1. 程式人生 > >Unity打包平臺設定



To see the Player Settings choose Edit->Project Settings->Player from the menu bar.

從選單欄檢視播放器設定,選擇 Edit->Project Settings->Player

Global Settings that apply to any project you create.

  • Cross-Platform Properties 跨平臺特性
  • Company Name 公司名稱 The name of your company. This is used to locate the preferences file.
    您的公司名稱, 這是用來設定引數檔案。
  • Product Name 產品名稱 The name that will appear on the menu bar when your game is running and is used to locate the preferences file also.
  • Default Icon 預設圖示 Default icon the application will have on every platform (You can override this later for platform specific needs).

Per-Platform Settings 各平臺設定


Web-Player Web播放器

Resolution And Presentation 解析度和描述

  • Resolution 解析度
  • Default Screen Width
    Screen Width the player will be generated with.
  • Default Screen Height
    預設螢幕高度 Screen Height the player will be generated with.
  • Run in background
    後臺執行 Check this if you dont want to stop executing your game if the player looses focus.
  • WebPlayer Template
    網路播放器模板 For more information you should check the "Using WebPlayer templates page", note that for each built-in and custom template there will be an icon in this section.

Icon 圖示

Icons don't have any meaning for most webplayer builds but they are needed for Native Client builds used as Chrome applications. You can set these icons here.


Other Settings 其他設定

  • Rendering 渲染
  • Rendering Path 渲染路徑 This property is shared between Standalone and WebPlayer content.
  •     Vertex Lit 頂點光照 Lowest lighting fidelity, no shadows support. Best used on old machines or limited mobile platforms.
  •     Forward with Shaders 
        正向著色器 Good support for lighting features; limited support for shadows.
  •     Deferred Lighting 
        延時光照 Best support for lighting and shadowing features, but requires certain level of hardware support. Best used if you have many realtime lights. Unity Pro only.
  • Color Space 色彩空間 The color space to be used for rendering 用於渲染的色彩空間
  •     GammaSpace Rendering
        伽馬空間渲染 Rendering is gamma-corrected 
  •     Linear Rendering
        線性渲染 Rendering is done in linear space 
  • Hardware Sampling 硬體取樣
  • Static Batching
    靜態批處理 Set this to use Static batching on your build (Inactive by default in webplayers). Unity Pro only.
    編譯時設定使用靜態批處理(在Web播放器中預設無效)。 Unity 專業版功能 。
  • Dynamic Batching 
    動態批處理 Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (Activated by default).
  • Streaming 流處理
  • First Streamed Level
    首先流處理的關卡 If you are publishing a Streamed Web Player, this is the index of the first level that will have access to all Resources.Load assets.
    如果你想釋出流媒體網路播放器, 這是第一個關卡的索引,它將訪問所有Resources.Load載入的資源。

Standalone 單機

Resolution And Presentation 解析度和描述

  • Resolution 解析度
  • Default Screen Width
    預設螢幕寬度 Screen Width the stand alone game will be using by default.
  • Default Screen Height
    預設螢幕高度 Screen Height the plater will be using by default.
  • Run in background
    後臺執行 Check this if you dont want to stop executing your game if it looses focus.
  • Standalone Player Options 單機遊戲播放器選項
  • Default is Full Screen
    預設為全屏 Check this if you want to start your game by default in full screen mode.
  • Capture Single Screen
    捕獲單屏 If enabled, standalone games in fullscreen mode will not darken the secondary monitor in multi-monitor setups.
  • DisplayResolution Dialog 顯示解析度對話方塊
  •     Disabled 禁用 No resolution dialog will appear when starting the game.
  •     Enabled 啟用 Resolution dialog will always appear when the game is launched.
  • Hidden by default 預設隱藏 The resolution player is possible to be opened only if you have pressed the "alt" key when starting the game.
  • Use Player Log 使用播放器日誌 Write a log file with debugging information.
  • Mac App Store Validation
    Mac應用商店驗證 Enable receipt validation for the Mac App Store.
  • Supported Aspect Ratios
    支援的長寬比 Aspect Ratios selectable in the Resolution Dialog will be monitor-supported resolutions of enabled items from this list.

Icon 圖示

  • Override for Standalone
    覆蓋圖示 Check if you want to assign a custom icon you would like to be used for your standalone game. Different sizes of the icon should fill in the squares below.

Splash Image 開機畫面

  • Config Dialog Banner
    配置對話方塊橫幅 Add your custom splash image that will be displayed when the game is starting.

Other Settings 其他設定

  • Rendering 渲染
  • Rendering Path 渲染路徑 This property is shared between Standalone and WebPlayer content.
  •     Vertex Lit 頂點光照 Lowest lighting fidelity, no shadows support. Best used on old machines or limited mobile platforms.
  •     Forward with Shaders
        正向著色器 Good support for lighting features; limited support for shadows.
  •     Deferred Lighting
        延時光照 Best support for lighting and shadowing features, but requires certain level of hardware support. Best used if you have many realtime lights. Unity Pro only.
  • Color Space 色彩空間 The color space to be used for rendering 用於渲染的色彩空間
  •     GammaSpace Rendering
        伽馬空間渲染 Rendering is gamma-corrected
  •     Linear Rendering 線性渲染 Rendering is done in linear space
  • Hardware Sampling 硬體取樣
  • Static Batching 靜態批處理 Set this to use Static batching on your build (Inactive by default in webplayers). Unity Pro only.
    編譯時設定使用靜態批處理(在Web播放器中預設無效)。 Unity 專業版功能 。
  • Dynamic Batching 動態批處理 Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (Activated by default).
  • API Compatibility Level API相容性級別
  •     .Net 2.0 .Net 2.0 libraries. Maximum .net compatibility, biggest file sizes
    .Net 2.0 庫。 最大.net 相容性, 最大檔案大小。
  •     .Net 2.0 Subset
        .Net 2.0 子集 Subset of full .net compatibility, smaller file sizes
    完整的子集 .net 相容性,較小的檔案大小。

Resolution And Presentation 解析度和描述

  • Resolution 解析度
  • Default Orientation 預設方向 (This setting is shared between iOS and Android devices)
  •     Portrait 縱向 The device is in portrait mode, with the device held upright and the home button at the bottom.
  •     Portrait Upside Down (iOS Only)
        縱向倒置 (僅iOS) The device is in portrait mode but upside down, with the device held upright and the home button at the top.
  •     Landscape Right (iOS Only)
        右橫向 (僅iOS) The device is in landscape mode, with the device held upright and the home button on the leftside.
  •     Landscape Left
        左橫向 The device is in landscape mode, with the device held upright and the home button on the rightside.
  •     Auto Rotation 自動旋轉 The screen orientation is automatically set based on the physical device orientation.
  • Auto Rotation settings 自動旋轉設定
  •     Use Animated Autorotation
        使用帶動畫的自動旋轉 When checked, orientation change is animated. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
  • Allowed Orientations for Auto Rotation 允許方向為自動旋轉
  •     Portrait 縱向 When checked, portrait orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
  •     Portrait Upside Down
        縱向且上下顛倒 When checked, portrait upside down orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
  •     Landscape Right
        右橫向 When checked, landscape right (home button on the left side) orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
    當勾選,右允許橫向(home 鍵左邊)這僅適用於預設方向設定為自動旋轉時。
  •     Landscape Left
        左橫向 When checked, landscape left (home button is on the right side) orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
    當勾選,允許左橫向(home 鍵右邊)這僅適用於預設方向設定為自動旋轉時。
  • Status Bar 狀態列
  • Status Bar Hidden 隱藏狀態列 Specifies whether the status bar is initially hidden when the application launches.
  • Status Bar Style 狀態列樣式 Specifies the style of the status bar as the application launches
  •     Default 預設
  •     Black Translucent 黑色半透明
  •     Black Opaque 黑色不透明
  • Use 32-bit Display Buffer
    使用32位顯示緩衝器 Specifies if Display Buffer should be created to hold 32-bit color values (16-bit by default). Use it if you see banding, or need alpha in your ImageEffects, as they will create RTs in same format as Display Buffer.
  • Show Loading Indicator
    顯示載入條 Options for the loading indicator 
  •     Don't Show 不顯示 No indicator 無載入條
  •     White Large 白色大 Indicator shown large and in white 載入條較大,並且為白色
  •     White 白色 Indicator shown at normal size in white 載入條為正常大小,並且為白色
  •     Gray 灰色 Indicator shown at normal size in gray 載入條為正常大小,並且為灰色

Icon 圖示

  • Override for iOS
    覆蓋圖示 Check if you want to assign a custom icon you would like to be used for your iPhone/iPad game. Different sizes of the icon should fill in the squares below.
  • Prerendered icon 預渲染圖示 If unchecked iOS applies sheen and bevel effects to the application icon.

