1. 程式人生 > >英語語法之動詞時態






       過去         現在        將來                 過去將來      

一般       did     do       will shall do  should would do       

進行       was were doing    am is are doing     will shall be doing           

完成       had done have has done       will shall have done       should would have done用於虛擬語氣

完成進行        had been doing   have has beendoing                   


       過去          現在     將來       過去將來         

一般       was were given      am is are given       willshall be given  should would be given     

進行       was were being given     am is are being given                   

完成       had been given       have has been given       willshall have been given     should wouldhave been given        


CET-4 常考的三種時態:過去完成時;將來完成時;(現在過去)完成進行時。


       一般過去時           所有的過去

用    一般現在時    表示       現在和將來

       現在完成時          現在完成和將來完成


1 將來完成時

By the end of the year all but two people______.

A)have left B)will leave

C)will be leaving D)will have left


It's reported that by the end of this monththe output of cement in the factory ______ by about 10%.

A)will have risen B)has risen

C)will be rising D)has been rising

據報告,到本月底,這個工廠的水泥產量,將提高大約10%。(96.1-39, A對) 

The conference ______ a full week by thetime it ends.

A)must have lasted B)will have lasted

C)would last D)has lasted

到會議結束時,會議就將開滿整整一週了。(97.1-22, B對) 

My train arrives in New York at eight O'clock tonight. The planeI would like to take from there ______ by then.

A)would leave B)will have left

C)has left D)had left

我的火車將在今晚八點到達紐約,我要乘坐的飛機到時已經離開了。 (99.1-47,B對)

2 一般過去時

The last half of the nineteenth century______ the steady improvement in the means of travel.

A)has witnessed B)was witnessed

C)witnessed D)is witnessed


used to 表示“過去曾經,現已不再”: 

The Browns ______ here, but not any more.

A)were used to living B)had lived

C)used to live D)had been living


3 一般將來時

Turn on the television or open a magazineand you ______advertisements showing happy, balanced families.

A)are often seeing B)often see

C)will often see D)have often seen


While people may refer to television forup-to-the-minute news,

it is unlikely that television ______ thenewspaper completely.

A)replaced B)have replaced

C)replace D)will replace


4 過去完成時

Before the first non-stop flight made in1949, it ______ necessary for all planes to land for refueling.

A)would be B)has been

C)had been D)would have been


Until then, his family ______ from him forsix months.

A)didn't hear B)hasn't been hearing

C)hasn't heard D)hadn't heard

到那時候為止,他的家人已經六個月沒有收到他的來信了。(97.1-21, D對)

5 一般現在時

Once environmental damage ______, it takesmany years for the system to recover.

A)has done B)is to do C)does D)is done


If she doesn't tell him the truth now,he'll simply keep on asking her until she ______.

A)does B)has done C)will do D)would do


(98.6-53, A對)





一般形式:Hedecided to work harder in order to catch up with the others.

被動形式: Hepreferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.

          語法功能:  表示與謂語動詞同步發生

完成形式:Hepretended not to have seen me.

被動形式:The bookis said to have been translated into many languages.





3)不定式充當名詞功能---To see is to believe.


   1)感官動詞 see, watch, observe, notice,look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel

+ do 表示動作的完整性,真實性;

+ doing 表示動作的連續性,進行性

 I saw himwork in the garden yesterday.


 I saw himworking in the garden yesterday.


感官動詞後面接形容詞而不是副詞:The cake tastes good; It feels comfortable.

 2) 使役動詞   have bid make let 等詞後不定式要省略但同1)一樣被動以後要還原to

I ‘d like to have John do it.

I have my package weighed.

Paul doesn’t have to be made to learn.

 3)help   help sb do    help sb to do   help do help to do


want,wish,hope,manage,promise,refuse,pretend,plan, offer,decide,agree,expect   allow sb to do,  cause sb to do , permit sb to do, enable sbto do

force sb to do. be more likely to do  love to do warn sb to do  be able to do

be  ambitious to do. begin to do . start to do

五) 有的時候to後面要接-ing形式

accustom (oneself) to; be accustomed to;face up to; in addition to; look forward to; object to; be reduced to; resignoneself to; be resigned to; resort to; sink to; be used to; be alternative to;be close closeness to; be dedication dedicated to; be opposition opposed to; besimilarity similar to.

三、need want 後的-ing形式具有被動的意思。其中,want不太常用。

He needs (a lot of) encouraging.

II. 動名詞:具有動作性特徵的名詞

1)是名詞     seeing is believing

2)具有動詞性特徵可以帶賓語   starving troops isnecessary.


一般形式:I don'tlike you smoking.       

完成形式:I regretnot having taken your advice.

