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Oracle EBS R12實用配置檔案列表

Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library

This section lists each profile option in Oracle Application Object Library. These profile options are grouped into categories based on their functional area and are available to every product in Oracle Applications. For each profile option, we give a brief overview of how Oracle Application Object Library uses the profile’s setting.

Unless otherwise noted, a profile option uses the Security hierarchy type.

A table is provided for most profile options that lists the access levels for the profile option (at which levels the system administrator can set the profile option). For Security profile options, there are four possible levels at which system administrators can view and update a profile option value: site, application, responsibility, and user. This table lists whether the profile option’s value is visible at each of these levels, and whether it is updatable at each level.

Concurrent Processing Execution

The internal name for this profile category is FND_CP_EXECUTION.

Concurrent:Active Request Limit

You can limit the number of requests that may be run simultaneously by each user. or for every user at a site. If you do not specify a limit, no limit is imposed.

Users cannot see or update this profile option.

This profile option is visible and updatable at all four levels.

Level Visible Allow Update
Site Yes Yes
Application No No
Responsibility No No
User Yes Yes

The internal name for this profile option is CONC_REQUEST_LIMIT.

Concurrent:Attach URL

Setting this option to “Yes” causes a URL to be attached to request completion notifications. When a user submits a request, and specifies people to be notified in the Defining Completion Options region, everyone specified is sent a notification when the request completes. If this profile option is set to Yes, a URL is appended to the notification that enables them to view the request results online.

Only the System Administrator can update this profile option.

Users can see but not update this profile option.

This profile options is visible at all levels but can only updated at the Site level.

Level Visible Allow Update
Site Yes Yes
Application Yes Yes
Responsibility Yes Yes
User Yes Yes

The internal name for this profile option is CONC_ATTACH_URL.

Concurrent:Conflicts Domain

Specify a conflict domain for your data. A conflict domain identifies the data where two incompatible programs cannot run simultaneously.

Users can see but not update this profile option.

This profile option is visible and updatable at all four levels.

Level Visible Allow Update
Site Yes Yes
Application Yes Yes
Responsibility Yes Yes
User Yes Yes

The internal name for this profile option is CONC_CD_ID.

Concurrent:Collect Request Statistics

Set this profile option to “Yes” to have statistics for your runtime concurrent processes collected.

To review the statistics you must run the Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data program to process the raw data and have it write the computed statistics to the FND_CONC_STAT_SUMMARY table. You can then retrieve your data from this table using SQL*PLUS or on a report by report basis using the Diagnostics window from the Requests window.

Users cannot see nor change this profile option.

This profile option is visible at all levels but can only be updated at the Site level.

Level Visible Allow Update
Site Yes Yes
Application Yes Yes
Responsibility Yes No
User Yes No

The internal name for this profile option is CONC_REQUEST_STAT.

Concurrent:Date Parameter Increment Option

Use this profile to control how date parameters are automatically incremented for concurrent requests. In the Standard Request Submission window, the user can specify if to run a request periodically. The user can then specify that the interval be based on the start date of the requests, or specify the interval using a unit of time and number of units.

If this profile is set to “Start Date” then the date parameters for a given request will be incremented according to the difference between the requested start date of the request and the requested start date of the previous request. If this profile is set to “Resubmit” any date parameters are incremented according to the current request’s date parameter and the amount of time represented by the number of units (RESUBMIT_INTERVAL) and the unit of time (RESUBMIT_INTERVAL_UNIT_CODE).

Level Visible Allow Update
Site Yes Yes
Application Yes No
Responsibility Yes No
User Yes No

The internal name for this profile option is CONC_DATE_INCREMENT_OPTION.

Concurrent:Hold Requests

You can automatically place your concurrent requests on hold when you submit them.

The default is “No”. The concurrent managers run your requests according to the priority and start time specified for each.

Changing this value does not affect requests you have already submitted.

“Yes” means your concurrent requests and reports are automatically placed on hold. To take requests off hold, you:

  • Navigate to the Requests window to select a request
  • Select the Request Control tabbed region
  • Uncheck the Hold check box

Users can see and update this profile option.

This profile option is visible and updatable at all four levels.

Level Visible Allow Update
Site Yes Yes
Application Yes Yes
Responsibility Yes Yes
User Yes Yes

The internal name for this profile option is CONC_HOLD.

Concurrent:Multiple Time Zones

“Yes” sets the default value to ‘Sysdate-1’ for the ‘Schedules Start Date’ used by request submissions. Sysdate-1 ensures that you request is scheduled immediately regardless of which time zone your client session is running in. You should use this profile option when the client’s session is running in a different time zone than the concurrent manager’s session.

Users cannot see nor change this profile option.

This profile option is visible at all four levels and updatable at the Site level.

Level Visible Allow Update


Oracle EBS R12實用配置檔案列表

Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library This section lists each profile option in Oracle Application Object Library. T

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