維度模型資料倉庫(十四) —— 雜項維度
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-02
9. 雜項維度
新增銷售訂單屬性雜項維度 給現有的資料倉庫新增一個銷售訂單雜項維度,需要新增一個名為sales_order_attribute_dim的維度表。圖(五)- 9-1顯示了增加雜項維度表後的資料倉庫模式(這裡只顯示了和銷售訂單屬性相關的表)。
圖(五)- 9-1
新的維度表包括四個yes-no列:verification_ind、credit_check_flag、new_customer_ind和web_order_flag。每個列可以有兩個可能值中的一個(Y 或 N),因此sales_order_attribute_dim表最多有16(2^4)行。可以預裝載這個維度,並且只需裝載一次。
注意 如果知道某種組合是不可能出現的,就不需要裝載這種組合。執行清單(五)- 9-1裡的指令碼修改資料庫模式。這個指令碼做了四項工作:建立sales_order_attribute_dim表,向表中預裝載全部16種可能的組合,給銷售訂單事實表新增雜項維度代理鍵,給源資料庫裡的sales_order表增加對應的四個屬性列。
由於有了一個新的維度,必須修改定期裝載指令碼。清單(五)- 9-2顯示修改後的指令碼。
圖(五)- 9-2到圖(五)- 9-5顯示了對Kettle定時裝載的修改。
圖(五)- 9-2
圖(五)- 9-3
圖(五)- 9-4
圖(五)- 9-5
現在使用清單(五)- 9-3裡的指令碼新增八個銷售訂單。
現在把系統日期設定為2015年3月17日,然後再執行清單(五)- 9-2裡的指令碼或對應的Kettle作業。
可以使用清單(五)- 9-4裡的分析性查詢確認裝載正確。該查詢分析出檢查了信用狀態的新使用者有多少銷售訂單。查詢結果如圖(五)- 9-6所示。
9. 雜項維度
- verification_ind(如果訂單已經被稽核,值為yes)
- credit_check_flag(表示此訂單的客戶信用狀態是否已經檢查)
- new_customer_ind(如果這是新客戶的首個訂單,值為yes)
- web_order_flag(表示此訂單是否是線上下的訂單)
新增銷售訂單屬性雜項維度 給現有的資料倉庫新增一個銷售訂單雜項維度,需要新增一個名為sales_order_attribute_dim的維度表。圖(五)- 9-1顯示了增加雜項維度表後的資料倉庫模式(這裡只顯示了和銷售訂單屬性相關的表)。
新的維度表包括四個yes-no列:verification_ind、credit_check_flag、new_customer_ind和web_order_flag。每個列可以有兩個可能值中的一個(Y 或 N),因此sales_order_attribute_dim表最多有16(2^4)行。可以預裝載這個維度,並且只需裝載一次。
注意 如果知道某種組合是不可能出現的,就不需要裝載這種組合。執行清單(五)- 9-1裡的指令碼修改資料庫模式。這個指令碼做了四項工作:建立sales_order_attribute_dim表,向表中預裝載全部16種可能的組合,給銷售訂單事實表新增雜項維度代理鍵,給源資料庫裡的sales_order表增加對應的四個屬性列。
清單(五)- 9-1USE dw; -- 建立雜項維度表 CREATE TABLE sales_order_attribute_dim ( sales_order_attribute_sk INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, verification_ind CHAR(1), credit_check_flag CHAR(1), new_customer_ind CHAR(1), web_order_flag CHAR(1), version int, effective_date DATE, expiry_date DATE ); -- 生成雜項維度資料 INSERT INTO sales_order_attribute_dim VALUES (NULL, 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01') , (NULL, 'N', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 1,'1900-00-00', '2200-01-01'); COMMIT; -- 建立雜項維度外來鍵 ALTER TABLE sales_order_fact ADD sales_order_attribute_sk INT AFTER product_sk; ALTER TABLE sales_order_fact ADD FOREIGN KEY (sales_order_attribute_sk) REFERENCES sales_order_attribute_dim(sales_order_attribute_sk ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; -- 給源庫的銷售訂單表增加對應的屬性 USE source; ALTER TABLE sales_order ADD verification_ind CHAR (1) AFTER product_code , ADD credit_check_flag CHAR (1) AFTER verification_ind , ADD new_customer_ind CHAR (1) AFTER credit_check_flag , ADD web_order_flag CHAR (1) AFTER new_customer_ind ;
由於有了一個新的維度,必須修改定期裝載指令碼。清單(五)- 9-2顯示修改後的指令碼。
清單(五)- 9-2USE dw; -- 設定SCD的截止時間和生效時間 SET @pre_date = SUBDATE(CURRENT_DATE,1) ; -- 設定CDC的上限時間 UPDATE cdc_time SET current_load = CURRENT_DATE ; -- 裝載客戶維度 TRUNCATE TABLE customer_stg; INSERT INTO customer_stg SELECT customer_number , customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state , shipping_address , shipping_zip_code , shipping_city , shipping_state FROM source.customer ; /* 在所有地址列上 SCD2 */ /* 置過期 */ UPDATE customer_dim a, customer_stg b SET expiry_date = @pre_date WHERE a.customer_number = b.customer_number AND (a.customer_street_address <> b.customer_street_address OR a.customer_city <> b.customer_city OR a.customer_zip_code <> b.customer_zip_code OR a.customer_state <> b.customer_state OR a.shipping_address <> b.shipping_address OR a.shipping_city <> b.shipping_city OR a.shipping_zip_code <> b.shipping_zip_code OR a.shipping_state <> b.shipping_state OR a.shipping_address IS NULL OR a.shipping_city IS NULL OR a.shipping_zip_code IS NULL OR a.shipping_state IS NULL) AND expiry_date = '2200-01-01'; /* 加新行 */ INSERT INTO customer_dim SELECT NULL , b.customer_number , b.customer_name , b.customer_street_address , b.customer_zip_code , b.customer_city , b.customer_state , b.shipping_address , b.shipping_zip_code , b.shipping_city , b.shipping_state , a.version + 1 , @pre_date , '2200-01-01' FROM customer_dim a , customer_stg b WHERE a.customer_number = b.customer_number AND ( a.customer_street_address <> b.customer_street_address OR a.customer_city <> b.customer_city OR a.customer_zip_code <> b.customer_zip_code OR a.customer_state <> b.customer_state OR a.shipping_address <> b.shipping_address OR a.shipping_city <> b.shipping_city OR a.shipping_zip_code <> b.shipping_zip_code OR a.shipping_state <> b.shipping_state OR a.shipping_address IS NULL OR a.shipping_city IS NULL OR a.shipping_zip_code IS NULL OR a.shipping_state IS NULL) AND EXISTS( SELECT * FROM customer_dim x WHERE b.customer_number=x.customer_number AND a.expiry_date = @pre_date ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM customer_dim y WHERE b.customer_number = y.customer_number AND y.expiry_date = '2200-01-01') ; /* 在 customer_name 列上 SCD1 */ UPDATE customer_dim a, customer_stg b SET a.customer_name = b.customer_name WHERE a.customer_number = b.customer_number AND a.customer_name <> b.customer_name ; /* 新增的客戶 */ INSERT INTO customer_dim SELECT NULL , customer_number , customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state , shipping_address , shipping_zip_code , shipping_city , shipping_state , 1 , @pre_date ,'2200-01-01' FROM customer_stg WHERE customer_number NOT IN( SELECT y.customer_number FROM customer_dim x, customer_stg y WHERE x.customer_number = y.customer_number) ; /* 重建PA客戶維度 */ TRUNCATE pa_customer_dim; INSERT INTO pa_customer_dim SELECT customer_sk , customer_number , customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state , shipping_address , shipping_zip_code , shipping_city , shipping_state , version , effective_date , expiry_date FROM customer_dim WHERE customer_state = 'PA' ; /* 裝載產品維度 */ TRUNCATE TABLE product_stg ; INSERT INTO product_stg SELECT product_code , product_name , product_category FROM source.product ; /* 在 product_name 和 product_category 列上 SCD2 */ /* 置過期 */ UPDATE product_dim a , product_stg b SET expiry_date = @pre_date WHERE a.product_code = b.product_code AND ( a.product_name <> b.product_name OR a.product_category <> b.product_category) AND expiry_date = '2200-01-01'; /* 加新行 */ INSERT INTO product_dim SELECT NULL , b.product_code , b.product_name , b.product_category , a.version + 1 , @pre_date ,'2200-01-01' FROM product_dim a , product_stg b WHERE a.product_code = b.product_code AND ( a.product_name <> b.product_name OR a.product_category <> b.product_category) AND EXISTS( SELECT * FROM product_dim x WHERE b.product_code = x.product_code AND a.expiry_date = @pre_date) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM product_dim y WHERE b.product_code = y.product_code AND y.expiry_date = '2200-01-01') ; /* 新增的產品 */ INSERT INTO product_dim SELECT NULL , product_code , product_name , product_category , 1 , @pre_date , '2200-01-01' FROM product_stg WHERE product_code NOT IN( SELECT y.product_code FROM product_dim x, product_stg y WHERE x.product_code = y.product_code) ; -- 裝載事實表,新增前一天的訂單 INSERT INTO sales_order_fact SELECT customer_sk , product_sk , g.sales_order_attribute_sk , e.order_date_sk , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , a.order_number , f.request_delivery_date_sk , order_amount , quantity , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL FROM source.sales_order a , customer_dim c , product_dim d , order_date_dim e , request_delivery_date_dim f , sales_order_attribute_dim g , cdc_time h WHERE a.order_status = 'N' AND a.customer_number = c.customer_number AND a.status_date >= c.effective_date AND a.status_date < c.expiry_date AND a.product_code = d.product_code AND a.status_date >= d.effective_date AND a.status_date < d.expiry_date AND a.status_date = e.order_date AND a.request_delivery_date = f.request_delivery_date AND a.verification_ind = g.verification_ind AND a.credit_check_flag = g.credit_check_flag AND