1. 程式人生 > >JSF與ajax使用h:messages 在commandButton上互動的問題以及在JSF前端使用ENUM資料型別

JSF與ajax使用h:messages 在commandButton上互動的問題以及在JSF前端使用ENUM資料型別

Ok, here is the final way:- Register the standard enum converter in faces-config.xml (optional):


Add a function for example to a managed bean which converts the Enum values to an array of SelectItems:

@ManagedBeanpublicclassGenderBean{publicSelectItem[] getGenderValues(){SelectItem[] items =newSelectItem[Gender.values().length];int i =0;for(Gender g:Gender.values()){
      items[i++]=newSelectItem(g, g.getLabel());}return items;}}

Then bind this function to the selectOneMenu in JSF:

<h:selectOneMenu id
="gender" value="#{person.gender}"><!-- use property name not method name --><f:selectItems value="#{genderBean.genderValues}"/></h:selectOneMenu>

That's it! Not the first explanation for this problem on the net. But i think it's the easiest & shortest one ;)
