Crypto++ 加/解密演算法庫
編譯 Crypto++ cryptlib 適合VC6 VC7 VC8 VC9 VC10
Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
Crypto++ Library 是開源的、跨平臺的C++, 提供豐富的加密解密演算法,包括:MD5,IDEA, Triple-DES,AES (Rijndael), RC6, MARS, Twofish, Serpent, RSA, DSA, SHA-1, SHA-2 等等。
* MSVC 6.0 - 2010
* GCC 3.3 - 4.5
* C++Builder 2010
* Intel C++ Compiler 9 - 11.1
* Sun Studio 12u1, Express 11/08, Express 06/10
這裡簡單說明一下使用 MSVC2008 對Crypto++進行編譯使用的方法和注意事項, 希望對大家開始學習有幫助!
下面一段的英文比較簡單, 說明了Crypto++包含的工程情況, 以及使用注意事項, 一看就清楚:
On Windows, Crypto++ can be compiled into 3 forms:a static library
including all algorithms, a DLL with only FIPS Approved algorithms, and
a static library with only algorithms not in the DLL.
To compile Crypto++ with MSVC, open the "cryptest.dsw" (for MSVC 6 and MSVC .NET
2003) or "cryptest.sln" (for MSVC 2005 - 2010) workspace file and build one or
more of the following projects:
cryptlib - a static libraryincluding all algorithms
cryptopp - This builds the DLL. Please note that if you wish to use Crypto++
as a FIPS validated module, you must use a pre-built DLL that has undergone
the FIPS validation process instead of building your own.
dlltest - This builds a sample application that only uses the DLL.
cryptest Non-DLL-Import Configuration - This builds the full static library
along with a full test driver.
//基於dll 和不包含FIPS算法靜態庫開發的測試驅動程式
cryptest DLL-Import Configuration - This builds a static library containing
only algorithms not in the DLL, along with a full test driver that uses
both the DLL and the static library.
To use the Crypto++ DLL in your application, #include "dll.h" before including
any other Crypto++ header files, and place the DLL in the same directory as
your .exe file. dll.h includes the line #pragma comment(lib, "cryptopp")
so you don't have to explicitly list the import library in your project
To use a static library form of Crypto++, make the "cryptlib"
project a dependency of your application project, or specify it as
an additional library to link with in your project settings.
In either case you should check the compiler options to
make sure that the library and your application are using the same C++
run-time libraries and calling conventions.
FIPS : Federal Information Processing Standards (美國)聯邦資訊處理標準
crypto++ Crypto++是一個C++編寫的密碼學類庫,md5 AES DES 所有密碼加密的演算法都可找到,跨平臺
Crypto++是一個C++編寫的密碼學類庫。讀過《過河卒》的朋友還記得作者的那個不願意去微軟工作的兒子嗎,就是Crypto++的作者Wei Dai。
Hello World
現在寫一個hello world程式看看能不能編譯通過。
#include <iostream> int main() return 0; |
Crypto++首頁上提供了Crypto++ User Guide這個入門指南的連結,這本指南屬於一定要看的資料,不過可惜的是這也是找到的唯一一本指南了:(。User Guide上面的有一些例子,其中對AES用法的說明不太直接,而AES之類對稱加密演算法又比較常用,所以我這裡寫了一個AES的例子。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <cryptopp/aes.h> int main() //AES中使用的固定引數是以類AES中定義的enum資料型別出現的,而不是成員函式或變數 cout << "AES Parameters: " << endl; //Crypto++庫中一般用位元組數來表示長度,而不是常用的位元組數 //AES中只包含一些固定的資料,而加密解密的功能由AESEncryption和AESDecryption來完成 unsigned char aesKey[AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH]; //金鑰 unsigned char inBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE] = "123456789"; //要加密的資料塊 unsigned char outBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; //加密後的密文塊 unsigned char xorBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; //必須設定為全零 memset( xorBlock, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); //置零 aesEncryptor.SetKey( aesKey, AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ); //設定加密金鑰 aesEncryptor.ProcessAndXorBlock( inBlock, xorBlock, outBlock ); //加密 //以16進位制顯示加密後的資料 for( int i=0; i<16; i++ ) { cout << hex << (int)outBlock[i] << " "; } cout << endl; //解密 AESDecryption aesDecryptor; unsigned char plainText[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; aesDecryptor.SetKey( aesKey, AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ); aesDecryptor.ProcessAndXorBlock( outBlock, xorBlock, plainText ); for( int i=0; i<16; i++ ) { cout << plainText[i]; } |
ProcessAndXorBlock()可能會讓人比較疑惑,函式名的意思是ProcessBlock and XorBlock,ProcessBlock就是對塊進行加密或解密,XorBlock在各種加密模式中有用,這裡我們不需要應用模式,因此把用來Xor操作的xorBlock置為0,那麼Xor操作就不起作用了。