[LeetCode]1 Two Sum(C++,Python實現)
LeetCode OJ的第一題,如果有問題或者給我指點歡迎來信討論[email protected]
LeetCode OJ的第一題,題目描述如下:
Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.
The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target,
where index1 must be less than index2. Please note that your returned answers (both index1 and index2)
are not zero-based.
You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution.
給定一個序列,若其中存在兩個元素之和為給定的數字target。注意返回的兩個序列要求“not zero-based”,也就是從1開始計數而不是像陣列一樣從0下標開始。
首先給定的序列是無序的,如果序列有序(設已經從小到大排序),那麼設一個下標A從頭開始,另一個下標B從尾開始,如果二者之和小於target,說明兩者的和不夠大,由於B下標指向的是當前可能情況下序列的最大值(因為B開始指向最大值,而B的每次減小都是因為B加上當前可能情況下序列最小的值已經超過了target),所以下標A增加,如果二者之和等於target,則得到所需結果。如果二者之和大於target,說明二者之和大了,由於A下標指向的是當前可能情況下序列的最小值(因為A開始指向最小值,而A的每次增加都是因為A加上當前可能情況下序列的最大值已經不夠target),所以下標B減小。 這種方法在兩個下標遍歷的時候只有O(n)的複雜度,但是在排序時候要O(nlgn)複雜度,所以總的複雜度為O(nlgn)。思路2
返回的值前一個要比後一個小。 要注意存在著兩個元素相同的情況,如4,4,target=8。這時候不要返回相同的下標程式碼
def twoSum(self, num, target):
tmp_num = num[:]
index1 = 0
index2 = len(tmp_num)-1
while index1 < index2:
tmp_target = tmp_num[index1] + tmp_num[index2]
if tmp_target == target:
elif tmp_target > target:
index2 -= 1
index1 += 1
if index1 == index2:
return (-1, -1)
ans1 = num.index(tmp_num[index1])
ans2 = num.index(tmp_num[index2])
if ans2 != ans1:
# not zero based
return (min(ans1, ans2)+1, max(ans1, ans2)+1)
ans2 = num[ans1+1:].index(tmp_num[index2])
return (ans1+1, ans1+1+ans2+1)
def twoSum1(self, num, target):
tmp_num = {}
for i in range(len(num)):
if target - num[i] in tmp_num:
# here do not need to deal with the condition i = target-i
return (tmp_num[target-num[i]]+1, i+1)
tmp_num[num[i]] = i
return (-1, -1)
class Solution {
vector<int> twoSum(vector<int> &numbers, int target) {
map<int, int> searched;
vector<int> res;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); ++i){
if (searched.count(target - numbers[i])){
res.push_back(searched[target - numbers[i]]+1);
return res;
} else {
searched[numbers[i]] = i;
return res;
[LeetCode]1 Two Sum(C++,Python實現)
LeetCode OJ的第一題,如果有問題或者給我指點歡迎來信討論[email protected] 題目描述 LeetCode OJ的第一題,題目描述如下: Given an array of integers, find two numbers such th
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解題方案 思路 1 ******- 時間複雜度: O(N^2)******- 空間複雜度: O(1)****** 暴力解法,兩輪遍歷 beats 27.6% class Solution(object): def twoSum(self, nums, targe
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LeetCode 1. Two Sum 兩數之和 標籤: Leetcode 題目描述 給定一個整數陣列 nums 和一個目標值 target,請你在該陣列中找出和為目標值的兩個整數。 你可以假設每種輸入只會對應一個答案。但是,你不能重複利用這個陣列中同樣的元素。
Leetcode 1 two sum
Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may assume that each