Splash Image 開機畫面

  • Mobile Splash Screen 手機開機畫面
    (Pro-only feature)(專業版功能) Specifies texture which should be used for iOS Splash Screen. Standard Splash Screen size is 320x480.(This is shared between Android and iOS)
    指定用於IOS開機畫面紋理。 標準開機畫面的尺寸為320x480。(此項與Android 和 iOS共享)
  • High Res. iPhone (Pro-only feature)
    iphone高解析度開機畫面(專業版功能) Specifies texture which should be used for iOS 4th gen device Splash Screen. Splash Screen size is 640x960.
    指定用於IOS第四代裝置的開機畫面紋理。 開機畫面的尺寸為640x960。
  • iPad Portrait (Pro-only feature)
    iPad縱向(專業版功能) Specifies texture which should be used as iPad Portrait orientation Splash Screen. Standard Splash Screen size is 768x1024.
    指定用於iPad縱向的開機畫面紋理。 標準開機畫面的尺寸為768x1024。
  • iPad Landscape (Pro-only feature)
    iPad橫向(專業版功能) Specifies texture which should be used as iPad Landscape orientation Splash Screen. Standard Splash Screen size is 1024x768.
    指定用於iPad橫向的開機畫面紋理。 標準開機畫面的尺寸為1024x768。

