1. 程式人生 > >Operation CREATE USER failed

Operation CREATE USER failed

CREATE USER 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY qauser'; 

執行sql 語句後報1396 錯誤,


 'user'@'%'  是一個整體,應該寫成: ‘[email protected]%’


Shell執行MySQL指令碼錯誤:Operation CREATE USER failed for 'user'@'%'

在Docker裡面安裝的MySQL5.7,在編寫Shell指令碼執行時遇如題之BUG。 解決問題: drop user 'user'@'%' ; flush privileges; create user 'user'@'%' identified by '123456'; 可執

mysql-建立使用者報錯ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE USER failed for 'XXXX'@'XXXX'

建立使用者: create user ‘test’@’%’ identified by ‘test’; 顯示ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE USER fai

Operation CREATE USER failed

CREATE USER 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY qauser';  執行sql 語句後報1396 錯誤, 出錯原因:  'user'@'%'  是一個整體,應該寫成: ‘[email protected]%’

postgressql create user

psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “postgres” (or any user) The connection failed because by default psql connects over UNI

Create user MySQL and limit permission

Today, we have project with our partner and he want access to our database (MySQL) to show more information about project. What should i do ? Of course


      1. 資料庫 (Database) 什麼是資料庫? 資料庫是依照某種資料模型組織起來並存放二級儲存器中的資料集合。這種資料集合具有如下特點:儘可能不重複,以最優方式為某個特定組織的多種應用服務,其資料結構獨立於使用它的應用程式,對資料的增、刪、改和檢索由統一軟體進行管理和控制。從發展的歷史看,資料

搭建linux ftp伺服器,以及create file failed等錯誤

最近搭建了一個ftp伺服器,分享一下踩過的坑。首先說明,我要搭建的是一個匿名的ftp伺服器,對內網所有使用者開放,可以任意上傳和下載。首先關閉selinux配置 /etc/selinux Enforcing 變disable。yum install vsftpd -yvim

linux學習記錄-----vsftpd文件上傳(550 create directory operation failed)

opera operation chmod sel create 關閉 用戶名 clas ati 1、連接條件:服務端服務開啟,防火墻關閉 2、ftp服務器的路徑可手動配置,默認為:var/ftp/pub,必須確保pub目錄有足夠的權限 3、匿名登陸的用戶名為:anonym

Camel FTP error:File operation failed: 150 Here comes the directory listing

found pre one endpoint tpc anti cti dap true 問題:寫了一個Camel的FTP傳輸程序,在本地Win7和Ubuntu下運行都正常,但是在Redhat中報“File operation failed: 150 Here comes

pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database “dbase” failed: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “postgres”

fff explicit lin fine dont password all ide cal "Peer authentication" means that it‘s comparing your database username against your Linux

adb remount 失敗:remount failed: Operation not permitted

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win10安裝Anaconda3出現failed to create anacoda menue錯誤的解決方案

family menu span 16px 安裝完成 bit 沒有 settings nav 其他描述:【Anaconda Prompt找不到】【開始菜單沒有Anaconda Prompt】【Anaconda failed to create anacoda menue】

MyEclipse打開JSP文件報"Failed to create the part's controls"解決方法

ati file setting editor 技術 figure str 其他 clean   HTML代碼放到JSP中的,打不開了,在網上找了半天解決方法,總算解決了。 方法1. 在"開始"-->"運行"---->"cmd"進入命令提示行後,再進入myec

MyEclipse打開JSP文件報"Failed to create the part's controls"解決方法匯總

project 文件夾 window per win 而且 configure work 有時 有時候,打開別人的開發環境中導過來的項目的JSP文件,會出現“Failed to create the part‘s controls”的錯誤! 解決的

docker容器中啟動service服務 Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted

docker容器中啟動service服務 failed to get d-bus connection: operation not permitted解決方案:啟動時設置參數 --privileged使用該參數,container內的root擁有真正的root權限。否則,container內的root只是

ios開發 上傳到App Store 時出錯. iTunes Store Operation Failed, An Error occurred uploading to the iTunes store.

sudo 時間 ror 像素 view 英文 version ans opera ios開發 上傳到App Store 時出錯. iTunes Store Operation Failed, An Error occurred uploading to the iTu

創建pod時報Failed create pod sandbox

k8s docker 運行下面的命令:kubectl run nginx2 --image=nginx --replicas=2查看pod狀態,如下:kubectl get all查看pod描述信息如下:kubectl describe pod nginx2-6dbf4cd9bc-mbtvh查看登錄到

zabbix‘ failed: [1044] Access denied for user ‘zab

IE red 日誌分析 RKE style 文件 報錯 cmp with 環境:zabbix 3.4Redhat 6.5 64PHP 5.5Mysql 5.6Nginx 1.6現象:登錄zabbix後,提示service is not runing ,zabbix狀態顯示

failed to create pid file /var/run/rsyncd.pid: File exists報錯

creat idata color gre failed pla exists style nbsp [root@pcidata-jenkins ansible_playbooks]# ps aux|grep rsyncroot 1799 0.0 0.0 11

Oracle-RAC等價性驗證錯誤:Result: PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "grid"

warn pre int miss stage verbose div ble eas 安裝RAC做oracle集群件要求出現錯誤,錯誤信息如下: 1 [grid@rac1 grid]$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac1