1. 程式人生 > >docker build redmine for centos7

docker build redmine for centos7

1.run docker command

[root@VM_0_7_centos ~]# docker run --name=postgresql-redmine -d --env='DB_NAME=redmine_production' --env='DB_USER=redmine' --env='DB_PASS=password' sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-12
[[email protected]_0_7_centos ~]# docker run --name=redmine -d --link=postgresql-redmine:postgresql --publish=10083:80 --env='REDMINE_POST=10083' sameersbn/redmine:3.2.0-4
Unable to find image 'sameersbn/redmine:3.2.0-4' locally Trying to pull repository docker.io/sameersbn/redmine ... 3.2.0-4: Pulling from docker.io/sameersbn/redmine 8387d9ff0016: Already exists 3b52deaaf0ed: Already exists 4bd501fad6de: Already exists a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete 012013682669: Already exists 16325a98f6c8: Pull complete b7c84814a063: Pull complete d242f6983f8d: Pull complete 8f7aa319f1e8: Pull complete 0085fca6a23b: Pull complete b48b8dd1efcd: Pull complete Digest: sha256:3df4b64773a022cb7920d7a04e2303ada7385c5549db9f069d20267590f33a50 Status: Downloaded newer image for
docker.io/sameersbn/redmine:3.2.0-4 e92b61cf18c7807b3817a11951fb4742d4e6a44f70a85806c05db12d4dc18476

2.view docker images and port

[[email protected]_0_7_centos ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY                       TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker.io/wordpress              latest              9414
c91da9a8 9 days ago 408 MB docker.io/sameersbn/gitlab latest 50237d0663bd 11 days ago 2.09 GB docker.io/gitlab/gitlab-ce latest d87e1ba8aa5f 13 days ago 1.46 GB docker.io/sameersbn/redis latest ad607f019b8c 2 weeks ago 84.8 MB docker.io/mariadb latest 2c73b3262fff 2 weeks ago 363 MB docker.io/hello-world latest 2cb0d9787c4d 4 weeks ago 1.85 kB docker.io/sameersbn/gitlab 8.4.4 9d1069e2b30c 2 years ago 720 MB docker.io/sameersbn/redmine 3.2.0-4 7eb43870e9c7 2 years ago 636 MB docker.io/sameersbn/postgresql 9.4-12 a100f2a18ec3 2 years ago 231 MB [[email protected]_0_7_centos ~]# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e92b61cf18c7 sameersbn/redmine:3.2.0-4 "/sbin/entrypoint...." 2 minutes ago Up About a minute 443/tcp,>80/tcp redmine e038010f4bea sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-12 "/sbin/entrypoint.sh" 23 minutes ago Up 23 minutes 5432/tcp postgresql-redmine c23102334507 sameersbn/gitlab:8.4.4 "/sbin/entrypoint...." 6 hours ago Up 6 hours 443/tcp,>22/tcp,>80/tcp gitlab 511be91cca0a sameersbn/redis:latest "/sbin/entrypoint.sh" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours 6379/tcp gitlab-redis e9bba5e833b6 sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-12 "/sbin/entrypoint.sh" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours 5432/tcp gitlab-postgre-sql 8001906c5274 wordpress "docker-entrypoint..." 8 hours ago Up 8 hours>80/tcp MyWordPress da706ccdc499 mariadb "docker-entrypoint..." 8 hours ago Up 8 hours 3306/tcp db a650e5202d27 hello-world "/hello" 8 hours ago Exited (0) 8 hours ago thirsty_carson 3f42d867d0ba hello-world "/hello" 8 hours ago Exited (0) 8 hours ago peaceful_euclid

netstat -tlnp

[root@VM_0_7_centos ~]# netstat -tlnp
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name    
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      1/systemd           
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      827/httpd           
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      828/sshd            
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      14453/zabbix_agentd 
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      10745/zabbix_server 
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1219/mysqld         
tcp6       0      0 :::111                  :::*                    LISTEN      10815/rpcbind       
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      11164/docker-proxy- 
tcp6       0      0 :::3000                 :::*                    LISTEN      10278/grafana-serve 
tcp6       0      0 :::10080                :::*                    LISTEN      23918/docker-proxy- 
tcp6       0      0 :::10050                :::*                    LISTEN      14453/zabbix_agentd 
tcp6       0      0 :::10083                :::*                    LISTEN      31979/docker-proxy- 
tcp6       0      0 :::10051                :::*                    LISTEN      10745/zabbix_server 
tcp6       0      0 :::10022                :::*                    LISTEN      23928/docker-proxy-

3.access url

例如:使用Docker Compose來管理redmine專案,編寫.yml file

[[email protected]_0_7_centos redmine]# cat docker-compose.yml 
  image: sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-12
    - DB_NAME=redmine_production
    - DB_USER=redmine
    - DB_PASS=password

  image: sameersbn/redmine:3.2.0-4
    - postgresql:postgresql
    - "10083:80"
    - REDMINE_POST=10083
[[email protected]_0_7_centos redmine]# pwd
[[email protected]_0_7_centos redmine]#


[[email protected]_0_7_centos redmine]# docker-compose up -d
[[email protected]_0_7_centos redmine]# docker-compose start
Starting postgresql ... done
Starting redmine    ... done
[[email protected]_0_7_centos redmine]# docker-compose stop
Stopping redmine_redmine_1    ... done
Stopping redmine_postgresql_1 ... done
[[email protected]_0_7_centos redmine]# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                       PORTS                                                   NAMES
f3e8083dc3d5        sameersbn/redmine:3.2.0-4     "/sbin/entrypoint...."   About a minute ago   Exited (137) 5 seconds ago                                                           redmine_redmine_1
303f49fbe4b7        sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-12   "/sbin/entrypoint.sh"    About a minute ago   Exited (0) 3 seconds ago                                                             redmine_postgresql_1


docker build redmine for centos7

1.run docker command [root@VM_0_7_centos ~]# docker run --name=postgresql-redmine -d --env='DB_NAME=redmine_production' --env='D

Docker for Centos7 push ISO fail

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docker build

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SecureCRT/FX 8.0.0 (build 1063) for Windows 破解版

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Docker Compose 安裝 on centos7

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Virtualbox添加磁盤for Centos7

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3-3.5.1 docker build 用法

在包含Dockerfile 檔案的目錄下執行: docker build -t nginx:v3 . 即是建立了映象。 docker build  命令進行映象構建。其格式為: docker build [選項] <上下文路徑/URL/-> 映象構建上下文

docker build 報錯 The following signatures were invalid

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