1. 程式人生 > >windbg記憶體斷點學習總結




在windbg中通過s 命令在記憶體中查詢字串或者關鍵位元組碼資訊

0:005> s -u 00c00000 L1000000 "你好 20:15 2012/6/620:15 2012/6/6"
01960d28  4f60 597d 0020 0032 0030 003a 0031 0035  `O}Y .2.0.:.1.5.

01960d28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 3a 00 31 00 35 00 20 00  ........0.:.1.5. .
01960d3a 32 00 30 00 31 00 32 00 2f 00 36 00 2f 00 36 00 32 00
01960d4c 30 00 3a 00 31 00 35 00 20 00 32 00 30 00 31 00 32 00  0.:.1.5. .
01960d5e 2f 00 36 00 2f 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  /.6./.6...........

0:005> ba r4 01960d28  
0:005> bl
 0 du             0001 (0001) (@@masm(`ItemOperation.cpp:60+`))
 1 e 01960d28 r 4 0001 (0001)  0:**** 
 2 e 771c3540     0001 (0001)  0:**** ntdll!DbgBreakPoint

0:005> g
Breakpoint 1 hit
eax=019607d0 ebx=00000023 ecx=00000003 edx=0000002c esi=019607d0 edi=01960cd0
eip=76d29c9c esp=000fefa4 ebp=000fefa8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000206
76d29c9c 660f7f4760      movdqa  xmmword ptr [edi+60h],xmm0 ds:0023:01960d30=003100300032002000350031003a0030


if(record_set_ptr != NULL )
    record_set_ptr->look_aside_pool_ptr = g_user_control_context.look_aside_pools[type] ;
    record_set_ptr->type = type ;
    record_set_ptr->buffer_size = notify_count * unit_size_of ;
    record_set_ptr->units_count = notify_count ;
    record_set_ptr->complete_count = 0 ;
然後在呼叫ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList傳入record_set_ptr->look_aside_pool_ptr 的時候掛了,發現record_set_ptr->look_aside_pool_ptr已經被改了.
為了跟蹤資料在哪裡被修改了,先在資料初始化的地方下斷,然後記下record_set_ptr->look_aside_pool_ptr 的地址:0x85c16018
1: kd> ba w4 85c16018
1: kd> g
Breakpoint 3 hit
8053b583 f3a5            rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]

此時edi的值: 0x85c16018
後面又想到,出錯時record_set_ptr->look_aside_pool_ptr 的值是0x005c0065
posted on 2012-01-03 15:07 __ay 閱讀(3020) 評論(3)  編輯 收藏 引用 所屬分類: Debugging

# re: 誰動了我的指標?--記一次windbg記憶體斷點的使用 2012-01-05 09:33 zuhd
一般遇到這種需要下記憶體斷點的除錯,我可能會先檢查程式碼,應該會有90%的概率是越界造成的,確定該記憶體是在堆還是棧,然後排查該變數上下的兩個變數,基本都能找到,呵呵。請問樓主是UESTC的嗎?  回覆  更多評論   
# re: 誰動了我的指標?--記一次windbg記憶體斷點的使用 2012-01-05 13:30 __ay
呵呵 你也是UESTC的?不過我已經畢業了 

windbg memory breakpoint 記憶體斷點


ba (Break on Access)  
[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上檢視程式碼片派生到我的程式碼片
kd> ba i4 3f8  

ba[ID] Access Size [Options] [Address [Passes]] ["CommandString"]

Specifies the type of access that satisfies the breakpoint. This parameter can be one of the following values.
e (execute)
Breaks into the debugger when the CPU retrieves an instruction from the specified address.
Breaks into the debugger when the CPU reads or writes at the specified address.
w (write)
Breaks into the debugger when the CPU writes at the specified address.
i (i/o)
(Microsoft Windows XP and later versions, kernel mode only, x86-based systems only) Breaks into the debugger when the I/O port at the specified Address is accessed.
Specifies the size of the location, in bytes, to monitor for access. On an x86-based processor, this parameter can be 1, 2, or 4. However, if Access equals e, Sizemust be 1.
On an x64-based processor, this parameter can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. However, if Access equals e, Size must be 1.


