阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-24
用到CheckBox的按鈕居右處理,發現竟然沒有文字居右的選項。從面向物件的角度來說,咱要過載掉CreateParams重新建立一個新類,可是這個功能基本上很少用到啊,那麼就只能用Windows Api 函式直接修改啦。上程式碼:
function SetWinControlTextAlignment(const AControl: TWinControl; const Alignment: TAlignment = taLeftJustify): Boolean; var AStyle: Integer; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(AControl) then Exit; AStyle := GetWindowLong(AControl.Handle, GWL_STYLE); case Alignment of taLeftJustify: AStyle := AStyle or BS_LEFT; taRightJustify: AStyle := AStyle or BS_RIGHT; taCenter: AStyle := AStyle or BS_CENTER; end; SetWindowLong(AControl.Handle, GWL_STYLE, AStyle); AControl.Invalidate; Result := True; end; function SetWinControlTextLayout(const AControl: TWinControl; const TextLayout: TTextLayout = tlTop): Boolean; var AStyle: Integer; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(AControl) then Exit; AStyle := GetWindowLong(AControl.Handle, GWL_STYLE); case TextLayout of tlTop: AStyle := AStyle or BS_TOP; tlCenter: AStyle := AStyle or BS_CENTER; tlBottom: AStyle := AStyle or BS_BOTTOM; end; SetWindowLong(AControl.Handle, GWL_STYLE, AStyle); AControl.Invalidate; Result := True; end;