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翻譯ecos 手冊----移植指南


eCos has been designed to be fairly easy to port to new targets. A target is a specific platform (board) using a given architecture (CPU type). The porting is facilitated by the hierarchical layering of the eCos sources - all architecture and platform specific code is implemented in a HAL (hardware abstraction layer).

By porting the eCos HAL to a new target the core functionality of eCos (infra, kernel, uITRON, etc) will be able to run on the target. It may be necessary to add further platform specific code such as serial drivers, display drivers, ethernet drivers, etc. to get a fully capable system.

 更好的新平臺移植性是eCos的設計的目標。 新平臺即使用既定的CPU架構,差異化的平臺實現。 分層式程式碼設計為系統移植提供了更大的便利---因為所有的架構和平臺特定的程式碼都通過HAL層進行了隔離。(不同平臺統一介面)

        這樣將eCos移植到一個新的平臺的核心工作就變成了HAL層以下程式碼的修改如:(infra, kernel, uITRON)等,完成前面的工作你的ecos系統就可以在新平臺運行了。 這可能涉及到對如:序列驅動器,顯示驅動器,乙太網驅動器等平臺相關的程式碼的修改與新增,輕鬆讓你的ecos系統具移植前平臺的同等功能。

This document is intended as a help to the HAL porting process. Due to the nature of a porting job, it is impossible to give a complete description of what has to be done for each and every potential target. This should not be considered a clear-cut recipe - you will probably need to make some implementation decisions, tweak a few things, and just plain have to rely on common sense.

However, what is covered here should be a large part of the process. If you get stuck, you are advised to read the ecos-discuss archive where you may find discussions which apply to the problem at hand. You are also invited to ask questions on the ecos-discuss mailing list to help you resolve problems - but as is always the case with community lists, do not consider it an oracle for any and all questions. Use common sense - if you ask too many questions which could have been answered by reading the documentation , FAQ or source code , you are likely to be ignored.

This document will be continually improved by Red Hat engineers as time allows. Feedback and help with improving the document is sought, so if you have any comments at all, please do not hesitate to post them on ecos-discuss (please prefix the subject with [porting]).

At the moment this document is mostly an outline. There are many details to fill in before it becomes complete. Many places you'll just find a list of keywords / concepts that should be described (please post on ecos-discuss if there are areas you think are not covered).

All pages or sections where the caption ends in [TBD] contain little more than key words and/or random thoughts - there has been no work done as such on the content. The word FIXME may appear in the text to highlight places where information is missing.


翻譯ecos 手冊----移植指南

Introduction eCos has been designed to be fairly easy to port to new targets. A target is a specific platform (board) using a given arc

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Android官方技術文件翻譯——Gradle 外掛使用者指南

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