阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-23
本次實驗使用Visual Studio 2012,建立一個貨幣類,並且使用它。
例子來源:《資料結構、演算法與應用 C++語言描述》機械工業出版社
*Name: TheClass.h
*Content: The definition of currency and illegalParameterValue
*Instructions: Used to define some classes
*Version: V1.0
*Author: Caddress
*Data: 20160226
#pragma once
using namespace std;
//Define an enumerated type
enum signType{plus, minus};
*Class: currency
*Members: amount
*Instructions: Class about currency
*Data Version Author Content
*20160226 V1.0 Caddress Declaration
class currency
//The constructor definition
currency(signType theSign = plus,
unsigned long theDollars = 0,
unsigned int theCent = 0);
//The destructor
~currency() {}
//Two member function for assignment
void setValue(signType, unsigned long, unsigned int);
void setValue(double);
//Get the currency symbol
signType getSign() const
{if (amount < 0) return minus;
else return plus;}
//Get the dollar value
unsigned long getDollars() const
{if (amount < 0) return (-amount)/100;
else return amount / 100;}
//Get the cent value
unsigned int getCents() const
{if (amount < 0) return -amount - getDollars() * 100;
else return amount - getDollars() * 100;}
//Reloading the "+" operator
currency operator+(const currency&) const;
//Reloading the "+=" operator
currency operator+=(const currency& x)
{amount += x.amount; return *this;}
//For the output in the specified format
void output(ostream&) const;
long amount;
*Class: illegalParameterValue
*Members: message
*Instructions: Class about Anomaly detection
*Data Version Author Content
*20160226 V1.0 Caddress Declaration
class illegalParameterValue
message("Illegal parameter value"){}
illegalParameterValue(char* theMessage)
{message = theMessage;}
void outputMessage() {cout << message << endl;}
string message;
//The constructor definition
currency::currency(signType theSign, unsigned long theDollars, unsigned int theCents)
setValue( theSign, theDollars, theCents);
//Three parameters initialization
void currency::setValue(signType theSign, unsigned long theDollars, unsigned int theCents)
if(theCents > 99)
throw illegalParameterValue("Cents should be < 100");
amount = theDollars * 100 + theCents;
if(theSign == minus) amount = -amount;
//Single parameter initialization
void currency::setValue(double theAmount)
if (theAmount < 0)
amount = (long) ((theAmount - 0.001) * 100);
amount = (long) ((theAmount + 0.001) * 100);
//Reloading the "+" operator.The definition.
currency currency::operator+(const currency& x) const
currency result;
result.amount = amount + x.amount;
return result;
//The definition of output function.
void currency::output(ostream& out) const
long theAmount = amount;
if (theAmount < 0) {out << '-'; theAmount = -theAmount;}
long dollars = theAmount / 100;
out << '$' << dollars << '.';
int cents = theAmount -dollars * 100;
if(cents < 10) out << '0';
out << cents;
//Reloading the "<<" operator.The definition.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const currency& x)
{ x.output(out); return out;}
*Name: TheClass.cpp
*Content: main function
*Instructions: Testing can be used currency class normally
*Version: V1.0
*Author: Caddress
*Data: 20160226
#include "TheClass.h"
*Function: main
*Input: void
*Output: string of results
*Return: 0
*Data Version Author Content
*20160226 V1.0 Caddress create
int main()
currency g, h(plus, 3, 50), i, j;
g.setValue(minus, 2, 25);
j = h + g;
cout << h << " + " << g << " = " << j << endl;
j = i + g + h;
cout << i << " + " << g << " + " << h << " =" << j << endl;
cout << "Increment " << i << " by " << g << " and then add " << h << endl;
j = (i += g) + h;
cout << "Result is " << j << endl;
cout << "Incremented object is " << i << endl;
cout << "Attempting to initialize with cents = 152" << endl;
try {i.setValue(plus, 3, 152);}
catch (illegalParameterValue e)
cout << "Caught thrown exception" << endl;
return 0;