1. 程式人生 > >【Consul】Consul實踐指導-服務註冊(Service)


        服務發現是consul的另一主要功能。Consul Agent提供簡單的Service定義格式用於申報服務的可用性,並與健康檢查相關聯。如果健康檢查與服務關聯,則認為服務是應用級的。服務可以定義在配置檔案中或在執行時通過HTTP介面新增。 

1.1.1  Service Definition


  "service": {
    "name": "redis",
    "tags": ["master"],
    "address": "",
    "port": 8000,
    "enableTagOverride": false,
    "checks": [
        "script": "/usr/local/bin/check_redis.py",
        "interval": "10s"







        Service配置是可以過載的,兩種方法,1. 傳送SIGHUP 訊號到Agent;2. 通過HTTP API動態配置。

1.1.2  Multiple Service Definitions


  "services": [
      "id": "red0",
      "name": "redis",
      "tags": [
      "address": "",
      "port": 6000,
      "checks": [
          "script": "/bin/check_redis-p 6000",
          "interval": "5s",
          "ttl": "20s"
      "id": "red1",
      "name": "redis",
      "tags": [
      "address": "",
      "port": 7000,
      "checks": [
          "script": "/bin/check_redis-p 7000",
          "interval": "30s",
          "ttl": "60s"

1.1.3 Service and Tag Names with DNS

        Consul exposes service definitions and tags over the DNS interface. DNS queries have a strict set of allowed characters anda well-defined format that Consul cannot override. While it is possible toregister services or tags with names that don't match the conventions, thoseservices and tags will not be discoverable via the DNS interface. It isrecommended to always use DNS-compliant service and tag names.

DNS-compliant service and tag names may contain any alpha-numericcharacters, as well as dashes. Dots are not supported because Consul internallyuses them to delimit service tags.