1. 程式人生 > >iOS 實現角標 新訊息提示紅點 數字角標

iOS 實現角標 新訊息提示紅點 數字角標





//  UIBarButtonItem+Badge.h

//  therichest


//  Created by 淘股 on 2015-05-05.

//  Copyright (c) 2015 taogu Inc. All rights reserved.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIBarButtonItem (Badge)

@property (strongnonatomic

UILabel *badge;

// Badge value to be display

@property (nonatomicNSString *badgeValue;

// Badge background color

@property (nonatomicUIColor *badgeBGColor;

// Badge text color

@property (nonatomicUIColor *badgeTextColor;

// Badge font

@property (nonatomicUIFont *badgeFont;

// Padding value for the badge

@property (nonatomicCGFloat badgePadding;

// Minimum size badge to small

@property (nonatomicCGFloat badgeMinSize;

// Values for offseting the badge over the BarButtonItem you picked

@property (nonatomicCGFloat badgeOriginX;

@property (nonatomicCGFloat badgeOriginY;

// In case of numbers, remove the badge when reaching zero

@property BOOL shouldHideBadgeAtZero;

// Badge has a bounce animation when value changes

@property BOOL shouldAnimateBadge;



//  UIBarButtonItem+Badge.h

//  therichest


//  Created by 淘股 on 2015-05-05.

//  Copyright (c) 2015 taogu Inc. All rights reserved.


#import <objc/runtime.h>

#import "UIBarButtonItem+Badge.h"

NSString const *badgeKey = @"badgeKey";

NSString const *badgeBGColorKey = @"badgeBGColorKey";

NSString const *badgeTextColorKey = @"badgeTextColorKey";

NSString const *badgeFontKey = @"badgeFontKey";

NSString const *badgePaddingKey = @"badgePaddingKey";

NSString const *badgeMinSizeKey = @"badgeMinSizeKey";

NSString const *badgeOriginXKey = @"badgeOriginXKey";

NSString const *badgeOriginYKey = @"badgeOriginYKey";

NSString const *shouldHideBadgeAtZeroKey = @"shouldHideBadgeAtZeroKey";

NSString const *shouldAnimateBadgeKey = @"shouldAnimateBadgeKey";

NSString const *badgeValueKey = @"badgeValueKey";

@implementation UIBarButtonItem (Badge)

@dynamic badgeValue, badgeBGColor, badgeTextColor, badgeFont;

@dynamic badgePadding, badgeMinSize, badgeOriginX, badgeOriginY;

@dynamic shouldHideBadgeAtZero, shouldAnimateBadge;

- (void)badgeInit


// Default design initialization

    self.badgeBGColor   = [UIColor redColor];

self.badgeTextColor = [UIColorwhiteColor];

    self.badgeFont      = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:12.0];

self.badgePadding   = 6;

self.badgeMinSize   = 8;

self.badgeOriginX   = self.customView.frame.size.width - self.badge.frame.size.width/2;

    self.badgeOriginY   = -4;

self.shouldHideBadgeAtZero = YES;

self.shouldAnimateBadge = YES;

// Avoids badge to be clipped when animating its scale

self.customView.clipsToBounds = NO;


#pragma mark - Utility methods

// Handle badge display when its properties have been changed (color, font, ...)

- (void)refreshBadge


// Change new attributes

self.badge.textColor        = self.badgeTextColor;

self.badge.backgroundColor  = self.badgeBGColor;

    self.badge.font             = self.badgeFont;


- (CGSize) badgeExpectedSize


// When the value changes the badge could need to get bigger

// Calculate expected size to fit new value

// Use an intermediate label to get expected size thanks to sizeToFit

// We don‘t call sizeToFit on the true label to avoid bad display

    UILabel *frameLabel = [self duplicateLabel:self.badge];

    [frameLabel sizeToFit];

    CGSize expectedLabelSize = frameLabel.frame.size;

    return expectedLabelSize;


- (void)updateBadgeFrame


    CGSize expectedLabelSize = [self badgeExpectedSize];

// Make sure that for small value, the badge will be big enough

    CGFloat minHeight = expectedLabelSize.height;

