1. 程式人生 > >Linux下errno錯誤資訊對照




    > File Name: 0.c
    > Author: GatieMe
    > Mail: [email protected]
    > Created Time: Sat 23 Jan 2016 12:07:51 AM CST
************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { printf("| %02d | %s |\n", i, strerror(i)); } return 0;


perror( ) 用來將上一個函式發生錯誤的原因輸出到標準裝置(stderr)。引數 s 所指的字串會先打印出,後面再加上錯誤原因字串。此錯誤原因依照全域性變數errno 的值來決定要輸出的字串。


errno 描述
00 Success
01 Operation not permitted
02 No such file or directory
03 No such process
04 Interrupted system call
05 Input/output error
06 No such device or address
07 Argument list too long
08 Exec format error
09 Bad file descriptor
10 No child processes
11 Resource temporarily unavailable
12 Cannot allocate memory
13 Permission denied
14 Bad address
15 Block device required
16 Device or resource busy
17 File exists
18 Invalid cross-device link
19 No such device
20 Not a directory
21 Is a directory
22 Invalid argument
23 Too many open files in system
24 Too many open files
25 Inappropriate ioctl for device
26 Text file busy
27 File too large
28 No space left on device
29 Illegal seek
30 Read-only file system
31 Too many links
32 Broken pipe
33 Numerical argument out of domain
34 Numerical result out of range
35 Resource deadlock avoided
36 File name too long
37 No locks available
38 Function not implemented
39 Directory not empty
40 Too many levels of symbolic links
41 Unknown error 41
42 No message of desired type
43 Identifier removed
44 Channel number out of range
45 Level 2 not synchronized
46 Level 3 halted
47 Level 3 reset
48 Link number out of range
49 Protocol driver not attached
50 No CSI structure available
51 Level 2 halted
52 Invalid exchange
53 Invalid request descriptor
54 Exchange full
55 No anode
56 Invalid request code
57 Invalid slot
58 Unknown error 58
59 Bad font file format
60 Device not a stream
61 No data available
62 Timer expired
63 Out of streams resources
64 Machine is not on the network
65 Package not installed
66 Object is remote
67 Link has been severed
68 Advertise error
69 Srmount error
70 Communication error on send
71 Protocol error
72 Multihop attempted
73 RFS specific error
74 Bad message
75 Value too large for defined data type
76 Name not unique on network
77 File descriptor in bad state
78 Remote address changed
79 Can not access a needed shared library
80 Accessing a corrupted shared library
81 .lib section in a.out corrupted
82 Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
83 Cannot exec a shared library directly
84 Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
85 Interrupted system call should be restarted
86 Streams pipe error
87 Too many users
88 Socket operation on non-socket
89 Destination address required
90 Message too long
91 Protocol wrong type for socket
92 Protocol not available
93 Protocol not supported
94 Socket type not supported
95 Operation not supported
96 Protocol family not supported
97 Address family not supported by protocol
98 Address already in use
99 Cannot assign requested address
100 Network is down
101 Network is unreachable
102 Network dropped connection on reset
103 Software caused connection abort
104 Connection reset by peer
105 No buffer space available
106 Transport endpoint is already connected
107 Transport endpoint is not connected
108 Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
109 Too many references: cannot splice
110 Connection timed out
111 Connection refused
112 Host is down
113 No route to host
114 Operation already in progress
115 Operation now in progress
116 Stale NFS file handle
117 Structure needs cleaning
118 Not a XENIX named type file
119 No XENIX semaphores available
120 Is a named type file
121 Remote I/O error
122 Disk quota exceeded
123 No medium found
124 Wrong medium type
125 Operation canceled
126 Required key not available
127 Key has expired
128 Key has been revoked
129 Key was rejected by service
130 Owner died
131 State not recoverable
132~ Unknown error



在庫函式中有個errno變數,每個errno值對應著以字串表示的錯誤型別。 以下主要來自2.6.32的核心程式碼中的/usr/include/asm-generic/errno.h及errno-bas


一些常見的錯誤的值,print出來的只有值,對應的錯誤列表,我在linux核心中找到了,分享出來。對比檢視會相對方便。 #define EPERM   1 /* Operation not permitted */ #define ENOENT   2 /* No such


#define ESUC 0 /* Success */ #define EPERM   1 /* Operation not permitted */ #define ENOENT   2 /* No such file or directory */ #define ESRCH   3 /* No suc


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linuxlink錯誤undefined reference’dlclose’



問題描述:今天寫程式,socket後send出現這個問題,send的返回值為-1,而errno為32,這個錯誤程式碼為broken pipe,即管道破裂。 問題形成原因:後來通過排查研究,發現出現該種問題出現的可能性為以下兩種: 1.socket失敗,與伺服器端的


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