1. 程式人生 > >Vnc自動登錄器v1.3-多國語言綠色版-Release1-20190215


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Vnc自動登錄器 v1.3 (20190215)
By: [email protected] , https://www.cnblogs.com/ybmj/





VNC最早是一套由英國劍橋大學AT&T實驗室在2002年開發的輕量級計算機遠程控制軟件,由VNC Server、VNC Viewer兩部分組成,VNC Server是被控制的服務器端,VncViewer是用於控制VNC Server的客戶端程序。通過VncManager(Vnc Connection Manager,Vnc自動登錄器),能夠更為安全高效地使用VncViewer遠程管理多臺VNC Server。本程序是配合VncViewer使用的Vnc連接管理程序,在VncViewer功能的基礎上實現了以下功能:

A、使用前請將RealVNC VncViewer 6.19.107 x86版的VncViewer.exe文件直接拷貝到本程序目錄中。VncViewer x86版適用於x86、x64系統,VncViewer x64版只適用於x64系統;

該程序采用VS2017 WTL10 x86編譯(Windows Template Library,http://wtl.sourceforge.net/ ),程序短小精悍、不依賴VC運行庫、可獨立運行。該程序的運行文件是VncManager.exe,一臺電腦只能運行一個實例,再次運行只是將已運行的實例調到前臺。該程序支持32位和64位的WinXp、Vista、Win7、Win8.x、Win10及相應Windows Server版等操作系統。

* 雙擊某條記錄將進行自動連接(等待6秒);
* 支持鼠標滾輪;
* 主菜單和右鍵菜單均可完成本程序的常規操作。記錄窗格的右鍵菜單或單擊工具欄的相應按鈕可直接進行連接;
* 主菜單中的“配置”菜單可以選擇程序的各項相關配置;
* 工具欄各個按鈕的功能均有提示;
* 單擊工具欄上的“顯示隱藏樹狀目錄”按鈕、或“目錄->顯示樹狀目錄”菜單可以顯示隱藏目錄樹窗格,目錄樹窗格的右鍵菜單可完成目錄樹的一些常規操作;
* 單擊工具欄上的“選擇切換圖標查看模式”按鈕可以選擇或切換記錄窗格的查看模式;
* 記錄窗格和目錄樹窗格都支持鼠標拖放功能,強烈建議使用該功能前備份VncManager.txt,以免異常損壞或丟失數據。直接鼠標拖放為移動,Ctrl+鼠標拖放為復制。拖放時狀態欄有提示信息;
* 程序啟動時,記錄自動按記錄名稱升序排列。在記錄窗格單擊列表框某列表頭,可以按該列進行記錄排序,再次單擊可以反向排序。

* Enter :連接記錄;
* Insert :新建記錄;
* Ctrl+e :編輯記錄;
* Ctrl+c :復制記錄;
* Ctrl+x :剪切記錄;
* Ctrl+v :粘貼記錄;
* Delete :刪除記錄(在記錄窗格),或刪除子目錄(在目錄樹窗格);
* F1 :顯示程序信息;
* F2 :更名子目錄;
* F3 :單條掃描(等待5秒,用於掃描網速較慢的記錄);
* F5 :全部掃描(多線程同時掃描,每條記錄等待5秒);
* F7 :新建子目錄;
* Ctrl+- :隱藏窗口到系統托盤;
* Ctrl+= :顯示窗口;
* 雙擊系統托盤圖標可隱藏或顯示窗口;
* 窗口大小可調整,支持最大化和還原;
* 支持Home、End、PageUp、PageDown等操作。

RecordName 記錄名稱是關鍵字段,支持中文記錄名稱,不能為空、不要有重名;
IP、Port、User、Password 分別是IP地址、端口、用戶名、密碼。IP地址不能為空,若端口為空程序將使用缺省端口5900;
UnlockDesktop 是在自動連接遠程PC成功後,若遠程桌面已登錄鎖定、且焦點位於密碼輸入框,可用連接Vnc的密碼解鎖遠程桌面、或先鎖定再解鎖遠程桌面。具體配置參見後面的介紹;
Memory 是備註字段;
TreePath 是目錄路徑字段,由若幹英文驚嘆號“!”(目錄分隔符)分隔的字符串構成,支持中文目錄名,如根目錄下DirA子目錄下的DirB子目錄:!DirA!DirB 。







本程序的多種語言支持功能參照網友Yonsm提供的方式實現,有興趣的用戶可以訪問網站 http://yonsm.net/ini-language-engine/。




VncManager v1.3 (20190215)
By: [email protected] , https://www.cnblogs.com/ybmj/

1. Introduction to program functions and usage environment
2. Program operation method introduction
3. Introduction of login information file VncManager.txt
4. Unlock the remote desktop function after the automatic connection is successful
5. Related configuration and multi-language support introduction
6. Disclaimer

