1. 程式人生 > >抽象資料型別——棧ADT(二)







 #ifndef _Stack_h

struct Node;
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
typedef PtrToNode Stack;

int IsEmpty( Stack
S); Stack CreateStack( void ); void DisposeStack( Stack S ); void MakeEmpty( Stack S ); void Push( ElementType X, Stack S ); ElementType Top( Stack S ); void Pop( Stack S ); #endif /*_Stack_h*/ struct Node { ElementType Element; PtrToNode Next; };
  • IsEmpty函式
int IsEmpty( Stack S )
    return S->Next
== NULL; }
  • CreateStack函式
Stack CreateStack( void )
    Stack S;

    S = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );
    if( S == NULL )
        FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
    S->Next == NULL;
    MakeEmpty( S );
    return S;

void MakeEmpty( Stack S )
    if( S == NULL )
        Error( "Must use CreateStack first"
); else while( !IsEmpty( S ) ) Pop( S ); }
  • Push函式
void Push( ElementType X, Stack S )
    PtrToNode TmpCell;

    TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );
    if( TmpCell == NULL )
        FatalError( "Out of Space!!!" );/*如果指標為空,就退出程式*/
        TmpCell->Element = X;
        TmpCell->Next = S->Next;
        S->Next = TmpCell;
  • Top函式
ElementType Top( Stack S )
    if( !IsEmpty( S ) )
        return S->Next->Element;
    Error( "Empty stack" );
    return 0;
  • Pop函式
void Pop( Stack S )
    PtrToNode FirstCell;

    if( IsEmpty( S ) )
        Error( "Empty stack" );
        FirstCell = S->Next;
        S->Next = S->Next->Next;
        free( FirstCell );




 #ifndef _Stack_h

struct StackRecord;
typedef struct StackRecord *Stack;

int IsEmpty( Stack S );/*檢測一個棧是否為空棧*/
int IsFull( Stack S );
Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements );/*棧的建立*/
void DisposeStack( Stack S );/*釋放棧*/
void MakeEmpty( Stack S );/*建立一個空棧*/
void Push( ElementType X, Stack S );/*進棧的例程*/
ElementType Top( Stack S );/*將棧頂返回*/
void Pop( Stack S );/*從棧彈出元素的例程*/
ElementType TopAndPop( Stack S );

#define EmptyTOS ( -1 )
#define MinStackSize ( 5 )

struct StackRecord
    int Capacity;
    int TopOfStack;
    ElementType *Array;
  • CreateStack函式`
Stack CreateStack( int MaxElements )
    Stack S;
    if( MaxElements < MinStackSize )
        Error( "Stack size is too small" );
    S = malloc( sizeof( struct StackRecord ) );
    if( S == NULL )
        FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
    S->Array = malloc( sizeof(ElementType)*MaxElements );
    if( S->Array == NULL )
        FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
    S->Capacity = MaxElements;
    MakeEmpty( S );
    return S;
  • DisposeStack函式
void DisposeStack( Stack S )
    if( S != NULL )
        free( S->Array );
        free( S );
  • IsEmpty函式
int IsEmpty( Stack S )
    return S->TopOfStack == EmptyTOS;
  • IsFull函式
int IsFull( Stack S )
    return S->TopOfStack == MaxElements-1;
  • MakeEmpty函式
void MakeEmpty( Stack S )
    S->TopOfStack = EmptyTOS;
  • Push函式
void Push( ElementType X, Stack S )
    if( IsFull( S ) )
        Error( "Full Stack " );
        S->Array[ ++S->TopOfStack ] = X;
  • Top函式
ElementType Top( Stack S )
    if( !IsEmpty( S ) )
        return  S->Array[ S->TopOfStack ];
    Error( "Empty stack " );
    return 0;
  • Pop函式
void Pop( Stack S )
    if( IsEmpty( S ) )
        Error( "Empty stack" );
  • TopAndPop函式
ElementType TopAndPop( Stack S )
    if( !IsEmpty( S ) )
        return S->Array[ S->TopOfStack-- ];
    Error( "Empty stack " );
    return 0;
