1. 程式人生 > >基於FBX SDK的FBX模型解析與載入

基於FBX SDK的FBX模型解析與載入

1. 簡介

FBX是Autodesk的一個用於跨平臺的免費三維資料交換的格式(最早不是由Autodesk開發,但後來被其收購),目前被 眾多的標準建模軟體所支援,在遊戲開發領域也常用來作為各種建模工具的標準匯出格式。Autodesk提供了基於C++(還有Python)的SDK來實現對FBX格式的各種讀寫、修改以及轉換等操作,之所以如此是因為FBX的格式不是公開的,這也是FBX的詬病之一。與FBX相對的則是格式開源的Collada,它的應用也很廣泛。總體來說這兩種格式還是各有優劣不相上下,關於兩種格式在遊戲開發中使用的對比與討論也比較多,可見GameDev中的帖子:http://www.gamedev.net/topic/467753-collada-vs-autodesk-fbx

, 這裡就不再論述了。大多數情況下我們是需要解析模型在程式中渲染使用,因此這裡主要討論使用FBX SDK來對FBX模型進行解析與載入(主要包括幾何網格、材質、Light與Camera、Skeleton動畫等),而對於在建模工具中可能涉及到的FBX寫出等則沒有涉及。

2. FBX SDK的配置

首先,在使用前需要下載安裝FBX的SDK,可以從Autodesk的網站上進行獲得最新的版本安裝之後在VS裡邊的配置就跟D3D類似。其中的Samples基本上涵蓋了FBX相關的應用,可以在使用之前好好研究一下。最新的SDK版本(2012版)與之前的版本會在細節上有所不同(有些較大的改動是實現某些功能 的API介面的修改,具體細節可以用2012的Programmer's guide中找到),而且支援最新的FBX格式,因此最好就直接用最新的版本。

3. FBX模型的組織結構

FBX是以scene graph的結構來儲存模型的所有資訊(也可以認為是一個多叉樹),類似於OSG中的組織方式,這一點可以從SDK所帶的Sample裡邊很清楚的看出來。一個較為典型的模型的組織結構與下圖所示:




  1. bool FBXImporter::Initialize() 
  2.     // Create the FBX SDK Manager, destroy the old manager at first
  3.     if(mpFBXSDKManager) 
  4.     { 
  5.        mpFBXSDKManager->Destroy(); 
  6.     } 
  7.     mpFBXSDKManager = KFbxSdkManager::Create(); 
  8.     if(mpFBXSDKManager == NULL) 
  9.     { 
  10.        returnfalse
  11.     } 
  12.     // Create an IOSettings object
  13.     KFbxIOSettings* ios = KFbxIOSettings::Create(mpFBXSDKManager , IOSROOT); 
  14.     mpFBXSDKManager->SetIOSettings(ios); 
  15.     // Load plug-ins from the executable directory
  16.     KString lExtension = "dll"
  17.     KString lPath = KFbxGetApplicationDirectory(); 
  18.     mpFBXSDKManager->LoadPluginsDirectory(lPath.Buffer() , lExtension.Buffer()); 
  19.     // Create the entity that hold the whole Scene
  20.     mpFBXSDKScene = KFbxScene::Create(mpFBXSDKManager , ""); 
  21.     returntrue


  1. bool FBXImporter::LoadScene(constchar* pSeneName) 
  2.     if(mpFBXSDKManager == NULL) 
  3.     { 
  4.        returnfalse
  5.     } 
  6.     // Get the file version number generate by the FBX SDK.
  7.     KFbxSdkManager::GetFileFormatVersion(mSDKVersion.mMajor , mSDKVersion.mMinor , mSDKVersion.mRevision); 
  8.     // Create an importer.
  9.     KFbxImporter* pKFBXImporter = KFbxImporter::Create(mpFBXSDKManager ,""); 
  10.     // Initialize the importer by providing a filename
  11.     FBXFileVersion fileVersion; 
  12.     bool importStatus = pKFBXImporter->Initialize(fileName , -1 , mpFBXSDKManager->GetIOSettings()); 
  13.     lImporter->GetFileVersion(fileVersion.mMajor , fileVersion.mMinor , fileVersion.mRevision); 
  14.     if(!importStatus) 
  15.     { 
  16.         returnfalse
  17.     } 
  18.     // Import the scene
  19.     mpFBXScene->Clear(); 
  20.     importStatus = pKFBXImporter->Import(m_mpFBXScene); 
  21.     // Destroy the importer.
  22.     pKFBXImporter->Destroy(); 
  23.     return importStatus; 


  1. void ProcessNode(KFbxNode* pNode) 
  2.     KFbxNodeAttribute::EAttributeType attributeType; 
  3.     if(pNode->GetNodeAttribute()) 
  4.     { 
  5.         switch(pNode->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType()) 
  6.         { 
  7.         case KFbxNodeAttribute::eMESH: 
  8.             ProcessMesh(pNode); 
  9.             break
  10.         case KFbxNodeAttribute::eSKELETON: 
  11.             ProcessSkeleton(pNode); 
  12.             break
  13.         case KFbxNodeAttribute::eLIGHT: 
  14.             ProcessLight(pNode); 
  15.             break
  16.         case KFbxNodeAttribute::eCAMERA: 
  17.             ProcessCamera(); 
  18.             break
  19.         } 
  20.     } 
  21.     for(int i = 0 ; i < pNode->GetChildCount() ; ++i) 
  22.     { 
  23.         ProcessNode(pNode->GetChild(i)); 
  24.     } 


4. 載入幾何網格


  • Vertex       組成網格的頂點資訊,這一部分是必須的。
  • Color         每個頂點的顏色,一般不需要。
  • Normal     每個頂點所對應的法向,是由FBX匯出外掛計算生成,可以是逐面片或逐頂點。
  • UV             每個頂點所對應的法向,是由FBX匯出外掛計算生成,可以是逐面片或逐頂點。
  • Tangent   每個頂點所對應的貼圖UV值,一般來說,每個UV對應一個Layer,一個頂點可以有多個UV通道,這在讀入的時間需要進行判斷


  1. void ProcessMesh(KFbxNode* pNode) 
  2.     KFbxMesh* pMesh = pNode->GetMesh(); 
  3.     if(pMesh == NULL) 
  4.     { 
  5.         return
  6.     } 
  7.     D3DXVECTOR3 vertex[3]; 
  8.     D3DXVECTOR4 color[3]; 
  9.     D3DXVECTOR3 normal[3]; 
  10.     D3DXVECTOR3 tangent[3]; 
  11.     D3DXVECTOR2 uv[3][2]; 
  12.     int triangleCount = pMesh->GetPolygonCount(); 
  13.     int vertexCounter = 0; 
  14.     for(int i = 0 ; i < triangleCount ; ++i) 
  15.     { 
  16.         for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) 
  17.         { 
  18.             int ctrlPointIndex = pMesh->GetPolygonVertex(i , j); 
  19.             // Read the vertex
  20.             ReadVertex(pMesh , ctrlPointIndex , &vertex[j]); 
  21.             // Read the color of each vertex
  22.             ReadColor(pMesh , ctrlPointIndex , vertexCounter , &color[j]); 
  23.             // Read the UV of each vertex
  24.             for(int k = 0 ; k < 2 ; ++k) 
  25.             { 
  26.                 ReadUV(pMesh , ctrlPointIndex , pMesh->GetTextureUVIndex(i, j) , k , &(uv[j][k])); 
  27.             } 
  28.             // Read the normal of each vertex
  29.             ReadNormal(pMesh , ctrlPointIndex , vertexCounter , &normal[j]); 
  30.             // Read the tangent of each vertex
  31.             ReadTangent(pMesh , ctrlPointIndex , vertexCounter , &tangent[j]); 
  32.             vertexCounter++; 
  33.         } 
  34.         // 根據讀入的資訊組裝三角形,並以某種方式使用即可,比如存入到列表中、儲存到檔案等...
  35.     } 

上述程式碼完成了從一個Node裡邊讀出相應的網格資訊。首先,從Node裡邊得到相應KFbxMesh指標,可知,如果該Node不是eMESH屬性的話那麼該指標就為空,後繼操作不能再進行。注意其中用triangleCount變數來儲存pMesh->GetPolygonCount()的值,這主要是在前面也提到過了,假定對於所有的FBX模型在儲存時均選定了Triangulation的操作,因而其中儲存的Polygon是三角形,如此一來每個裡邊一定只包含3個頂點,依次讀入這3個頂點所對應的各屬性資訊即可。在FBX中對於每個頂點所對應的各種額外屬性,比如Normal、Tangent、UV等均可對應多個通道,這可以通過在每個Mesh裡邊增加相應屬性的一個Layer即可實現,在使用FBX SDK寫出FBX檔案時很容易做到。比如上述程式碼中就從FBX中讀出4個UV通道中的值(第一個是正常的貼圖通道,第二層是LightMap的通道)。vertexCounter是記錄已經處理過的頂點的數目,這主要是頂點資訊讀取在某些對映模式下(比如下述使用到vertexCounter的eBY_POLYGON_VERTEX等)需要知道其在全域性頂ControlPoints中的資訊,因而增加這樣的一個變數來進行記錄。


  1. void ReadVertex(KFbxMesh* pMesh ,int ctrlPointIndex , D3DXVECTOR3* pVertex) 
  2.     KFbxVector4* pCtrlPoint = pMesh->GetControlPoints(); 
  3.     pVertex->x = pCtrlPoint[ctrlPointIndex].GetAt(0); 
  4.     pVertex->y = pCtrlPoint[ctrlPointIndex].GetAt(1); 
  5.     pVertex->z = pCtrlPoint[ctrlPointIndex].GetAt(2); 


  1. void ReadColor(KFbxMesh* pMesh ,int ctrlPointIndex ,int vertexCounter , D3DXVECTOR4* pColor) 
  2.     if(pMesh->GetElementVertexColorCount < 1) 
  3.     { 
  4.         return
  5.     } 
  6.     KFbxGeometryElementVertexColor* pVertexColor = pMesh->GetElementVertexColor(0); 
  7.     switch(pVertexColor->GetMappingMode()) 
  8.     { 
  9.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_CONTROL_POINT: 
  10.         { 
  11.             switch(pVertexColor->GetReferenceMode()) 
  12.             { 
  13.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  14.                 { 
  15.                     pColor->x = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).mRed; 
  16.                     pColor->y = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).mGreen; 
  17.                     pColor->z = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).mBlue; 
  18.                     pColor->w = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).mAlpha; 
  19.                 } 
  20.                 break
  21.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  22.                 { 
  23.                     int id = pVertexColor->GetIndexArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex); 
  24.                     pColor->x = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mRed; 
  25.                     pColor->y = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mGreen; 
  26.                     pColor->z = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mBlue; 
  27.                     pColor->w = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mAlpha; 
  28.                 } 
  29.                 break
  30.             default
  31.                 break
  32.             } 
  33.         } 
  34.         break
  35.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_POLYGON_VERTEX: 
  36.         { 
  37.             switch (pVertexColor->GetReferenceMode()) 
  38.             { 
  39.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  40.                 { 
  41.                     pColor->x = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertexCounter).mRed; 
  42.                     pColor->y = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertexCounter).mGreen; 
  43.                     pColor->z = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertexCounter).mBlue; 
  44.                     pColor->w = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertexCounter).mAlpha; 
  45.                 } 
  46.                 break
  47.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  48.                 { 
  49.                     int id = pVertexColor->GetIndexArray().GetAt(vertexCounter); 
  50.                     pColor->x = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mRed; 
  51.                     pColor->y = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mGreen; 
  52.                     pColor->z = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mBlue; 
  53.                     pColor->w = pVertexColor->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).mAlpha; 
  54.                 } 
  55.                 break
  56.             default
  57.                 break
  58.             } 
  59.         } 
  60.         break
  61.     } 


  1. void ReadUV(KFbxMesh* pMesh ,int ctrlPointIndex ,int textureUVIndex ,int uvLayer , D3DXVECTOR2* pUV) 
  2.     if(uvLayer >= 2 || pMesh->GetElementUVCount() <= uvLayer) 
  3.     { 
  4.         returnfalse
  5.     } 
  6.     KFbxGeometryElementUV* pVertexUV = pMesh->GetElementUV(uvLayer); 
  7.     switch(pVertexUV->GetMappingMode()) 
  8.     { 
  9.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_CONTROL_POINT: 
  10.         { 
  11.             switch(pVertexUV->GetReferenceMode()) 
  12.             { 
  13.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  14.                 { 
  15.                     pUV->x = pVertexUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(0); 
  16.                     pUV->y = pVertexUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(1); 
  17.                 } 
  18.                 break
  19.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  20.                 { 
  21.                     int id = pVertexUV->GetIndexArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex); 
  22.                     pUV->x = pVertexUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(0); 
  23.                     pUV->y = pVertexUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(1); 
  24.                 } 
  25.                 break
  26.             default
  27.                 break
  28.             } 
  29.         } 
  30.         break
  31.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_POLYGON_VERTEX: 
  32.         { 
  33.             switch (pVertexUV->GetReferenceMode()) 
  34.             { 
  35.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  36.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  37.                 { 
  38.                     pUV->x = pVertexUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(textureUVIndex).GetAt(0); 
  39.                     pUV->y = pVertexUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(textureUVIndex).GetAt(1); 
  40.                 } 
  41.                 break
  42.             default
  43.                 break
  44.             } 
  45.         } 
  46.         break
  47.     } 


  1. void ReadNormal(KFbxMesh* pMesh ,int ctrlPointIndex ,int vertexCounter , D3DXVECTOR3* pNormal) 
  2.     if(pMesh->GetElementNormalCount() < 1) 
  3.     { 
  4.         return
  5.     } 
  6.     KFbxGeometryElementNormal* leNormal = pMesh->GetElementNormal(0); 
  7.     switch(leNormal->GetMappingMode()) 
  8.     { 
  9.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_CONTROL_POINT: 
  10.         { 
  11.             switch(leNormal->GetReferenceMode()) 
  12.             { 
  13.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  14.                 { 
  15.                     pNormal->x = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(0); 
  16.                     pNormal->y = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(1); 
  17.                     pNormal->z = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(2); 
  18.                 } 
  19.                 break
  20.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  21.                 { 
  22.                     int id = leNormal->GetIndexArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex); 
  23.                     pNormal->x = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(0); 
  24.                     pNormal->y = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(1); 
  25.                     pNormal->z = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(2); 
  26.                 } 
  27.                 break
  28.             default
  29.                 break
  30.             } 
  31.         } 
  32.         break
  33.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_POLYGON_VERTEX: 
  34.         { 
  35.             switch(leNormal->GetReferenceMode()) 
  36.             { 
  37.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  38.                 { 
  39.                     pNormal->x = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertexCounter).GetAt(0); 
  40.                     pNormal->y = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertexCounter).GetAt(1); 
  41.                     pNormal->z = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertexCounter).GetAt(2); 
  42.                 } 
  43.                 break
  44.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  45.                 { 
  46.                     int id = leNormal->GetIndexArray().GetAt(vertexCounter); 
  47.                     pNormal->x = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(0); 
  48.                     pNormal->y = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(1); 
  49.                     pNormal->z = leNormal->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(2); 
  50.                 } 
  51.                 break
  52.             default
  53.                 break
  54.             } 
  55.         } 
  56.         break
  57.     } 


