1. 程式人生 > >STM32的時鐘系統RCC詳細整理_20170731


      /* Get PLL clock source and multiplication factor ----------------------*/
      pllmull = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_PLLMULL;
      pllsource = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC;
#ifndef STM32F10X_CL      
      pllmull = ( pllmull >> 18) + 2;
      if (pllsource == 0x00)
        /* HSI oscillator clock divided by 2 selected as PLL clock entry */
        SystemCoreClock = (HSI_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull;
 #if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) || (defined STM32F10X_HD_VL)
       prediv1factor = (RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1) + 1;
       /* HSE oscillator clock selected as PREDIV1 clock entry */
       SystemCoreClock = (HSE_VALUE / prediv1factor) * pllmull; 
        /* HSE selected as PLL clock entry */
        if ((RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_PLLXTPRE) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        {/* HSE oscillator clock divided by 2 */
          SystemCoreClock = (HSE_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull;
          SystemCoreClock = HSE_VALUE * pllmull;
      pllmull = pllmull >> 18;
      if (pllmull != 0x0D)
         pllmull += 2;
      { /* PLL multiplication factor = PLL input clock * 6.5 */
        pllmull = 13 / 2; 
      if (pllsource == 0x00)
        /* HSI oscillator clock divided by 2 selected as PLL clock entry */
        SystemCoreClock = (HSI_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull;
      {/* PREDIV1 selected as PLL clock entry */
        /* Get PREDIV1 clock source and division factor */
        prediv1source = RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC;
        prediv1factor = (RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV1) + 1;
        if (prediv1source == 0)
          /* HSE oscillator clock selected as PREDIV1 clock entry */
          SystemCoreClock = (HSE_VALUE / prediv1factor) * pllmull;          
        {/* PLL2 clock selected as PREDIV1 clock entry */
          /* Get PREDIV2 division factor and PLL2 multiplication factor */
          prediv2factor = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> 4) + 1;
          pll2mull = ((RCC->CFGR2 & RCC_CFGR2_PLL2MUL) >> 8 ) + 2; 
          SystemCoreClock = (((HSE_VALUE / prediv2factor) * pll2mull) / prediv1factor) * pllmull;                         
#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */ 