1. 程式人生 > >ecos(redboot)移植剖析


不同平臺之間的移植(CPU相同,硬體平臺不同) mypath是ecos的安裝目錄 mypath/ecos/package/ecos.db記錄了現有的包(package)和目標板(target)描述.


Ecos的軟體分了若干的模組,移植工作主要在他的hal層進行(包含在package/hal路徑下),所謂hal(硬體抽象層)就是把和硬體相關的軟體湊到一起,因為其他大部分程式碼使用C和C++,和硬體都是無關的,所以主要研究這一部分程式碼就可以進行移植,實際工作更加簡單,因為ecos的HAL還分了幾層,Common HAL, Architecture HAL,Variant HAL,Platform HAL,這幾個層次同樣可以在軟體結構上找到對應關係,以三星的snds平臺為例,首先在hal路徑下可以看到common目錄,/hal/arm/arch/目錄,以及/hal/arm/snds/目錄。這和上面的幾層基本是對應的,當然這裡這裡面可以認為Variant HAL,Platform HAL合併了, 值得注意的是以上每個目錄下的cdl目錄下的cdl檔案,開啟configtool,在build->templete中選擇samsung snds平臺和redboot包後,可以看到出現相應的選項,其中有一個eCOSHal選項,該選項展開以後有ARMarchitecture,再展開以後還有SamsungSNDS evaluation board 選項,展開後同樣有諸多選項,分別開啟以上目錄中的cdl檔案,和這些選項對照,發現每一層的選項和每一層的CDL檔案中的描述一一對應(雖然不知道CDL檔案的語法,但對應關係還是很清晰)。可以說每一層之間相同的軟體模組都有很大的借鑑,(一般可以直接COPY,然後根據不同之處作相應的改動即可)。對於現代的CPU,因為是ARM體系的,所以位置和arm下其他cpu模組是並列的,同時可以大量借鑑。





Variant HAL
Some variant HALs may add extra files for variant specific serial drivers, or for handling interrupts/exceptions if it makes sense.

Note that these files may be mostly empty if the CPU variant can be controlled by the generic architecture macros. The definitions present are only conditionally defined - if the equivalent platform headers provide the definitions, those override the variant definitions.

File Description
include/var_arch.h Saved register frame format, various thread, register and stack related macros.
include/var_cache.h Cache related macros.
include/var_intr.h Interrupt related macros.
include/var_regs.h Extra register definitions for the CPU variant. include/variant.inc Various assembly macros used during system initialization.
src/var_intr.c Interrupt functions if necessary.
src/var_misc.c hal_variant_init function and any necessary extra functions.
src/variant.S Interrupt handler table definition.
src/<arch>_<variant>.ld Linker macros.

Platform HAL
Extras files may be added for platform specific serial drivers. Extra files for handling interrupts and exceptions will be present if it makes sense.

File Description

include/hal_diag.h Defines functions used for HAL diagnostics output. This would normally be the ROM calling interface wrappers, but may also be the low-level IO functions themselves, saving a little overhead.
include/platform.inc Platform initialization code. This includes memory controller, vectors, and monitor initialization. Depending on the architecture, other things may need defining here as well: interrupt decoding, status register initialization value, etc.
include/plf_cache.h Platform specific cache handling.
include/plf_intr.h Platform specific interrupt handling.
include/plf_io.h PCI IO definitions and macros. May also be used to override generic HAL IO macros if the platform endianness differs from that of the CPU.
include/plf_stub.h Defines stub initializer and board reset details. src/hal_diag.c May contain the low-level device drivers. But these may also reside in plf_stub.c
src/platform.S Memory controller setup macro, and if necessary interrupt springboard code.
src/plf_misc.c Platform initialization code.
src/plf_mk_defs.c Used to export definitions from C header files to assembler header files.
src/plf_stub.c Platform specific stub initialization and possibly the low-level device driver.



前面只是基本的剖析,有興趣的還是應該多看文件,多分析,後面會把看程式碼中的心得貼出大家共同學習。 有一個錯誤糾正一下,build目錄下存放的是編譯的目標檔案,不是原始檔。 redboot和自己的bootloader可以並行,實際上hal_platform_setup.h中實現了平臺的基本初始化,是通過PLATFORM_SETUP1這個巨集實現的。

如果沒有硬體板子,可以先簡單做一個軟體模擬,應用ADW除錯工具,在option選項中選擇configure----ARMulate-----configure,在其中設定必要的微處理器核心,和一些其他選項,[適應你的cpu] 就可以模擬了。[我的程式是在SDT環境下做的]



alias { "Dongsin HLAS" hal_arm_hlas arm_hlas_hal}
directory hal/arm/hlas
script hal_arm_hlas.cdl
hardware description " The HLAS HAL package provides the support needed to un eCos on a Dongsin HLAS eval board" }
target hlas {
alias { "Dongsin HLAS" HLAS hlas hlas100}
description " The hlas target provides the packages needed to run eCos on a Dongsin HLAS eval board." }
然後,修改我的packages CYGPKG_HAL_ARM_HLAS.CDL 大部分可以參考模板

三、 定義I/O moacos 在做這部分工作時一定要有耐性,定義要按照模板進行 這塊做的好會給以後的程式設計帶來方便。

四、 編寫基本的串列埠驅動了,