Other Settings 其它設定

  • Rendering 渲染
  • Static Batching 靜態批處理 Set this to use Static batching on your build (Activated by default). Pro-only feature.
    設定使用Static batching編譯(預設啟用的)。僅專業版功能
  • Dynamic Batching 動態批處理 Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (Activated by default).
    設定使用Dynamic batching編譯(預設啟用的)。
  • Identification 識別符號
  • Bundle Identifier 包識別符號 The string used in your provisioning certificate from your Apple Developer Network account(This is shared between iOS and Android)
    從蘋果開發者網路帳戶在你的證書中使用的字串。(此項與iOS 和 Android共享)
  • Bundle Version 包版本 Specifies the build version number of the bundle, which identifies an iteration (released or unreleased) of the bundle. This is a monotonically increased string, comprised of one or more period-separated
    指定該包的版本號,包的迭代版本號(釋出或未釋出的)。這是單一性的增加字串,由一個或多個句點分割。 (此項與iOS 和 Android共享)
  • Configuration 配置
  • Target Device 目標裝置 Specifies application target device type. 指定應用程式目標裝置型別。
  •     iPhone Only Application is targeted for iPhone devices only.
  •     iPad Only Application is targeted for iPad devices only.
  •     iPhone + iPad Application is targeted for both iPad and iPhone devices.
    應用程式目標為iPad and iPhone裝置。
  • Target Platform 目標平臺 Specifies the target arquitecture you are going to build for.(This setting is shared between iOS and Android Platforms)
    指定你將要編譯的目標架構(此項與Android 和 iOS平臺共享)
  •     armv6 (OpenGL ES1.1) Application is optimized for armv6 chipsets 
  •     Universal armv6+armv7
        (OpenGL ES1.1+2.0) Application supports both armv6 and armv7 chipsets. Note: increases application distribution size
    應用程式支援armv6和armv7晶片組。 注意: 將會增加應用程式的大小
  •     armv7 Application is optimized for armv7 chipsets. 1st-2nd gen. devices are not supported. There might be additional requirements for this build target imposed by Apple App Store. Defaults to OpenGL ES 2.0.
    對於armv7晶片組優化的應用程式,不支援一代和二代裝置。對於此編譯目標蘋果應用商店有可能額外強加要求,預設 OpenGL ES 2.0。
  • Target Resolution 目標解析度 Resolution you want to use on your deployed device.(This setting will not have any effect on devices with maximum resolution of 480x320)
  •     Native(Default Device Resolution)
        本地(預設裝置解析度) Will use the device native resolution. 
  •     Standard 標準(中低解析度)
        (Medium or Low Resolution) Use the lowest resolution possible (480x320).
  •     HD 高清 (最高解析度)
        (Highest available resolution) Use the maximum resolution allowed on the device (960x640).
    使用裝置允許最大的解析度 (960x640)。
  • Accelerometer Frequency
    加速計頻率 How often the accelerometer is sampled
  •     Disabled 禁用 Accelerometer is not sampled 加速計不採樣
  •     15Hz 15 samples per second 每秒15次
  •     30Hz 30 samples per second 每秒30次
  •     60Hz 60 samples per second 每秒60次
  •     100Hz 100 samples per second 每秒100次
  • Override iPod Music
    覆蓋iPod音樂 If selected application will silence user's iPod music. Otherwise user's iPod music will continue playing in the background.
  • UI Requires Persistent WiFi
    使用者介面需要持久WiFi連結 Specifies whether the application requires a Wi-Fi connection. iOS maintains the active Wi-Fi connection open while the application is running.
  • Exit on Suspend
    退出後掛起 Specifies whether the application should quit when suspended to background on iOS versions that support multitasking.
  • Optimization 優化
  • Api Compatibility Level 
    API相容性級別 Specifies active .NET API profile
    指定可用的 .NET API 設定檔
  • .Net 2.0 .Net 2.0 libraries. Maximum .net compatibility, biggest file sizes
    Net 2.0 庫. 最大的.net 相容性,最大檔案大小
  • .Net 2.0 Subset 
    .Net 2.0子集 Subset of full .net compatibility, smaller file sizes
    完整的子集 .net 相容性,較小的檔案大小
  • AOT compilation options
    AOT編譯器選項 Additional AOT compiler options.
  • SDK Version
    SDK版本 Specifies iPhone OS SDK version to use for building in Xcode
  •     iOS 4.0 iOS SDK 4.0.
  •     iOS Simulator 4.0 iOS Simulator 4.0. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.
    iOS 模擬器 4.0,對於這個SDK版本編譯的應用程式,只能夠從SDK4的模擬器上執行。
  •     iOS 4.1 iOS 4.1.
  •     iOS Simulator 4.1 iOS Simulator 4.1. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.x.
    iOS 模擬器 4.1,對於這個SDK版本編譯的應用程式,只能夠從SDK 4.x的模擬器上執行。
  •     iOS 4.2 iOS 4.2.
  •     iOS Simulator 4.2 iOS Simulator 4.2. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.x.
    iOS 模擬器 4.2,對於這個SDK版本編譯的應用程式,只能夠從SDK 4.x的模擬器上執行。
  •     iOS 4.3 iOS 4.3.
  •     iOS Simulator 4.3 iOS Simulator 4.3. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.x.
    iOS 模擬器 4.3,對於這個SDK版本編譯的應用程式,只能夠從SDK 4.x的模擬器上執行。
  •     iOS 5.0 iOS 5.0
  •     iOS Simulator 5.0 iOS Simulator 5.0. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 5.x.
    iOS 模擬器 5.0,對於這個SDK版本編譯的應用程式,只能夠從SDK 5.x的模擬器上執行。
  •     iOS latest 最新的iOS Latest available iOS SDK. Available since iOS SDK 4.2. (default value)
    最新可用的iOS SDK, 自iOS SDK 4.2以後可用 (預設值)
  •     iOS Simulator latest
        最新的iOS模擬器 Latest available iOS Simulator SDK. Available since iOS SDK 4.2.
    最新可用的iOS模擬器 SDK,自iOS SDK 4.2以後可用。
  •     Unknown 未知 iOS SDK version is not managed by Unity Editor.
    iOS SDK version 沒有被Unity託管。
  • Target iOS Version
    目標IOS版本 Specifies lowest iOS version where final application will able to run
  •     3.0 iPhone OS 3.0. (default value)
  •     3.1 iPhone OS 3.1.
  •     3.1.2 iPhone OS 3.1.2.
  •     3.1.3 iPhone OS 3.1.3.
  •     3.2 iPhone OS 3.2.
  •     4.0 iPhone OS 4.0.
  •     4.1 iPhone OS 4.1.
  •     4.2 iPhone OS 4.2.
  •     4.3 iPhone OS 4.3.
  •     5.0 iPhone OS 5.0
  •     Unknown 未知 iPhone OS SDK version is not managed by Unity Editor.
  • Stripping Level (Pro-only feature)
    剝離級別(專業版功能) Options to strip out scripting features to reduce built player size(This setting is shared between iOS and Android Platforms)
  •     Disabled 禁用 No reduction is done. 不減少。
  •     Strip Assemblies 剝離程式集 Level 1 size reduction. 1級大小減少。
  •     Strip ByteCode 剝離字符集 Level 2 size reduction (includes reductions from Level 1).
  •     Use micro mscorlib Level 3 size reduction (includes reductions from Levels 1 and 2).
  • Script Call Optimization
    指令碼呼叫優化 Optionally disable exception handling for a speed boost at runtime
  •     Slow and Safe 緩慢而安全 Full exception handling will occur with some performance impact on the device