1. Introduction to program functions and usage environment
(1). Program function
VNC was originally a lightweight computer remote control software developed by the AT&T Laboratory of the University of Cambridge in England. It consists of VNC Server and VNC Viewer. VNC Server is the controlled server. VncViewer is used to control VNC. Server client program. With VncManager (Vnc Connection Manager). VncViewer can be used to remotely manage multiple VNC Servers more securely and efficiently. This program is the Vnc connection management program used by VncViewer. It implements the following functions based on the VncViewer function:
A. You can save the connection record in a CSV file;
B. The connection record can be managed efficiently and intuitively through the tree directory structure, and the connection record can be newly created, edited, copied, cut, pasted, moved, deleted, etc. by means of mouse dragging, shortcut keys, menus, and the like;
C. Can achieve automatic login of the connection record;
D. The remote desktop can be automatically unlocked after the automatic connection is successful, which is not possible only by VncViewer.

(2). Program use environment requirements
A. Please copy the VncViewer.exe file of RealVNC VncViewer 6.19.107 x86 directly to the program directory before use. VncViewer x86 is available for x86 and x64 systems, and VncViewer x64 is only available for x64 systems;
B. Please set the firewall to allow VncViewer.exe and VncManager.exe (for scanning functions only) to access the network;
C. To use the Vnc log function, copy the logmessages.dll file to the program directory.

(3). The use of the environment
The program is compiled with VS2017 WTL10 x86 (Windows Template Library, http://wtl.sourceforge.net/). The program is short and exquisite, does not depend on the VC runtime, and can run independently. The running file of this program is VncManager.exe. One computer can only run one instance. Running it again just transfers the running instance to the foreground. The program supports 32-bit and 64-bit WinXp, Vista, Win7, Win8.x, Win10 and corresponding Windows Server versions.

2, program operation method introduction
(1). mouse operation in the program
* Double-clicking on a record will automatically connect (wait 6 seconds);
* Support mouse wheel;
* The main menu and right-click menu can complete the normal operation of the program. The right-click menu of the record pane or click the corresponding button on the toolbar to connect directly;
* The "Configuration" menu in the main menu can select various related configurations of the program;
* The functions of each button on the toolbar are prompted;
* Click the Show Hidden Tree Directory button on the toolbar or the Directory -> Show Tree Directory menu to display the hidden directory tree pane. The right-click menu of the directory tree pane completes some general operations of the directory tree;
* Click the "Select Switch Icon View Mode" button on the toolbar to select or switch the view mode of the record pane;
* Both the record pane and the tree pane support mouse drag and drop. It is strongly recommended to back up VncManager.txt before using this function to avoid abnormal damage or loss of data. Drag and drop directly to move, Ctrl+mouse to copy. There is a prompt message in the status bar when dragging and dropping;
* When the program starts, the records are automatically sorted in ascending order by record name. In the Record pane, click on a list header in the list box, you can sort the records by that column, and click again to sort backwards.

(2). Commonly used shortcut keys in the program
* Enter : connection record;
* Insert : create a new record;
* Ctrl+e : edit the record;
* Ctrl+c : copy the record;
* Ctrl+x : cut record;
* Ctrl+v : paste the record;
* Delete : delete the record (in the record pane). or delete the subdirectory (in the directory tree pane);
* F1 : Display program information;
* F2 : renamed subdirectory;
* F3 : Single scan (waiting for 5 seconds, used to scan records with slower network speed);
* F5 : All scans (multi-thread simultaneous scan, each record waits 5 seconds);
During the scanning process, the status bar in the lower left corner will prompt, and the prompt disappears after the scanning is completed. It is recommended not to create, modify, delete, paste, cut, or sort records during the scanning process. Otherwise, the scanning result may be disordered, and other functions may be used normally;
* F7: New subdirectory;
* Ctrl+- : hide the window to the system tray;
* Ctrl+= : display window;
* Double-click the system tray icon to hide or show the window;
* Window size can be adjusted to support maximization and restoration;
* Supports Home, End, PageUp, PageDown and other operations.

3. Introduction of login information file VncManager.txt
(1). VncManager.txt content description
The login information is stored in the VncManager.txt file. If it is not created automatically, the password is encrypted with RC4. Please take care of it. VncManager.txt is an ANSI text file that follows the CSV format. All fields cannot contain the English exclamation mark "!", the English comma ",", and the vertical bar separator "|".
The first behavior is the name of each field in the login record. Each row holds a record, and each record contains 8 fields separated by 7 commas.
The RecordName record name is a key field that supports the Chinese record name. It cannot be empty and does not have a duplicate name.
IP, Port, User, and Password are IP address, port, user name, and password, respectively. The IP address cannot be empty. If the port is empty, the default port 5900 will be used.
UnlockDesktop is after the remote connection to the remote PC is successful. If the remote desktop is logged in and the focus is in the password input box, you can use the VNC password to unlock the remote desktop, or lock and then unlock the remote desktop. For details, see the following introduction.
Memory is a memo field;
TreePath is a directory path field consisting of a string of English exclamation marks "!" (directory separator). It supports Chinese directory names, such as the DirB subdirectory under the DirA subdirectory in the root directory: !DirA!DirB.