windbg --記憶體資料斷點 


ba (Break on Access)
The ba command sets a data breakpoint. This breakpoint is triggered when the specified memory is accessed.
[~Thread] ba[ID] Access Size [Options] [Address [Passes]] ["CommandString"] 
ba[ID] Access Size [Options] [Address [Passes]] ["CommandString"] 
Specifies the thread that the breakpoint applies to. For more information about syntax, see Thread Syntax. You can specify threads only in user mode.
Specifies an optional number that identifies the breakpoint. If you do not specify ID, the first available breakpoint number is used. You cannot add space between ba and the ID number. Each processor supports only a limited number of data breakpoints. But there is no restriction on the value of the ID number. If you enclose ID in square brackets ([]), ID can include any expression. For more information about the syntax, see Numerical Expression Syntax.
Specifies the type of access that satisfies the breakpoint. This parameter can be one of the following values.
e (execute)Breaks into the debugger when the CPU retrieves an instruction from the specified address.
r (read/write)Breaks into the debugger when the CPU reads or writes at the specified address.
w (write)Breaks into the debugger when the CPU writes at the specified address.
i (i/o)(Microsoft Windows XP and later versions, kernel mode only, x86-based systems only) Breaks into the debugger when the I/O port at the specified Address is accessed.
You cannot add space between Access and Size.
Note  On Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), on an Itanium-based computer that uses WOW64 to emulate x86, data breakpoints do not work with the execute option but they do work with the read and write options.
Specifies the size of the location, in bytes, to monitor for access. On an x86-based processor, this parameter can be 1, 2, or 4. However, if Access equals e, Size must be 1.
On an x64-based processor, this parameter can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. However, if Access equals e, Size must be 1.
On an Itanium-based processor, this parameter can be any power of 2, from 1 to 0x80000000.
You cannot add space between Access and Size.
Specifies breakpoint options. You can use any number of the following options, except as indicated:
Creates a "one-shot" breakpoint. After this breakpoint is triggered, the breakpoint is permanently removed from the breakpoint list.
/f PredNum
(Itanium only, user mode only) Specifies a predicate number. The breakpoint is predicated with the corresponding predicate register (for example, bp /f 4 address sets a breakpoint that is predicated with the p4 predicate register). For more information about predicate registers, see Itanium Architecture.
/p EProcess
(Kernel mode only) Specifies a process that is associated with this breakpoint. EProcess should be the actual address of the EPROCESS structure, not the PID. The breakpoint is triggered only if it is encountered in the context of this process.
/t EThread
(Kernel mode only) Specifies a thread that is associated with this breakpoint. EThread should be the actual address of the ETHREAD structure, not the thread ID. The breakpoint is triggered only if it is encountered in the context of this thread. If you use /p EProcess and /t EThread , you can enter them in either order.
/c MaxCallStackDepth
Causes the breakpoint to be active only when the call stack depth is less than MaxCallStackDepth. You cannot combine this option together with /C.
/C MinCallStackDepth
Causes the breakpoint to be active only when the call stack depth is larger than MinCallStackDepth. You cannot combine this option together with /c.
Specifies any valid address. If the application accesses memory at this address, the debugger stops execution and displays the current values of all registers and flags. This address must be an offset and suitably aligned to match the Size parameter. (For example, if Size is 4, Address must be a multiple of 4.) If you omit Address, the current instruction pointer is used. For more information about the syntax, see Address and Address Range Syntax.
Specifies the number of times the breakpoint is passed by until it activates. This number can be any 16-bit value. The number of times the program counter passes through this point without breaking is one less than the value of this number. Therefore, omitting this number is the same as setting it equal to 1. Note also that this number counts only the times that the application executes past this point. Stepping or tracing past this point does not count. After the full count is reached, you can reset this number only by clearing and resetting the breakpoint.
Specifies a list of commands to execute every time that the breakpoint is encountered the specified number of times. These commands are executed only if the breakpoint is hit after you issue a g (Go) command, instead of after a t (Trace) or p (Step) command. Debugger commands in CommandString can include parameters.
You must enclose this command string in quotation marks, and you should separate multiple commands by semicolons. You can use standard C control characters (such as \n and \"). Semicolons that are contained in second-level quotation marks (\") are intepreted as part of the embedded quoted string.
This parameter is optional
ModesUser mode, kernel mode
TargetsLive debugging only
The debugger uses the ID number to refer to the breakpoint in later bc (Breakpoint Clear), bd (Breakpoint Disable), and be (Breakpoint Enable), commands. Use the bl (Breakpoint List) command to see the ID numbers that are associated with all currently set breakpoints.
The ba command provides the same functionality that the debug registers provide. You can break execution when the particular memory location is read from, written to, or executed.
The breakpoint is satisfied only when the access occurs at the given address and for the specified number of bytes. If the memory that is accessed overlaps the specified area to monitor, the breakpoint is not satisfied.
Although the size is required for all breakpoint types, an execute breakpoint is satisfied only if the address is the first byte in the instruction.
When you debug a multiprocessor system in kernel mode, breakpoints that you set by using bp (Set Breakpoint) or ba apply to all processors. For example, if the current processor is 3 and you type ba e1 MemoryAddress to put a breakpoint at MemoryAddress, any processor (not only processor 3) that executes at that address causes a breakpoint trap.
You cannot set the initial breakpoint in a user-mode process by using the ba command.
You cannot create multiple breakpoints at the same address that differ only in their CommandString values. However, you can create multiple breakpoints at the same address that have different restrictions (for example, different values of the /p, /t, /c, and /C options).
When you debug in kernel mode, the target computer distinguishes between user-mode and kernel-mode data breakpoints. A user-mode data breakpoint cannot affect kernel execution or memory access. A kernel-mode data breakpoint might affect user-mode execution or memory access, depending on whether the user-mode code is using the debug register state and whether there is a user-mode debugger that is attached.
To apply the current process' existing data breakpoints to a different register context, use the .apply_dbp (Apply Data Breakpoint to Context) command.
The following examples show the ba command. The following command sets a breakpoint for read access on 4 bytes of the variable myVar.
0:000> ba r4 myVar
The following command adds a breakpoint on all serial ports with addresses from 0x3F8 through 0x3FB. This breakpoint is triggered if anything is read or written to these ports.
kd> ba i4 3f8





