forward 正向渲染 All objects will be rendered with one pass per material, as was standard in Unity 2.x.
    所有物件每材質渲染只渲染一次,和Unity 2.x中的標準一樣。
  •     Deferred Lighting 延遲照明
        (Unity Pro only) All objects will be drawn once without lighting, then lighting of all objects will be rendered together at the end of the render queue.
  • Target Texture 目標紋理
    (Unity Pro/Advanced only) Reference to a Render Texture that will contain the output of the Camera view. Making this reference will disable this Camera's capability to render to the screen.
    參見 渲染紋理 (Render Texture),渲染紋理 (Render Texture)包含相機檢視輸出。這會使相機渲染在螢幕上的能力被禁止。

Details 細節

Cameras are essential for displaying your game to the player. They can be customized, scripted, or parented to achieve just about any kind of effect imaginable. For a puzzle game, you might keep the Camera static for a full view of the puzzle. For a first-person shooter, you would parent the Camera to the player character, and place it at the character's eye level. For a racing game, you'd likely want to have the Camera follow your player's vehicle.


You can create multiple Cameras and assign each one to a different Depth. Cameras are drawn from low Depth to high Depth. In other words, a Camera with a Depth of 2 will be drawn on top of a Camera with a depth of 1. You can adjust the values of the Normalized View Port Rectangle property to resize and position the Camera's view onscreen. This can create multiple mini-views like missile cams, map views, rear-view mirrors, etc.

您可以建立多個攝像機(Cameras),每一個分配到不同的深度。相機從低深度到高深度進行繪製。換句話說,深度為2的攝像機將會繪製在深度為1的相機的上面。(深度為2的相機會在深度為1的相機繪製後繪製。)你可以調整規範化視口矩形( Normalized View Port Rectangle)的值來調整相機視口在螢幕上的大小和位置。這可以創造像導彈凸輪,地圖視野​​,後視鏡等多個迷你視野.(mini-views)

Render Path 渲染路徑

Unity supports different Rendering Paths. You should choose which one you use depending on your game content and target platform / hardware. Different rendering paths have different features and performance characteristics that mostly affect Lights and Shadows.
The rendering Path used by your project is chosen in Player Settings. Additionally, you can override it for each Camera.

Unity支援不同的渲染路徑。你應該根據你的遊戲內容和目標的平臺/硬體選擇使用哪一個(渲染路徑)。不同的渲染路徑具有不同的特點和效能特點,主要影響燈光與陰影。您的專案所使用的渲染路徑在玩家設定(Player Settings)裡選擇。此外,您可以每個攝像機中覆蓋它。

For more info on rendering paths, check the rendering paths page.


Clear Flags 清除標識

Each Camera stores color and depth information when it renders its view. The portions of the screen that are not drawn in are empty, and will display the skybox by default. When you are using multiple Cameras, each one stores its own color and depth information in buffers, accumulating more data as each Camera renders. As any particular Camera in your scene renders its view, you can set the Clear Flags to clear different collections of the buffer information. This is done by choosing one of the four options:


Skybox 天空盒

This is the default setting. Any empty portions of the screen will display the current Camera's skybox. If the current Camera has no skybox set, it will default to the skybox chosen in the Render Settings (found in Edit->Render Settings). It will then fall back to the Background Color. Alternatively a Skybox component can be added to the camera. If you want to create a new Skybox, you can use this guide.

這是預設設定。螢幕上的任何空的部分將顯示當前相機的天空盒。如果當前的相機沒有設定天空盒,它會預設在渲染設定(Render Settings )選擇天空盒(在 Edit->Render Settings可以找到)。它將會變回背景色。另外天空盒元件可以新增到相機上。如果你想建立一個新的天空盒,您可以使用本指南。(you can use this guide)

Solid Color 純色

Any empty portions of the screen will display the current Camera's Background Color.


Depth Only 僅深度

If you wanted to draw a player's gun without letting it get clipped inside the environment, you would set one Camera at Depth 0 to draw the environment, and another Camera at Depth 1 to draw the weapon alone. The weapon Camera's Clear Flags should be set to to depth only. This will keep the graphical display of the environment on the screen, but discard all information about where each object exists in 3-D space. When the gun is drawn, the opaque parts will completely cover anything drawn, regardless of how close the gun is to the wall.

如果你想繪製一個玩家的槍,又不讓它內部環境被裁剪,你會設定深度為0的相機繪製環境,和另一個深度為1的相機單獨繪製武器。武器相機的清除標誌(Clear Flags )應設定 為depth only。

The gun is drawn last, after clearing the depth buffer of the cameras before it

Don't Clear 不清除

This mode does not clear either the color or the depth buffer. The result is that each frame is drawn over the next, resulting in a smear-looking effect. This isn't typically used in games, and would likely be best used with a custom shader.

此模式不清除顏色或深度快取。每一幀在下一幀結束後繪製,看上去像是塗抹(smear-looking)的效果。這在遊戲中不常用,最好是在自定義著色器(custom shader)上使用。

Clip Planes 裁剪面

The Near and Far Clip Plane properties determine where the Camera's view begins and ends. The planes are laid out perpendicular to the Camera's direction and are measured from the its position. The Near plane is the closest location that will be rendered, and the Far plane is the furthest.


The clipping planes also determine how depth buffer precision is distributed over the scene. In general, to get better precision you should move the Near plane as far as possible.