被動形式:Thisquestion is far from being settled.

二) 動名詞常考的點




I would appreciate_______ back thisafternoon.

 A.you to call B.you call C.you calling D.you're calling(Key:C your calling 也對)

I regret not having taken your advice.


admit; appreciate; avoid; celebrate;consider; contemplate; defer; delay; deny; detest; discontinue; dislike;dispute; enjoy; it entails; escape; excuse; explain; fancy; feel like; finish;forgive; can't help; hinder; imagine; it involves; keep;  it means; mention; mind; miss; it necessitates;pardon; postpone; practice; prevent; recall; report; resent; resist; risk;suggest; understand...


it's no good; it's no little hardlyany  use; it's not hardly scarcely use;it's worthwhile; spend money time; there's no; there's no point in; there'snothing worse than; what's the use point...


remember, forget, try, stop, go on, cease,mean後面用不定式和-ing形式,意義截然不容。

I remembered to post the letters. (指未來 過去未來的動作)

I remembered posting having posting theletters (我記得這個動作)


I regret to inform you that… 我很遺憾地通知你…

I regretted having left the firm after twentyyears. 為了"二十年前的離開"而遺憾。

try to 努力 You really must try to overcome your shyness.

try –ing 試驗 Trypracticing five hours a day.

I mean to go, but my father would not allowme to. [打算、想]我想去,但我父親不讓我去。

To raise wage means increasing purchasingpower. [意味著]贈加工資意味著增加購買力。



I prefer to wait here. (所以啊,你不介意的話,我就等下去。)

I prefer waiting here.(我正在這裡等,我就喜歡這麼做。)

I prefer swimming to cycling. (這個句子裡面就不能用不定式了。)

III 分詞:



1)一般式:     Do you see the mantalking to the dean(主任)?      (與謂語動詞同步發生)

2)完成形式:Not having made adequate preparations, they failed. (發生謂語動詞之前)

3)完成被動形式:Having been adapted, the script seems perfect.( 發生謂語動詞之前且表示被動)


過去分詞表示被動:Fightno battle unprepared.

2)過去分詞的進行形式:You'll find the topic being discussed everywhere. (強調正在被做)



1 不定式和動名詞作動詞的賓語

(1)注意那些只接動名詞不接不定式作賓語的動詞,它們是:acknowledge,advise, admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, allow, consider, avoid, confess,defer, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, fancy, forbid, favour, finish,(can't) help ,imagine , miss, mind, practise , permit , resist , risk, suggest等,例如:

People appreciate _____ with him because hehas a good sense of humor.

A) to work B) to have worked

C) working D) having working

因為他很有幽默感,所以大家喜歡和他一起工作。(98.1-37, C 對)

I appreciate to your home.

A)to be invited C)having invited

B)to have invited D)being invited


The teacher doesn't permit in class.

A)smoke C)smoking

B)to smoke D)to have a smoke


Mark often attempts to escape whenever hebreaks traffic regulations.

A)having been fined C)to be fined

B)to have been fined D)being fined


(2)另一些動詞之後,可能接to不定式,也可能接動名詞,但意義或用法不同。注意 remember , forget , stop , regret ,go on 等後接不定式與後接動名詞時的不同意義 。試比較:

John regretted to the meeting last week.

A)not going C)not having been going

B)not to go D)not to be going

約翰後悔上星期沒去參加會議。(91.6-64, A對)

We regret to inform you that we are notable to grant you the discount you ask for.


If I had remembered ____ the window, thethief would not have got in.

A) to close B) closing

C) to have closed D)having closed


want, need 和 require 後接動名詞相當於被動的不定式:

Your hair wants ____ . You'd better have itdone tomorrow.

A) cut B) to cut C) cutting D) being cut

你該去理髮了,最好明天就去。(97.6-48,C對。want cutting相當於want to becut, 但前者比後者更常見。)

(3) 另一些動詞則只接to不定式而不接動名詞作賓語:

There's a man at the reception desk whoseems very angry and I think he means _____ trouble.

A) making B) to make

C) to have made D) having made

接待處有一男子似乎在生氣,我想他要鬧事了。(97.1-25, B對)

2 非謂語動詞作定語

(1) 不定式作定語時,與中心詞之間,在邏輯上有多種關係,其中可能是互相修飾關係。即:不定式修飾中心詞;不定式短語末的介詞與中心片語成介詞短語,修飾不定式。這時動詞可能是及物的(帶賓語),也可能是不及物的,要特別注意不要漏掉不定式短語末的介詞: 

Everyone had an application form in hishand, but no one know which office room ____.

A) to sent it to B) to send it

C) to be sent to D) to have it sent

大家手裡都拿著申請表,但沒人知道該交到哪個辦公室去。(94.1-44, A對。試比較: to send it to which room)

Could you find someone _____.

