1. 程式人生 > >寫好一封郵件



  1. 收件人

    事件接棒人, 是需要對事件做出響應及跟進的人, 如果需要老闆處理, 那麼收件人就加上老闆, 而不是抄送

  2. 抄送人

    事件知會人, 只需要知道郵件的內容就可以了, 不必要一定做出響應或去跟進


寫上稱呼是一種禮貌的象徵, 尤其寫對外郵件的時候, 是必要項.

  • Dear LastName, 比較正式的場合
  • Hi FirstName, 朋友之間比較隨意的場合
  • Dear FirstName, 如果你不知道用什麼, 就用這個


  • 直奔主題, 言簡意賅, 以下給幾個例子來展示如何直奔主題
  1. I’m working on an article about xxx for yyy publication, and wondered if you had a few minutes to answer the following 3 questions.
    我正在寫一篇要交給yyy出版社的文章, 不知道您是否有時間回答下下面3個問題呢?

  2. Could you supply me with a quote for the following project?

  3. I’d like to discuss the revisions with you. Would Tuesday at 2pm be a good time?
    我想和你談談修訂的事情, 這週二下午2點您有空嗎?

  4. I’ve attached the documents you requested at our meeting yesterday.
    昨天會議上您要求的檔案已附上, 請查收.

  • 如果有問題需要提出, 或者需要重點突出的內容, 那麼將其放到 開頭

    . 如果問題放到最後, 收信人可能都不會留意到, 或者不會意識到你在等他的回覆.

  • 如果是諮詢郵件, 或者說明什麼產品, 那麼將問題(或特性)一點點的 編號 列出來.


  1. To inform 提供資訊

    The sender of the email wants to tell the receiver about something such as a new show coming to London. It might contain a link to the theatre. Generally speaking no reply is necessary. It can be a group email sent to a circle of friends, for example.

    Dear all,

    Hope you are all well. Just to let you know that The China National Peking Opera is coming to London at the end of November to perform classical Peking Opera and the show will only be on for 3 days, so grab your tickets soon. Here is the link xxx

  2. To inquire 詢問

    The sender needs some information and is expecting a reply.

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing to inquire about the rules regarding children travelling alone. For instance, can a 15 year old child travel on Air China alone? What should we do if there is not an adult to accompany the child?

    I look forward to your advice.

  3. To request 請求

    The sender is asking for permission to do something, such as an permission to leave 5 days for a trip.
    I’m writing to see whether it is possible for me to leave 5 days from next Monday for a trip with my family.

    Dear xxx

    I would be very grateful if you could consider my request.


  4. Stay in touch 保持聯絡

    Writing to say hello for the purpose of maintaining social connections, friendship and perhaps future collaboration.

    Hi xxx,

    How are you doing with your new job? It should be perfect, for you are a superman.
    I’m also busy these 2 months, and have not played any sports these days.

    Let me know when you will be free so we can have a game and a drink.



很重要, 一定不能有錯別字



  • 你是誰
  • 你來自哪裡
  • 你是做什麼的
  • 你的聯絡方式(電話, 工作地址)
  • 其他(例如你的社交網路賬號, 最新宣傳部落格等), 此條不適用與公司對公郵件