1. 程式人生 > >BULK COLLECT全解析


  1. declare
  2. cursor cur_student isselect student_id,first_name,last_name from student;
  3. begin
  4. for i in cur_student loop
  5. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('student_id is '||i.student_id);
  6. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||i.first_name);
  7. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '
  8. end loop;
  9. end;
  10. 上面這個可以改寫成BULK COLLECT子句。兩者的差別在於,BULK COLLECT子句會立即從STUDENT表獲取全部資料行。因為BULK COLLECT會檢索多行資料,這些資料行儲存在集合變數中。
  11. declare
  12. type student_id_type is table of student.student_id%type;
  13. type first_name_type is table of student.first_name%type;
  14. type last_name_type is table of student.last_name
  15. student_id_tab student_id_type;
  16. first_name_tab first_name_type;
  17. last_name_tab last_name_type;
  18. begin
  19. select student_id,first_name,last_name
  20.  BULK COLLECT INTO student_id_tab,first_name_tab,last_name_tab
  21.  FROM student;
  22. for i in student_id_tab.first..student_id_tab.last loop
    ('student_id is '||student_id_tab(i));
  24. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||first_name_tab(i));
  25. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '||last_name_tab(i));
  26. end loop;
  27. end;
  28. /
巢狀表1沒用構造器初始化2沒EXTEND擴充套件? 當使用SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO語句田中巢狀表時,他們會自動被初始化,並自動擴充套件。回想一下,通常巢狀表必須在使用它之前進行初始化,呼叫與巢狀表型別同名的構造器函式。在初始化巢狀表之後,如要給它賦予下一個值,必須使用EXTEND方法進行擴充套件。 BULK COLLECT子句類似於遊標迴圈,原因在於當SELECT語句不返回任何記錄時,它不會丟擲NO_DATA_FOUND異常。這樣的話,很有必要檢查返回的集合是否包含資料。 由於BULK COLLECT子句不會限制集合的尺寸,並能自動擴充套件,因此當select語句返回大量資料時,最好限制結果集。通過使用帶有遊標SELECT的BULK COLLECT以及新增LIMIT選項可以實現這個目標。
  1. declare
  2. cursor cur_student isselect student_id,first_name,last_name from student;
  3. type student_id_type is table of student.student_id%type;
  4. type first_name_type is table of student.first_name%type;
  5. type last_name_type is table of student.last_name%type;
  6. student_id_tab student_id_type;
  7. first_name_tab first_name_type;
  8. last_name_tab last_name_type;
  9. v_limit pls_integer :=50;
  10. begin
  11. OPEN cur_student;
  12. loop
  13. fetch cur_student BULK COLLECT INTO student_id_tab,first_name_tab,last_name_tab
  14. LIMIT v_limit;
  15. EXIT WHEN student_id_tab.count=0;
  16. for i in student_id_tab.first..student_id_tab.last loop
  17.    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('student_id is '||student_id_tab(i));
  18. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||first_name_tab(i));
  19. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '||last_name_tab(i));
  20. end loop;
  21. end loop;
  22. close cur_student;
  23. end;
  24. /
該指令碼使用帶有LIMIT選項的BULK COLLECT子句,一次性從STUDENT表檢索50行資料。也就是說每個集合最多包含50條記錄。為完成這個目標,在遊標迴圈中使用BULK COLLECT子句。注意,在這種情況下,該迴圈的推出條件基於集合中記錄的數量,而不依賴於cur_student%NOTFOUND屬性 用record
  1. declare
  2. cursor cur_student isselect student_id,first_name,last_name from student;
  3. type rec_student is record(
  4. student_id student.student_id%type,
  5. first_name student.first_name%type,
  6. last_name student.last_name%type);
  7. type student_type is table of rec_student;
  8. student_tab student_type;
  9. v_limit pls_integer :=5;
  10. begin
  11. open cur_student;
  12. loop
  13. fetch cur_student BULK COLLECT INTO student_tab LIMIT v_limit;
  14. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(student_tab.count);
  15. EXIT WHEN student_tab.count=0;
  16. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(student_tab.count);
  17. for i in student_tab.first..student_tab.last loop
  18. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('student_id is '||student_tab(i).student_id);
  19. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||student_tab(i).first_name);
  20. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '||student_tab(i).last_name);
  21. end loop;
  22. end loop;
  23. close cur_student;
  24. end;
  25. /
這個limit是限制bulk collect一次取多少行into進去,好比說一共select9行,limit是5 那麼第一次取5行,第二次4行,第三次0.如果沒有EXIT WHEN判斷會報錯 PL/SQL: numeric or value error last_name is Ocampo55student_id is 282first_name is Jonathanlast_name is Jaelestudent_id is 283first_name is Benitalast_name is Perkinsstudent_id is 284first_name is Salewalast_name is Lindemanstudent_id is 285first_name is Paullast_name is Sikingerstudent_id is 286first_name is Robinlast_name is Kelly4 第一個output4 第二個outputstudent_id is 288first_name is Rosemarylast_name is Ellmanstudent_id is 289first_name is Shirleylast_name is Murraystudent_id is 290first_name is Brianlast_name is Roblesstudent_id is 291first_name is D.last_name is Dewitt0 第一個output,0行EXIT  第二個output就不會有了 現在你的測試中出現新的錯誤 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value erro,這個問題出現最可能的原因是當最後一次fetch cur bulk collect into n limit 50;的時候,找不到任何記錄,所以n.first和n.last是空的,加一句控制就可以。   通常BULK COLLECT子句也會與INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE一起使用。在下列情況下,BULK COLLECT子句與RETURNING子句一起使用
  1. declare
  2. type row_num_type is table of test.row_num%type index by binary_integer;
  3. type row_text_type is table of test.row_text%type index by binary_integer;
  4. row_num_tab row_num_type;
  5. row_text_tab row_text_type;
  6. begin
  7. deletefrom test
  8. returning row_num,row_text
  9. BULK COLLECT INTO row_num_tab,row_text_tab;
  10. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sql%rowcount||' rows deleted');
  11. for i in row_text_tab.first..row_text_tab.last loop
  12. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('row_num = '||row_num_tab(i)||' | row_text = '||row_text_tab(i));
  13. end loop;
  14. end;
  15. /
  16. 10 rows deleted
  17. row_num =1| row_text = row 1
  18. row_num =2| row_text = row 2
  19. row_num =3| row_text = row



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