首先OD載入程式,Alt + M開啟記憶體對映檢視,找到主模組的資料段或者資源段F2下訪問中斷,如圖。

然後F9執行程式,會自動斷下,再次Alt + M開啟記憶體對映檢視,找到程式碼段F2下訪問中斷,如圖。

之後F9執行,會再次斷下。這個時候仍然Alt + M開啟記憶體對映檢視,觀察一下主模組的區塊。

0040BA75    8D8430 58B00000 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+ESI+B058]
0040BA7C    01F3            ADD EBX,ESI
0040BA7E    50              PUSH EAX
0040BA7F    83C7 08         ADD EDI,8
0040BA82    FF96 94B00000   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+B094]             ; KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA
0040BA88    95              XCHG EAX,EBP
0040BA89    8A07            MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[EDI]
0040BA8B    47              INC EDI
0040BA8C    08C0            OR AL,AL
0040BA8E  ^ 74 DC           JE SHORT 0040BA6C
0040BA90    89F9            MOV ECX,EDI
Memory map, 專案 18
 大小=00008000 (32768.)
 屬主=UpxDemo  00400000
 型別=映像 01001002
Memory map, 專案 19
 大小=00003000 (12288.)
 屬主=UpxDemo  00400000
 型別=映像 01001002
看到UPX0和UPX1到底哪一個是真實的程式碼塊呢?需要試一下。對於UPX0,VA的範圍是00401000~00409000,對於UPX1,VA的範圍是00409000~0040C000。可以在OD的命令列中執行tc eip<00409000,按Enter執行,發現來到了OEP了。(同樣可以測試tc eip<0040C000,但得到的不是OEP)。

00401120    55              PUSH EBP
00401121    8BEC            MOV EBP,ESP
00401123    6A FF           PUSH -1
00401125    68 B8504000     PUSH 004050B8
0040112A    68 EC1D4000     PUSH 00401DEC
0040112F    64:A1 00000000  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR FS:[0]
00401135    50              PUSH EAX
00401136    64:8925 0000000>MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ESP
0040113D    83EC 58         SUB ESP,58
00401140    53              PUSH EBX
00401141    56              PUSH ESI
00401142    57              PUSH EDI
00401143    8965 E8         MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-18],ESP
00401146    FF15 28504000   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[405028]               ; KERNEL32.GetVersion
0040114C    33D2            XOR EDX,EDX
0040114E    8AD4            MOV DL,AH
00401150    8915 14854000   MOV DWORD PTR DS:[408514],EDX
00401156    8BC8            MOV ECX,EAX
00401158    81E1 FF000000   AND ECX,0FF
0040115E    890D 10854000   MOV DWORD PTR DS:[408510],ECX
00401164    C1E1 08         SHL ECX,8
TC (Trace in till condition)跟蹤進入直到條件