  1. void ReadTangent(KFbxMesh* pMesh ,int ctrlPointIndex ,int vertecCounter , D3DXVECTOR3* pTangent) 
  2.     if(pMesh->GetElementTangentCount() < 1) 
  3.     { 
  4.         return
  5.     } 
  6.     KFbxGeometryElementTangent* leTangent = pMesh->GetElementTangent(0); 
  7.     switch(leTangent->GetMappingMode()) 
  8.     { 
  9.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_CONTROL_POINT: 
  10.         { 
  11.             switch(leTangent->GetReferenceMode()) 
  12.             { 
  13.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  14.                 { 
  15.                     pTangent->x = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(0); 
  16.                     pTangent->y = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(1); 
  17.                     pTangent->z = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex).GetAt(2); 
  18.                 } 
  19.                 break
  20.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  21.                 { 
  22.                     int id = leTangent->GetIndexArray().GetAt(ctrlPointIndex); 
  23.                     pTangent->x = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(0); 
  24.                     pTangent->y = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(1); 
  25.                     pTangent->z = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(2); 
  26.                 } 
  27.                 break
  28.             default
  29.                 break
  30.             } 
  31.         } 
  32.         break
  33.     case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_POLYGON_VERTEX: 
  34.         { 
  35.             switch(leTangent->GetReferenceMode()) 
  36.             { 
  37.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eDIRECT: 
  38.                 { 
  39.                     pTangent->x = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertecCounter).GetAt(0); 
  40.                     pTangent->y = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertecCounter).GetAt(1); 
  41.                     pTangent->z = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(vertecCounter).GetAt(2); 
  42.                 } 
  43.                 break
  44.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eINDEX_TO_DIRECT: 
  45.                 { 
  46.                     int id = leTangent->GetIndexArray().GetAt(vertecCounter); 
  47.                     pTangent->x = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(0); 
  48.                     pTangent->y = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(1); 
  49.                     pTangent->z = leTangent->GetDirectArray().GetAt(id).GetAt(2); 
  50.                 } 
  51.                 break
  52.             default
  53.                 break
  54.             } 
  55.         } 
  56.         break
  57.     } 



5. 載入材質


5.1 關聯Mesh與材質


  1. void ConnectMaterialToMesh(KFbxMesh* pMesh ,int triangleCount ,int* pTriangleMtlIndex) 
  2.     // Get the material index list of current mesh
  3.     KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<int>* pMaterialIndices; 
  4.     KFbxGeometryElement::EMappingMode   materialMappingMode = KFbxGeometryElement::eNONE; 
  5.     if(pMesh->GetElementMaterial()) 
  6.     { 
  7.         pMaterialIndices    = &pMesh->GetElementMaterial()->GetIndexArray(); 
  8.         materialMappingMode = pMesh->GetElementMaterial()->GetMappingMode(); 
  9.         if(pMaterialIndices) 
  10.         { 
  11.             switch(materialMappingMode) 
  12.             { 
  13.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eBY_POLYGON: 
  14.                 { 
  15.                     if(pMaterialIndices->GetCount() == triangleCount) 
  16.                     { 
  17.                         for(int triangleIndex = 0 ; triangleIndex < triangleCount ; ++triangleIndex) 
  18.                         { 
  19.                             int materialIndex = pMaterialIndices->GetAt(triangleIndex); 
  20.                             pTriangleMtlIndex[triangleIndex] = materialIndex; 
  21.                         } 
  22.                     } 
  23.                 } 
  24.                 break
  25.             case KFbxGeometryElement::eALL_SAME: 
  26.                 { 
  27.                     int lMaterialIndex = pMaterialIndices->GetAt(0); 
  28.                     for(int triangleIndex = 0 ; triangleIndex < triangleCount ; ++triangleIndex) 
  29.                     { 
  30.                         int materialIndex = pMaterialIndices->GetAt(triangleIndex); 
  31.                         pTriangleMtlIndex[triangleIndex] = materialIndex; 
  32.                     } 
  33.                 } 
  34.             } 
  35.         } 
  36.     } 


