1. 程式人生 > >淺談壓縮感知(十八):常見測量矩陣及其實現


function [ Phi ] = PartHadamardMtx( M,N )
%PartHadamardMtx Summary of this function goes here
%   Generate part Hadamard matrix 
%   M -- RowNumber
%   N -- ColumnNumber
%   Phi -- The part Hadamard matrix

%% parameter initialization
%Because the MATLAB function hadamard handles only the cases where
n, n/12, %or n/20 is a power of 2 L_t = max(M,N);%Maybe L_t does not meet requirement of function hadamard L_t1 = (12 - mod(L_t,12)) + L_t; L_t2 = (20 - mod(L_t,20)) + L_t; L_t3 = 2^ceil(log2(L_t)); L = min([L_t1,L_t2,L_t3]);%Get the minimum L %% Generate part Hadamard matrix Phi
= []; Phi_t = hadamard(L); RowIndex = randperm(L); Phi_t_r = Phi_t(RowIndex(1:M),:); ColIndex = randperm(L); Phi = Phi_t_r(:,ColIndex(1:N)); end