阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-30
這個例子是《機器學習實戰》(<machine learning in action>)邏輯迴歸的一個例項:從疝氣病症預測病馬的死亡率。
##author:lijiayan ##data:2016/10/27 ##name:logReg.py from numpy import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def loadData(filename): data = loadtxt(filename) m,n = data.shape print 'the number of examples:',m print 'the number of features:',n-1 x = data[:,0:n-1] y = data[:,n-1:n] returnx,y #the sigmoid function def sigmoid(z): return 1.0 / (1 + exp(-z)) #the cost function def costfunction(y,h): y = array(y) h = array(h) J = sum(y*log(h))+sum((1-y)*log(1-h)) return J # the batch gradient descent algrithm def gradescent(x,y): m,n = shape(x) #m: number of training example; n: number of featuresx = c_[ones(m),x] #add x0 x = mat(x) # to matrix y = mat(y) a = 0.0000025 # learning rate maxcycle = 4000 theta = zeros((n+1,1)) #initial theta J = [] for i in range(maxcycle): h = sigmoid(x*theta) theta = theta + a * (x.T)*(y-h) cost = costfunction(y,h) J.append(cost) plt.plot(J) plt.show() return theta,cost #the stochastic gradient descent (m should be large,if you want the result is good) def stocGraddescent(x,y): m,n = shape(x) #m: number of training example; n: number of features x = c_[ones(m),x] #add x0 x = mat(x) # to matrix y = mat(y) a = 0.01 # learning rate theta = ones((n+1,1)) #initial theta J = [] for i in range(m): h = sigmoid(x[i]*theta) theta = theta + a * x[i].transpose()*(y[i]-h) cost = costfunction(y,h) J.append(cost) plt.plot(J) plt.show() return theta,cost #plot the decision boundary def plotbestfit(x,y,theta): plt.plot(x[:,0:1][where(y==1)],x[:,1:2][where(y==1)],'ro') plt.plot(x[:,0:1][where(y!=1)],x[:,1:2][where(y!=1)],'bx') x1= arange(-4,4,0.1) x2 =(-float(theta[0])-float(theta[1])*x1) /float(theta[2]) plt.plot(x1,x2) plt.xlabel('x1') plt.ylabel(('x2')) plt.show() def classifyVector(inX,theta): prob = sigmoid((inX*theta).sum(1)) return where(prob >= 0.5, 1, 0) def accuracy(x, y, theta): m = shape(y)[0] x = c_[ones(m),x] y_p = classifyVector(x,theta) accuracy = sum(y_p==y)/float(m) return accuracy
from logReg import * x,y = loadData("horseColicTraining.txt") theta,cost = gradescent(x,y) print 'J:',cost ac_train = accuracy(x, y, theta) print 'accuracy of the training examples:', ac_train x_test,y_test = loadData('horseColicTest.txt') ac_test = accuracy(x_test, y_test, theta) print 'accuracy of the test examples:', ac_test
似然函式走勢(J = sum(y*log(h))+sum((1-y)*log(1-h))),似然函式是求最大值,一般是要穩定了才算最好。
def loadData(filename): data = loadtxt(filename) m,n = data.shape print 'the number of examples:',m print 'the number of features:',n-1 x = data[:,0:n-1] max = x.max(0) min = x.min(0) x = (x - min)/((max-min)*1.0) #scaling y = data[:,n-1:n] return x,y