1. 程式人生 > >C++實現線性錶鏈式儲存結構的建立插入和刪除



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef int eletype;

struct Node
    eletype data;
    Node * next;
//typedef struct Node *LinkList;

void createLinkList(Node * L, int n);
void showLinkList(const Node * L, int n);
void insertLinkList(Node * L, int location, Node * e, int & n);
deleteLinkList(Node * L, int location, int & n); void clearLinkList(Node * L, int & n); int main() { int number; cout << "Please enter the number of linklist: "; cin >> number; Node * LinkList; //連結串列的頭指標 LinkList = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //為連結串列動態分配儲存空間
LinkList->next = NULL; LinkList->data = number; //頭指標的初始化 createLinkList(LinkList, number); showLinkList(LinkList, number); //實現在第loaction1位置處插入節點e int location1; cout << "Please enter a location of insert: "; cin >> location1; while (location1<=0
|| location1>number+1) { cout << "The loaction input is error, please enter a location ranges 1 to " << number+1 << endl; cout << "Please enter a location again: "; cin >> location1; } Node * e; e = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); cout << "Please enter the element of insert: "; cin >> e->data; insertLinkList(LinkList, location1, e, number); showLinkList(LinkList, number); //實現在location2位置處實現刪除節點e int location2; cout << "Please enter a location of delete: "; cin >> location2; while (location2<=0 || location2>number) { cout << "The loaction input is error, please enter a location ranges 1 to " << number << endl; cout << "Please enter a location again:"; cin >> location2; } deleteLinkList(LinkList, location2, number); showLinkList(LinkList, number); //實現單鏈表的整表刪除 clearLinkList(LinkList, number); cout << "The number of data is " << number << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }


void createLinkList(Node * L, int n)
    Node * p;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        cout << "Please enter the data of " << n-i << "-th:";
        cin >> p->data;
        p->next = L->next;
        L->next = p;


void insertLinkList(Node * L, int location, Node * e, int & n)
    for (int i = 0; i < location-1; i++)
        L = L->next;
    e->next = L->next;
    L->next = e;


void deleteLinkList(Node * L, int location, int & n)
    Node * e;
    for (int j = 0; j < location-1; j++)
        L = L->next;
    e = L->next;
    cout << "The delete emelemt is " << e->data << endl;
    L->next = e->next;


void showLinkList(const Node * L, int n)
    Node * p;
    p = L->next;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << "the data of " << i+1 << "-th is " << p->data << endl;
        cout << "The " << i+1 << "-th address is " << p << endl;
        p = p->next;


void clearLinkList(Node * L, int & n)
    int number = n;
    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
        Node * q;
        q = L->next;
        L->next = q->next;
    L->next = NULL;
