1. 程式人生 > >【UNET自學日誌】Part19 第一次嘗試匹配系統

【UNET自學日誌】Part19 第一次嘗試匹配系統



在運行遊戲後,因為添加了Network Manager HUD元件,所以有系統自帶的UI介面,如何進行匹配呢?

點選最下方的Enable Match Maker按鈕,有一個可以輸入的文字框,前面的laber寫著"Room Name:",所以在這文字框中輸入的即是房間的名稱,然後點選上面的Create Internet Match 即可建立房間。

在 "Room Name:"下方有一個Find Internet Match即可尋找房間,找到自己想加入的房間,點選即可加入房間進行遊戲。


Setting up the Multiplayer service

Before you can use the Matchmaker or the internet services you need to register the project first. See the Services Window (cloud icon in upper right corner, or go to Window->Unity Services in the application menu) where the Multiplayer panel should appear. In there you’ll find a link to the cloud Multiplayer website (you can also visit 

https://multiplayer.unity3d.com directly). Find your project name there and set up the Multiplayer configuration.

Note about Unity 5.1.x: The project ID is set up manually in this version of Unity, you can find the field for it in the Player settings (Edit -> Project Settings -> Player). Visit 

https://multiplayer.unity3d.com and set up your project manually and create a Multiplayer configuration for it. When viewing the configuration you’ll be able to see the ID (it’s called UPID right now in a 12345678–1234–1234–1234–123456789ABC format).




5.1版本:同5.3,訪問https://multiplayer.unity3d.com,找到你的專案然後設定其配置,然後在配置中你可以看到你專案的ID(一個類似於12345678–1234–1234–1234–123456789ABC這樣的格式的叫做UPID的東西),複製這一ID,在Edit -> Project Settings -> Player中填入此ID即可。