// Using a const we make sure the badge respect the minimum size

    minHeight = (minHeight < self.badgeMinSize) ? self.badgeMinSize : expectedLabelSize.height;

    CGFloat minWidth = expectedLabelSize.width;

    CGFloat padding = self.badgePadding;

// Using const we make sure the badge doesn‘t get too smal

    minWidth = (minWidth < minHeight) ? minHeight : expectedLabelSize.width;

    self.badge.frame = CGRectMake(self.badgeOriginXself.badgeOriginY, minWidth + padding, minHeight + padding);

    self.badge.layer.cornerRadius = (minHeight + padding) / 2;

self.badge.layer.masksToBounds = YES;


// Handle the badge changing value

- (void)updateBadgeValueAnimated:(BOOL)animated


// Bounce animation on badge if value changed and if animation authorized

    if (animated && self.shouldAnimateBadge && ![self.badge.text isEqualToString:self.badgeValue]) {

CABasicAnimation * animation = [CABasicAnimationanimationWithKeyPath:@"transform.scale"];

        [animation setFromValue:[NSNumbernumberWithFloat:1.5]];

        [animation setToValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1]];

        [animation setDuration:0.2];

        [animation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunctionfunctionWithControlPoints:.4f :1.3f :1.f :1.f]];

        [self.badge.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"bounceAnimation"];


// Set the new value

self.badge.text = self.badgeValue;

// Animate the size modification if needed

    NSTimeInterval duration = animated ? 0.2 : 0;

    [UIViewanimateWithDuration:duration animations:^{




- (UILabel *)duplicateLabel:(UILabel *)labelToCopy


    UILabel *duplicateLabel = [[UILabel allocinitWithFrame:labelToCopy.frame];

    duplicateLabel.text = labelToCopy.text;

    duplicateLabel.font = labelToCopy.font;

    return duplicateLabel;


- (void)removeBadge


// Animate badge removal


self.badge.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(00);

    } completion:^(BOOL finished) {


        self.badge = nil;



#pragma mark - getters/setters

-(UILabel*) badge {

returnobjc_getAssociatedObject(self, &badgeKey);


-(void)setBadge:(UILabel *)badgeLabel


objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &badgeKey, badgeLabel, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);


// Badge value to be display

-(NSString *)badgeValue {

returnobjc_getAssociatedObject(self, &badgeValueKey);


-(void) setBadgeValue:(NSString *)badgeValue


objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &badgeValueKey, badgeValue, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);

// When changing the badge value check if we need to remove the badge

    if (!badgeValue || [badgeValue isEqualToString:@""] || ([badgeValue isEqualToString:@"0"] && self.shouldHideBadgeAtZero)) {

        [self removeBadge];

    } else if (!self.badge) {

// Create a new badge because not existing

        self.badge                      = [[UILabel allocinitWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.badgeOriginX,self.badgeOriginY2020)];

        self.badge.textColor            = self.badgeTextColor;

        self.badge.backgroundColor      = self.badgeBGColor;

        self.badge.font                 = self.badgeFont;

        self.badge.textAlignment        = NSTextAlignmentCenter;

        [self badgeInit];

        [self.customView addSubview:self.badge];


    } else {




// Badge background color

-(UIColor *)badgeBGColor {

returnobjc_getAssociatedObject(self, &badgeBGColorKey);


-(void)setBadgeBGColor:(UIColor *)badgeBGColor


objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &badgeBGColorKey, badgeBGColor, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);

    if (self.badge) {

        [self refreshBadge];



// Badge text color

-(UIColor *)badgeTextColor {

returnobjc_getAssociatedObject(self, &badgeTextColorKey);


-(void)setBadgeTextColor:(UIColor *)badgeTextColor


objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &badgeTextColorKey, badgeTextColor, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);

    if (self.badge) {

        [self refreshBadge];



// Badge font

-(UIFont *)badgeFont {

returnobjc_getAssociatedObject(self, &badgeFontKey);


-(void)setBadgeFont:(UIFont *)badgeFont


objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &badgeFontKey, badgeFont, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);

    if (self.badge) {

        [self refreshBadge];



iOS 實現 訊息提示 數字

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