a.new_customer_ind = g.new_customer_ind AND a.web_order_flag = g.web_order_flag AND a.entry_date >= h.last_load AND a.entry_date < h.current_load ; /* UPDATING the new sales order to Allocated status */ UPDATE sales_order_fact a, source.sales_order b, allocate_date_dim c, cdc_time h SET a.allocate_date_sk = c.allocate_date_sk, a.allocate_quantity = b.quantity WHERE order_status = 'A' AND b.entry_date >= h.last_load AND b.entry_date < h.current_load AND b.order_number = a.order_number AND c.allocate_date = b.status_date ; /* UPDATING the allocated order to Packed status */ UPDATE sales_order_fact a, source.sales_order b, packing_date_dim d, cdc_time h SET a.packing_date_sk = d.packing_date_sk, a.packing_quantity = b.quantity WHERE order_status = 'P' AND b.entry_date >= h.last_load AND b.entry_date < h.current_load AND b.order_number = a.order_number AND d.packing_date = b.status_date ; /* UPDATING the packed order to Shipped status */ UPDATE sales_order_fact a, source.sales_order b, ship_date_dim e, cdc_time h SET a.ship_date_sk = e.ship_date_sk, a.ship_quantity = b.quantity WHERE order_status = 'S' AND b.entry_date >= h.last_load AND b.entry_date < h.current_load AND b.order_number = a.order_number AND e.ship_date = b.status_date ; /* UPDATING the shipped order to Received status */ UPDATE sales_order_fact a, source.sales_order b, receive_date_dim f, cdc_time h SET a.receive_date_sk = f.receive_date_sk, a.receive_quantity = b.quantity WHERE order_status = 'R' AND b.entry_date >= h.last_load AND b.entry_date < h.current_load AND b.order_number = a.order_number AND f.receive_date = b.status_date ; -- 更新時間戳表的last_load欄位 UPDATE cdc_time SET last_load = current_load ; COMMIT ;
圖(五)- 9-2到圖(五)- 9-5顯示了對Kettle定時裝載的修改。
圖(五)- 9-2
圖(五)- 9-3
圖(五)- 9-4
圖(五)- 9-5
現在使用清單(五)- 9-3裡的指令碼新增八個銷售訂單。
USE source;
INSERT INTO customer
, customer_name
, customer_street_address
, customer_zip_code
, customer_city
, customer_state
, shipping_address
, shipping_zip_code
, shipping_city
, shipping_state)
(10, 'Bigger Customers', '7777 Ridge Rd.', '44102',
'Cleveland', 'OH', '7777 Ridge Rd.', '44102', 'Cleveland',
, (11, 'Smaller Stores', '8888 Jennings Fwy.', '44102',
'Cleveland', 'OH', '8888 Jennings Fwy.', '44102',
'Cleveland', 'OH')
, (12, 'Small-Medium Retailers', '9999 Memphis Ave.', '44102',
'Cleveland', 'OH', '9999 Memphis Ave.', '44102', 'Cleveland',
'OH') ,
(13, 'PA Customer', '1111 Louise Dr.', '17050',
'Mechanicsburg', 'PA', '1111 Louise Dr.', '17050',
'Mechanicsburg', 'PA')
, (14, 'OH Customer', '6666 Ridge Rd.', '44102',
'Cleveland', 'OH', '6666 Ridge Rd.', '44102',
'Cleveland', 'OH') ;
(54, 1, 1, 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 7500, 75)
, (55, 2, 2, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 1000, 10)
, (56, 3, 3, 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 7500, 75)
, (57, 4, 4, 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 1000, 10)
, (58, 11, 1, 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 7500, 75)
, (59, 12, 2, 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 1000, 10)
, (60, 13, 3, 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 7500, 75)
, (61, 14, 4, 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'N', '2015-03-16', 'N', '2015-03-20',
'2015-03-16', 1000, 10)
清單(五)- 9-3
現在把系統日期設定為2015年3月17日,然後再執行清單(五)- 9-2裡的指令碼或對應的Kettle作業。
可以使用清單(五)- 9-4裡的分析性查詢確認裝載正確。該查詢分析出檢查了信用狀態的新使用者有多少銷售訂單。查詢結果如圖(五)- 9-6所示。
USE dw;
CONCAT(ROUND(checked / (checked + not_checked) * 100),' % ')
COUNT(*) checked
sales_order_fact a, sales_order_attribute_dim b
new_customer_ind = 'Y'
and credit_check_flag = 'Y'
AND a.sales_order_attribute_sk = b.sales_order_attribute_sk) x,
COUNT(*) not_checked
sales_order_fact a, sales_order_attribute_dim b
new_customer_ind = 'Y'
and credit_check_flag = 'N'
AND a.sales_order_attribute_sk = b.sales_order_attribute_sk) y;
清單(五)- 9-4
圖(五)- 9-6