1. 程式人生 > >Sound eXchange 國外開源音訊處理軟體介紹

Sound eXchange 國外開源音訊處理軟體介紹

今天我給大家介紹一款自稱是音訊處理界的瑞士軍刀的一款開源軟體,SoX - Sound eXchange。引用主頁上介紹的原話:

        Welcome to the home of SoX, the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs.


        SoX是一個跨平臺(Windows, Linux, MacOS X, etc.)命令列程式,用於各種格式的轉換,播放和各種音訊格式,以及給音訊加入特效。 下圖是一個執行的例項。



  • Raw files in various binary formats
  • Raw textual data
  • Amiga 8svx files
  • Apple/SGI AIFF files
  • SUN .au files
    • PCM, u-law, A-law
    • G7xx ADPCM files (read only)
    • mutant DEC .au files
    • NeXT .snd files
  • AVR files
  • CDDA (Compact Disc Digital Audio format)
  • CVS and VMS files (continuous variable slope)
  • Grandstream ring-tone files
  • GSM files
  • HTK files
  • LPC-10 files
  • Macintosh HCOM files
  • Amiga MAUD files
  • AMR-WB & AMR-NB (with optional libamrwb & libamrnb libraries)
  • MP2/MP3 (with optional libmad, libtwolame and libmp3lame libraries)
  • MP4, AAC, AC3, WAVPACK, AMR-NB files (with optional ffmpeg library)
  • AVI, WMV, Ogg Theora, MPEG video files (with optional ffmpeg library)
  • Ogg Vorbis files (with optional Ogg Vorbis libraries)
  • FLAC files (with optional libFLAC)
  • IRCAM SoundFile files
  • NIST SPHERE files
  • Turtle beach SampleVision files
  • Sounder & Soundtool (DOS) files
  • Yamaha TX-16W sampler files
  • SoundBlaster .VOC files
  • Dialogic/OKI ADPCM files (.VOX)
  • Microsoft .WAV files
    • PCM, floating point
    • u-law, A-law, MS ADPCM, IMA (DMI) ADPCM
    • GSM
    • RIFX (big endian)
  • WavPack files (with optional libwavpack library)
  • Psion (palmtop) A-law WVE files and Record voice notes
  • Maxis XA Audio files
    • EA ADPCM (read support only, for now)
  • Pseudo formats that allow direct playing/recording from most audio devices
  • The "null" pseudo-file that reads and writes from/to nowhere
  • 音調/濾波特效
    • 全通: RBJ all-pass biquad IIR filter
    • 帶通: RBJ band-pass biquad IIR filter
    • 帶阻: RBJ band-reject biquad IIR filter
    • 通帶: SPKit resonator band-pass IIR filter
    • 低音: Tone control: RBJ shelving biquad IIR filter
    • 高音: Tone control: RBJ shelving biquad IIR filter
    • 均衡: RBJ peaking equalisation biquad IIR filter
    • FFTFIR濾波: FFT convolution FIR filter using given freq. response (W.I.P.)
    • 高通: High-pass filter: Single pole or RBJ biquad IIR
    • 希爾伯特濾波器: Hilbert transform filter (90 degrees phase shift)
    • 低通: Low-pass filter: single pole or RBJ biquad IIR
    • sinc濾波器: Sinc-windowed low/high-pass/band-pass/reject FIR
  • 附加特效
    • 合唱: Make a single instrument sound like many
    • 延時: Delay one or more channels
    • 回聲: Add an echo
    • 多回聲: Add a sequence of echos
    • 法蘭效應: Stereo flanger
    • 過載: Non-linear distortion
    • 相移: Phase shifter
    • 重複: Loop the audio a number of times
    • 混響: Add reverberation
    • 翻轉: Reverse the audio (to search for Satanic messages ;-)
    • 顫音: Sinusoidal volume modulation
  • 音量幅度特效
    • 幅度變化: Signal level compression/expansion/limiting
    • 對比化: Phase contrast volume enhancement
    • 去直流: Apply or remove DC offset
    • 淡入淡出: Apply a fade-in and/or fade-out to the audio
    • 增益變化: Apply gain or attenuation; normalise/equalise/balance/headroom
    • 響度控制: Gain control with ISO 226 loudness compensation
    • 多帶幅度變化: Multi-band compression/expansion/limiting
    • 歸一化: Normalise to 0dB (or other)
    • 音量調節: Adjust audio volume
  • 編輯特效
    • 拉長: Pad (usually) the ends of the audio with silence
    • 去除靜音: Remove portions of silence from the audio
    • 結合: Perform the equivalent of a cross-faded tape splice
    • 裁剪: Cuts portions out of the audio
    • VAD: Voice activity detector
  • 混音特效
    • 聲道混音: Auto mix or duplicate to change number of channels
    • 分聲道: Divide sample values by those in the 1st channel (W.I.P.)
    • 任意輸出混音: Produce arbitrarily mixed output channels
    • 翻轉聲道: Swap stereo channels
  • 音調節拍特效
    • 彎曲聲調: Bend pitch at given times without changing tempo
    • 變調: Adjust pitch (= key) without changing tempo
    • 變速: Adjust pitch & tempo together
    • 拉伸壓縮: Adjust tempo without changing pitch (simple alg.)
    • 變節拍: Adjust tempo without changing pitch (WSOLA alg.)
  • 高階特效
    • 加入噪聲: Add dither noise to increase quantisation SNR
    • 重取樣: Change audio sampling rate
  • 特殊濾波器和混音器
    • 去加重: ISO 908 CD de-emphasis (shelving) IIR filter
    • 耳機增強: Process CD audio to best effect for headphone use
    • 去噪聲: Filter out noise from the audio
    • 卡拉ok效應: Out Of Phase Stereo (or `Karaoke') effect
    • RIAA: RIAA vinyl playback equalisation
  • 分析
    • 噪聲分析: Produce a DFT profile of the audio (use with noisered)
    • 頻譜分析: graph signal level vs. frequency & time (needs `libpng')
    • 狀態分析: Enumerate audio peak & RMS levels, approx. freq., etc.
    • 多聲道狀態: Multichannel aware `stat'
  • 多方面效應
    • LADSPA : Apply LADSPA plug-in effects e.g. CMT (Computer Music Toolkit)
    • 合成聲音: Synthesise/modulate audio tones or noise signals
    • 新檔案: Create a new output file when an effects chain ends.
    • 重試: Restart 1st effects chain when multiple chains exist.
  • 低音量處理特效
    • 濾波: 2nd-order IIR filter using externally provided coefficients
    • 降取樣: Reduce sample rate by discarding samples
    • fir濾波: FFT convolution FIR filter using externally provided coefficients
    • 升取樣: Increase sample rate by zero stuffing