1. 程式人生 > >組合語言: txt檔案操作

組合語言: txt檔案操作



預設目錄下存在 test.txt


data segment
file db 'test.txt',0
buf db 100,?,100 dup(?)
fh dw ?

error_msg db 0dh,0ah,'error!','$' 
writer_msg db 0dh,0ah,'open file !input text:',0ah,'$' 
success_msg db 0dh,0ah,'done!','$'
data ends

stack segment stack
dw 20h dup(?)
top label word
stack ends

code segment
    assume ds:data,cs:code,ss:stack
    p proc
far mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov ax,stack mov ss,ax lea sp,top lea dx,file mov cx,0 mov ah,3ch int 21h jc error writer: mov fh,ax;save the code of file lea dx,writer_msg mov ah,09h int 21h lea dx,buf mov ah,0ah int 21h lea si,buf inc si xor ch,ch mov cl,[si];1
inc si mov dx,si;2 mov bx,fh;3 mov ah,40h int 21h jc error success: lea dx,success_msg mov ah,09h int 21h jmp exit error: mov cx,16 mov bx,ax l1: rol bx,1 mov dl,bl and dl,1 add dl,30h mov ah,02h int 21h loop l1 lea dx,error
mov ah,09h int 21h exit: mov ah,4ch int 21h p endp code ends end p

; 讀取

data segment

file db 'test.txt',0
buf db 100 dup(?)
fh dw ?

error_msg db 0dh,0ah,'error!','$' 
success_msg db 0dh,0ah,'done!','$'
data ends

stack segment stack
dw 20h dup(?)
top label word
stack ends

code segment
    assume ds:data,cs:code,ss:stack
    p proc far 

    mov ax,data
    mov ds,ax

    mov ax,stack
    mov ss,ax
    lea sp,top

    ;open file
    lea dx,file
    mov al,0
    mov ah,3dh
    int 21h
    jc error
    mov fh,ax
    ;read file
    lea dx,buf  
    mov cx,100
    mov bx,fh

    mov ah,3fh  
    int 21h
    jc error

    mov cx,ax
    lea si,buf

l1: mov dl,[si]
    inc si
    mov ah,02h
    int 21h
    loop l1

    jmp exit    

    lea dx,error_msg
    mov ah,09h
    int 21h

    mov ah,4ch
    int 21h     

    p endp      
code ends 
    end p


data segment

file db 'a\test.txt',0
buf db 100 dup(?)
fh dw ?

copyfile db 'a\copytext.txt',0
copyfh dw ?

error_msg db 0dh,0ah,'error!','$' 
success_msg db 0dh,0ah,'done!','$'
data ends

stack segment stack
dw 20h dup(?)
top label word
stack ends

code segment
    assume ds:data,cs:code,ss:stack
    p proc far 

    mov ax,data
    mov ds,ax

    mov ax,stack
    mov ss,ax
    lea sp,top

    ;open file
    lea dx,file
    mov al,0
    mov ah,3dh
    int 21h
    jc error
    mov fh,ax
    ;read file
    lea dx,buf  
    mov cx,100
    mov bx,fh

    mov ah,3fh  
    int 21h
    jc error

    ;show the read content
    mov cx,ax
    push cx;push length in stack
    lea si,buf  
l1: mov dl,[si]
    inc si
    mov ah,02h
    int 21h
    loop l1
    ;create new file 2  
    lea dx,copyfile
    mov cx,0
    mov ah,3ch
    int 21h
    jc error    
    mov copyfh,ax

    ;write to copyfile
    lea dx,buf
    mov bx,copyfh
    pop cx
    mov ah,40h
    int 21h
    jc error

    jmp exit    

    lea dx,error_msg
    mov ah,09h
    int 21h

    mov ah,4ch
    int 21h     

    p endp      
code ends 
    end p