Boost.Asio C++ 網路程式設計之九:基於TCP的非同步客戶端
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-05
現在,是比較有趣(也比較難)的非同步實現! 當檢視流程圖時,你需要知道Boost.Asio代表由Boost.Asio執行的一個非同步呼叫。例如do_read(),Boost.Asio和on_read()代表了從do_read()到on_read()的邏輯流程,但是你永遠不知道什麼時候輪到on_read()被呼叫,你只是知道你最終會呼叫它。
#ifdef WIN32 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #include <stdio.h> #endif #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp> using namespace boost::asio; io_service service; #define MEM_FN(x) boost::bind(&self_type::x, shared_from_this()) #define MEM_FN1(x,y) boost::bind(&self_type::x, shared_from_this(),y) #define MEM_FN2(x,y,z) boost::bind(&self_type::x, shared_from_this(),y,z) /** simple connection to server: - logs in just with username (no password) - all connections are initiated by the client: client asks, server answers - server disconnects any client that hasn't pinged for 5 seconds Possible requests: - gets a list of all connected clients - ping: the server answers either with "ping ok" or "ping client_list_changed" */ class talk_to_svr : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<talk_to_svr> , boost::noncopyable { typedef talk_to_svr self_type; talk_to_svr(const std::string & username) : sock_(service), started_(true), username_(username), timer_(service) {} void start(ip::tcp::endpoint ep) { sock_.async_connect(ep, MEM_FN1(on_connect, _1)); } public: typedef boost::system::error_code error_code; typedef boost::shared_ptr<talk_to_svr> ptr; static ptr start(ip::tcp::endpoint ep, const std::string & username) { ptr new_(new talk_to_svr(username)); new_->start(ep); return new_; } void stop() { if (!started_) return; std::cout << "stopping " << username_ << std::endl; started_ = false; sock_.close(); } bool started() { return started_; } private: void on_connect(const error_code & err) { if (!err) do_write("login " + username_ + "\n"); else stop(); } void on_read(const error_code & err, size_t bytes) { if (err) stop(); if (!started()) return; // process the msg std::string msg(read_buffer_, bytes); if (msg.find("login ") == 0) on_login(); else if (msg.find("ping") == 0) on_ping(msg); else if (msg.find("clients ") == 0) on_clients(msg); else std::cerr << "invalid msg " << msg << std::endl; } void on_login() { std::cout << username_ << " logged in" << std::endl; do_ask_clients(); } void on_ping(const std::string & msg) { std::istringstream in(msg); std::string answer; in >> answer >> answer; if (answer == "client_list_changed") do_ask_clients(); else postpone_ping(); } void on_clients(const std::string & msg) { std::string clients = msg.substr(8); std::cout << username_ << ", new client list:" << clients; postpone_ping(); } void do_ping() { do_write("ping\n"); } void postpone_ping() { // note: even though the server wants a ping every 5 secs, we randomly // don't ping that fast - so that the server will randomly disconnect us int millis = rand() % 7000; std::cout << username_ << " postponing ping " << millis << " millis" << std::endl; timer_.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::millisec(millis)); timer_.async_wait(MEM_FN(do_ping)); } void do_ask_clients() { do_write("ask_clients\n"); } void on_write(const error_code & err, size_t bytes) { do_read(); } void do_read() { async_read(sock_, buffer(read_buffer_), MEM_FN2(read_complete, _1, _2), MEM_FN2(on_read, _1, _2)); } void do_write(const std::string & msg) { if (!started()) return; std::copy(msg.begin(), msg.end(), write_buffer_); sock_.async_write_some(buffer(write_buffer_, msg.size()), MEM_FN2(on_write, _1, _2)); } size_t read_complete(const boost::system::error_code & err, size_t bytes) { if (err) return 0; bool found = std::find(read_buffer_, read_buffer_ + bytes, '\n') < read_buffer_ + bytes; // we read one-by-one until we get to enter, no buffering return found ? 0 : 1; } private: ip::tcp::socket sock_; enum { max_msg = 1024 }; char read_buffer_[max_msg]; char write_buffer_[max_msg]; bool started_; std::string username_; deadline_timer timer_; }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // connect several clients ip::tcp::endpoint ep(ip::address::from_string(""), 8001); char* names[] = { "John", "James", "Lucy", "Tracy", "Frank", "Abby", 0 }; for (char ** name = names; *name; ++name) { talk_to_svr::start(ep, *name); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::millisec(100)); }; system("pause"); }
還需注意的是這裡的postpone ping操作,是基於boost::asio::deadline_timer實現的非同步定時。