A) for me to play tennis with B) for me toplay tennis

C) play tennis with D) playing tennis with

請你找個人來和我打網球。(94.1-63,A對。試比較:to playtennis with someone)


The pressure _____ causes Americans to beenergetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional stain.

A) to compete B) competing

C) to be competed D) having competed

競爭的壓力使美國人精力充沛,但也使他們時時處於感情緊張之中。(97.6-47, A對)

(2) 注意區別“名詞+to不定式”與“名詞+介詞+動名詞(短語)”結構: 

He gives people the impression ____ all herlife abroad.

A) of having spent B) to have spent

C) of being spent D) to spent

他給人的印象是他的一生都在國外度過。(98.6-46, A對。impression 後接“ of+動名詞”結構) 

(3) “介詞+關係代詞+to 不定式”可以作定語用。例: 

You will want two trees about ten feet apart,from to suspend your tent.

A)there C)which B)them D)where

你將需要兩棵相距約10英尺的樹,掛你的帳篷。(95.6-50 , C對)(=You will want two trees aboutten feet apart to suspend your ten from)

(4) 分詞作定語,注意區別現在分詞與過去分詞作定語時的區別,分詞與to不定式作定語時的區別:

Homework _____ on time will lead to bettergrades.

A) done B) be done

C. having done D. to have been done

按時完成作業會讓你取得好成績。(95.1-44, A對) 

As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free,tax-supported schools must be established in every town _____ 50households ormore.

A) having B) to have C)to have had D)having had

早在1647年,俄亥俄州就作出決定,擁有50戶或50戶以上家庭的每一個鎮,都必須建立免費的由稅維持的學校。(98.1-36, A對。in every town having 50 households or more 相當於 in every town which has 50households or more)

3 非謂語動詞作狀語

(1) 不定式作狀語常常表示目的和結果: 

______ a teacher in the university, it isnecessary to have at least a master's degree.

A) To become B) Become

C) One become D) On becoming

想在大學裡當教師,至少要有碩士學位。(95.1-48, A 對) 

(2) 現在分詞(短語)作狀語表示主動,過去分詞(短語)作狀語表示被動,注意兩者的區別:

The speaker, for her splendid speeches, waswarmly received by the audience.

A)having known C)knowing

B)being known D)known

這位演講者以演說精采聞名,受到了聽眾的熱烈歡迎。(91.6-58 ,D對,相當於:Thespeaker,who was knownfor her splendid speeches...)

____ the earth to be fat, many feared thatClumbus would fall of the edge of the earth.

A) Having believed B) believing

C) Believed D) Being believed

許多人認為地球是扁的,因此害怕哥倫布會掉下地球的邊緣。(96.6-22, B對)

4 非謂語動詞作賓語的補足語

“動詞+名詞+現在分詞 / 過去分詞 / 帶to 的不定式 / 不帶to 的不定式”是常考的句型,注意它們意義上的區別: 

The children went there to watch the irontower .

A)to elect B)erecting C)be elect D)being erected

孩子們到那裡去看鐵塔被豎起來。(90.1-55, D對)

In Australia the Asian make theirinfluence ____ in business large and small.

A) feeling B)feel C) felt D) to be felt

在澳大利亞,亞洲人使人們感到他們在大小企業中的影響。(94.1-67, C對)

The manger promised to keep me of how ourbusiness was going on。

A)to be informed C)informed

B)on informing D)informing

經理答應讓我不斷了解我們業務進展情況。(直譯:...讓我們不斷被告知...)(90.1-57, C 對)

Don't get your schedule ____ ; stay with usin this class.

A) to change B) changing

C) changed D) change

不要改變你的計劃,就和我們一起留在這個班。(96.1-42, C對)

When I caught him ____ me I stopped buyingthings there and started dealing with another shop.

A) cheating B) cheat

C) to cheat D) to be cheating

我發現他在欺騙我,就不再在那裡買東西,而轉到別的商店購買。(97.1-44, A 對)

They are going to have the serviceman ____an electric fan in the office tomorrow.

A) install B) to install

C) to be installed D) installed

他們準備讓服務人員明天在辦公室裡裝一臺電扇。(98.1-44, A 對)

After a few rounds of talk, both sidesregarded the territory dispute ____.

A) being settled B)to be settled

C) had settled D) as settled

幾輪談判之後,雙方都認為領土爭端已經解決。(98.6-66, D對。regard sth as done 是正確的用法)

5 不定式、動名詞、分詞的被動式、完成式、進行式的用法

It is not unusual for workers in thatregion _____.

A) to be paid more than a month late

B) to be paid later than more a month

C) to pay later than a month more

D) to pay later more than a month


This programme will examine the writer'sbooks in detail, ____ an introduction to her life.

A) following B) having followed

C) being followed D) to be followed


Mrs. Brown is supposed for Italy last week

A)to have left B)to be leaving

C)to leave D)to have been left

布朗夫人上週就該動身去義大利了。(91.1-66, A對)

Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it knownthat much of his collection ____ to the nation.

A) has left B) is to leave

C) leaves D) is to be left

78歲的丹尼斯爵士已經向眾人宣佈他的許多收藏品將留給國家。(96.6-24, D對 )

If I correct someone, I will do it with asmuch good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one ____.

A) to correct B) correcting

C) having corrected D) being corrected

如果我去更正別人的看法,我會盡可能以幽默和自我剋制的態度去做,就象是我被別人更正一樣。(96.6-28, D對) 

The ancient Egyptians are supposed _____rockets to the moon.

A) to send B) to being sending

C) to have sent D) to have been sending

人們認為埃及人在古代就已向月球發射火箭。(96.6-37, C對。)

I'd rather read than watch television; theprograms seem ____all the time.

A) to go worse B) to be getting worse

C) to have got worse D) getting worse


6 動詞出現在介詞後面時,大多數情況下以動名詞而不以不定式的形式出現

    動詞出現在介詞後面時,大多數情況下以動名詞而不以不定式的形式出現。要特別注意:admit to (承認), approach to (方法),object to(反對), contribute to(起作用) , confess to (承認),resort to (求助於), reconcile to (順從於), revert to(重新開始)submit to (忍受), swear to (斷言),take to(開始從事)be used to (習慣於),look forward to,oppose to (反對)中的to 都是介詞而不是不定式符號。如:

After for the job,you will be required totake a language test.

A)being interviewed C)interviewing

B)interview D)having interview

在你求職面試之後,還要參加一次語言測試。(93.6-44,A對。after在這裡是介詞 )

The match was cancelled because most of themembers a match without a standard court.

A)objected to having C)objected to have

B)were objected to have D)were objected to having

比賽取消了,因為大多數人反對在沒有一個標準球場的情況下舉行比賽。(91.6-48, A 對) 

The traditional approach ____ with complexproblems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.

A) to dealing B) in dealing

C) dealing D) to deal

解決複雜問題的傳統方法是把它們分解為更小的、更容易處理的問題。(96.6-33, A 對) 

I have no objection _____ the evening withthem.

A) to spend B) to spending

C) of spending D) spending

我不反對和他們一起度過這個晚上。(95.1-66,B對。object to 反對) 

there be 的動名詞形式是there being:

An never dreams of _____ for her to be sentabroad very soon.

A) there being a chance B) there to be achance

C) there be a chance D) being a chance

安做夢都沒有想到她會有機會很快被送出國。(98.6-33, A 對)

7 介詞之後的不定式

介詞後接不定式只見於少數場合:but 後面通常接帶to的不定式:

There is no other means of masteringEnglish but to learn it step by step. 


e have no alternative but to lodge a claimagainst you.


That was so serious a matter that I had nochoice but ____ the police.

A) called in B) calling in

C) call in D) to call in

這件事很嚴重,我別無選擇,只得叫警察。(96.1-24, D對)

在do nothingbut, can not but, can not help/choose but等之後,接不帶to的不定式:

There was nothing we could do butwait. 


She could not but admit that they werejustified in this.



The windows were never opened except to airthe room for a few minutes in the morning.

除了早上給房間換換空氣,會把窗戶開啟幾分鐘外,窗戶總是關著的。但是,在下面句子中,except 之前為動詞do,後面的不定式不帶to:

He will do anything except lend you money.


She can do everything except cook.


8 動名詞短語之前可以有一個物主代詞或名詞所有格來表示它的邏輯主語

_____ in an atmosphere of simple living waswhat her parents wished for.

A) The girl was educated B) The girleducated

C) The girl's being educated D) The girl tobe educated

讓孩子在簡樸的生活環境中接受教育正是她父母所希望的。(99.1-45, C對)

I would appreciate it a secret.

A)your keeping C)that you keep

B)you to keep D)that you will keep

你能對此保守祕密,我將十分感激。(95.6-41 , A對)

Although punctual himself , the professorwas quite_____ used late for his lecture.

A) to have students B) for students' being

C) for students to be D) to students' being

儘管教授很準時,但他對學生遲到已經習慣了。(98.1-31, D對)


I remember to help us if we ever got intotrouble.

A)once offering C)him to offer

B)him once offering D)to offer him

我記得他曾經答應過,如果我們遇到麻煩,他會幫我們一把。(93.6-62, B對)