Note that the near and far clip planes together with the planes defined by the field of view of the camera describe what is popularly known as the camera frustum. Unity ensures that when rendering your objects those which are completely outside of this frustum are not displayed. This is called Frustum Culling. Frustum Culling happens irrespective of whether you use Occlusion Culling in your game.

請注意,近裁剪面及遠裁剪面和以相機視野所定義的平面一起普遍稱為相機的平截頭體。Unity確保渲染物件時,那些完全超出這個平截頭體的物體不顯示。這就是所謂的平截頭體消隱(Frustum Culling)。不論你的遊戲是否使用遮擋剔除(Occlusion Culling),都會進行平截頭體剔除。

For performance reasons, you might want to cull small objects earlier. For example, small rocks and debris could be made invisible at much smaller distance than large buildings. To do that, put small objects into a separate layer and setup per-layer cull distances using Camera.layerCullDistances script function.


Culling Mask 消隱遮罩

The Culling Mask is used for selectively rendering groups of objects using Layers. More information on using layers can be found here.


Commonly, it is good practice to put your User Interface on a different layer, then render it by itself with a separate Camera set to render the UI layer by itself.


In order for the UI to display on top of the other Camera views, you'll also need to set the Clear Flags to Depth only and make sure that the UI Camera's Depth is higher than the other Cameras.

為了UI(使用者介面)渲染在其他相機的景物渲染之前,你需要設定清除標識( Clear Flags)為只深度(Depth only)確保UI相機的深度高於其他照相機。

Normalized Viewport Rectangle 規範化視口矩形

Normalized Viewport Rectangles are specifically for defining a certain portion of the screen that the current camera view will be drawn upon. You can put a map view in the lower-right hand corner of the screen, or a missile-tip view in the upper-left corner. With a bit of design work, you can use Viewport Rectangle to create some unique behaviors.

規範化視口矩形是專門為定義一個當前照相機將會繪製到的螢幕一個特定部分 。你可以在螢幕右下角的放置地圖檢視,或在左上角放置導彈提示檢視。你可以使用視口矩形創造一些獨特的行為。

It's easy to create a two-player split screen effect using Normalized Viewport Rectangle. After you have created your two cameras, change both camera H value to be 0.5 then set player one's Y value to 0.5, and player two's Y value to 0. This will make player one's camera display from halfway up the screen to the top, and player two's camera will start at the bottom and stop halfway up the screen.

使用規範化視口矩形(Normalized Viewport Rectangle)可以很容易地建立雙玩家(two-player)的分割畫面效果。建立了兩個攝像頭後,改變兩個相機的H值為0.5然後設定玩家1的Y值至0.5,玩家2的Y值設定為0。那麼玩家1的攝像機就會從螢幕的中間到頂部顯示,玩家2的攝像機就會從螢幕底部到螢幕中間顯示(把螢幕按上下分成2半,上半部分是玩家1的,下半部分是玩家2的)

Two-player display created with Normalized Viewport Rectangle
用規範化視口矩形制造 雙玩家 顯示

Orthographic 正交

Marking a Camera as Orthographic removes all perspective from the Camera's view. This is mostly useful for making isometric or 2D games.


Note that fog is rendered uniformly in orthographic camera mode and may therefore not appear as expected. Read more about why in the component reference on Render Settings.

注意霧是在正交相機模式下渲染,因此可能不會如預期般出現。想知道為什麼請看元件手冊裡的渲染設定(component reference on Render Settings.)。

Perspective camera. 透視相機

Orthographic camera. Objects do not get smaller with distance here!

Render Texture 渲染紋理

This feature is only available for Unity Advanced licenses . It will place the camera's view onto a Texture that can then be applied to another object. This makes it easy to create sports arena video monitors, surveillance cameras, reflections etc.

此功能僅Unity高階版提供。它將會把一個相機檢視放置在一個將被用在其他物體的紋理(Texture )上。這使得很容易地建立體壇視訊監控,監控攝像機,反射等。

A Render Texture used to create a live arena-cam

Hints 提示

  • Cameras can be instantiated, parented, and scripted just like any other GameObject. 
  • To increase the sense of speed in a racing game, use a high Field of View. 
    要增加一個賽車遊戲的速度感,使用了高視野(Field of View)。
  • Cameras can be used in physics simulation if you add a Rigidbody Component. 
    如果你新增剛體(Rigidbody )元件,相機可用於物理模擬。
  • There is no limit to the number of Cameras you can have in your scenes. 
  • Orthographic cameras are great for making 3D user interfaces 
  • If you are experiencing depth artifacts (surfaces close to each other flickering), try setting Near Plane to as large as possible. 
  • Cameras cannot render to the Game Screen and a Render Texture at the same time, only one or the other. 
  • Pro license holders have the option of rendering a Camera's view to a texture, called Render-to-Texture, for even more unique effects. 
  • Unity comes with pre-installed Camera scripts, found in Components->Camera Control. Experiment with them to get a taste of what's possible. 
    Unity伴隨著預先安裝的攝像機指令碼,在Components->Camera Control能找到。試用一下它們,看看能做什麼。



相機(Camera)是向玩家捕獲和顯示世界的裝置。通過自定義和操縱攝像機,你可以使你的遊戲表現得真正獨特。您在場景中攝像機的數量不受限制。他們可以以任何順序設定放置在螢幕上的任何地方,或在螢幕的某些部分。 Unity's flexible Camera object  U


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