(2) Demonstration of VncManager.txt file with format conforming to requirements
RecordName, IP, Port, User, Password, UnlockDesktop, Memory, TreePath

(3). Can use VCRManager.txt to write Notepad, UltraEdit, Excel, etc.
VncManager.txt can be compiled with Notepad, UltraEdit, Excel, etc. You can also import the existing VncManager.txt into Excel. The specific method is:
A. Start Excel, select the menu "Data -> Import External Data -> Import Data", select the VncManager.txt file;
B. Step 1 of the text import wizard, click "Next" directly;
C. Step 2 must select the "comma" separator, and then click "Next";
D. Step 3 must set all 8 columns to text, select the columns in the data preview below, and then select the "text" in the data format in the upper right column. After all settings are completed, click "Finish" and "OK" to import successfully.
E. After processing, you must save it as a CSV file and rename it to VncManager.txt.

4, unlock the remote desktop function after the automatic connection is successful
(1). Unlock remote desktop function introduction
After the remote PC is successfully connected, if the remote desktop is logged in and the focus is in the password input box, you can use the password of the Vnc to unlock the remote desktop, or lock and then unlock the remote desktop.
To use this feature normally, the following conditions must be met:
A. The remote PC that has successfully connected is already logged in.
B. The user password for locking the remote desktop is the same as the password for connecting to the Vnc.
C. The focus of the remote desktop is in the password input box.

(2) Possible safety hazards
In the following situations, plain text passwords may exist and there are security risks:
A. The remote desktop is not locked before unlocking;
B. The remote desktop focus before unlocking is located in the text edit box.

(3). Related configuration
The user can individually configure the unlock remote desktop function for each record, and the related configuration information is saved in the UnlockDesktop field of each record. Be cautious, this feature is not enabled by default. Users can choose not to use (this field is empty). or "UnlockDesktop", or "LockThenUnlock" for each record according to the actual situation.
This field is empty, that is, if you do not use this function, the plain text password will not appear.
"UnlockDesktop" means to unlock the remote desktop directly, but a clear text password may appear.
"LockThenUnlock" means that if the remote desktop is unlocked before unlocking, you can lock the remote desktop and unlock it first, so as to avoid plain text passwords.

5, Related configuration and multi-language support introduction
(1). Configuration file VncManager.ini
The "Configuration" menu in the main menu allows you to select the relevant configuration of the program. The configuration of the program is saved in the VncManager.ini configuration file, and will be created automatically if no program exists. If the main window cannot be displayed after the program runs due to configuration confusion or abnormal shutdown, you can back up and delete the VncManager.ini file, and the program will run normally.

(2). Multi-language support
This program uses INI files to achieve multi-language support. Each language information is stored in an INI format file with the extension lng. Language files can be in Unicode or ANSI format, and Unicode format is generally recommended. This approach has more scalability, and users can add their own language files very simply and conveniently.
The default language of the program is Simplified Chinese, and the English language file English.lng is also available. If the program does not have an external language file at startup, the built-in default language (Simplified Chinese) will be used. If there is an external language of *.lng in the program directory, the program will automatically list the external language (named after the file name of the language file) under the "About->Language" menu. When the user selects an external language, the user can dynamically switch to the new language interface without restarting the program. The user‘s language selection will be automatically saved to the VncManager.ini file. After the program is closed, the user will automatically use the new language interface. .
Users can modify their own language files as follows:
A. Refer to English.lng to modify and modify your own language files, such as French.lng;
B. Copy the prepared language files to the program directory;
C. After restarting the program, the new language French added by the user will be automatically listed under the "About->Language" menu;
D. Selecting the language can dynamically switch to the new language interface without restarting the program. After the program is closed, the new language interface selected by the user will be automatically used next time.
Prepare language files Note:
A. The middle part of the language file can not have a blank line, blank line means the end of the file, after the blank line can not find the translation. If you need a blank line identifier separation, you can add an English semicolon ";" before the blank line, that is, a comment line;
B. The string in the language file. If you need leading and trailing spaces, you can enclose the string in English double quotes or English single quotes. You don‘t need spaces to add quotes.
The multi-language support function of this program is implemented by means of the method provided by the user Yonsm. Interested users can visit the website http://yonsm.net/ini-language-engine/.

(3). Enable VncViewer help
In this program, to enable the menu item "Help -> VncViewer Help", you need to copy the VncViewer PDF help file to VncViewer.pdf in the program directory, and your system needs to install the PDF reading tool.

6. Disclaimer
Users can choose this program at their own discretion. If reproduced, please indicate the source. The author does not assume any responsibility for all consequences!
