softmax 函式
又稱為 normalized exponential function:is a generalization of the logistic function that “squashes” a K-dimensional vector
很顯然,這個式子將一個n維的張量輸入轉化為n維的數,其中每個數的範圍為0-1,所有數加起來為1。可以理解為為一種概率分佈(probability distribution),比如一個多 label 的分類任務(比如手寫字元識別0-9),其結果對應著分類結果為j的概率。
In probability theory, the output of the softmax function can be used to represent a categorical distribution – that is, a probability distribution over K different possible outcomes. In fact, it is the gradient-log-normalizer of the categorical probability distribution.[further explanation needed]
The softmax function is used in various multiclass classification methods, such as multinomial logistic regression (also known as softmax regression)[1]:206–209 [1], multiclass linear discriminant analysis, naive Bayes classifiers, and artificial neural networks.[2] Specifically, in multinomial logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis, the input to the function is the result of K distinct linear functions, and the predicted probability for the j’th class given a sample vector x and a weighting vector w[further explanation needed] is: