1. 程式人生 > >(others)RIP協議的路由環路及解決辦法




二:水平分割(Split horizen)限制router不能將資訊發生回接受資訊的方向。

三:路由中毒(route poisoning)路由資訊在路由表中失效的時候,把該表項的的度量值(metric)設為無窮大(16),而不是馬上從路由表中刪掉這條路由資訊。(這句話要理解,如RIP 協議中,其度量值變為16,意味著路由不可達)再將其資訊釋出出去,這樣相鄰的路由器就得知這條路由己無效了。

四:中毒反轉(poison reverse)它是指收到路由中毒訊息的路由器,不遵守水平分割原則將中毒訊息轉發給所有的相鄰路由器,也包括髮送中毒資訊的源路由器,也就是通告相鄰路由器這條路由資訊己失效了。主要目的是達到快速收斂的目的。

五: holddowns:
A holddown prevents regular update messages from reinstating a route that is going up and
down (called flapping). Typically, this happens on a serial link that’s losing connectivity and then
coming back up. If there wasn’t a way to stabilize this, the network would never converge and
that one flapping interface could bring the entire network down!
Holddowns prevent routes from changing too rapidly by allowing time for either the downed
route to come back up or the network to stabilize somewhat before changing to the next best