5.2 普通材質


  •   ShadingModel                 材質的光照模型,一般為兩種典型的區域性光照模型:Phong、Lambert
  •   Emissive                          Emissive屬性
  •   EmissiveFactor
  •   Ambient                           Ambient屬性
  •   AmbientFactor
  •   Diffuse                             Diffuse屬性
  •   DiffuseFactor
  •   Specular                           Specular屬性
  •   SpecularFactor
  •   Shininess                         Sepcular的Shininess屬性
  •   Bump                               Normal Map相關的屬性
  •   NormalMap
  •   BumpFactor
  •   TransparentColor             Transparent屬性
  •   TransparencyFactor
  •   Reflection                        Reflection屬性
  •   ReflectionFactor


  1. void LoadMaterial(KFbxMesh* pMesh) 
  2.     int materialCount; 
  3.     KFbxNode* pNode; 
  4.     if(pMesh && pMesh->GetNode()) 
  5.     { 
  6.         pNode         = pMesh->GetNode(); 
  7.         materialCount = pNode->GetMaterialCount(); 
  8.     } 
  9.     if(materialCount > 0) 
  10.     { 
  11.         for(int materialIndex = 0 ; materialIndex < materialCount ; materialIndex++) 
  12.         { 
  13.             KFbxSurfaceMaterial* pSurfaceMaterial = pNode->GetMaterial(materialIndex); 
  14.             LoadMaterialAttribute(pSurfaceMaterial); 
  15.         } 
  16.     } 
  1. void LoadMaterialAttribute(KFbxSurfaceMaterial* pSurfaceMaterial) 
  2.     // Get the name of material
  3.     pSurfaceMaterial->GetName(); 
  4.     // Phong material
  5.     if(pSurfaceMaterial->GetClassId().Is(KFbxSurfacePhong::ClassId)) 
  6.     { 
  7.         // Ambient Color
  8.         fbxDouble3 = ((KFbxSurfacePhong*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Ambient; 
  9.         // ...
  10.         // Diffuse Color
  11.         fbxDouble3 =((KFbxSurfacePhong*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Diffuse; 
  12.         // ...
  13.         // Specular Color
  14.         fbxDouble3 =((KFbxSurfacePhong*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Specular; 
  15.         // ...
  16.         // Emissive Color
  17.         fbxDouble3 =((KFbxSurfacePhong*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Emissive; 
  18.         // ...
  19.         // Opacity
  20.         fbxDouble1 =((KFbxSurfacePhong*)pSurfaceMaterial)->TransparencyFactor; 
  21.         // ...
  22.         // Shininess
  23.         fbxDouble1 =((KFbxSurfacePhong*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Shininess; 
  24.         // ...
  25.         // Reflectivity
  26.         fbxDouble1 =((KFbxSurfacePhong*)pSurfaceMaterial)->ReflectionFactor; 
  27.         // ...
  28.         return
  29.     } 
  30.     // Lambert material
  31.     if(pSurfaceMaterial->GetClassId().Is(KFbxSurfaceLambert::ClassId)) 
  32.     { 
  33.         // Ambient Color
  34.         fbxDouble3=((KFbxSurfaceLambert*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Ambient; 
  35.         // ...
  36.         // Diffuse Color
  37.         fbxDouble3 =((KFbxSurfaceLambert*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Diffuse; 
  38.         // ...
  39.         // Emissive Color
  40.         fbxDouble3 =((KFbxSurfaceLambert*)pSurfaceMaterial)->Emissive; 
  41.         // ...
  42.         // Opacity
  43.         fbxDouble1 =((KFbxSurfaceLambert*)pSurfaceMaterial)->TransparencyFactor; 
  44.         // ...
  45.         return
  46.     } 


  1. void LoadMaterialTexture(KFbxSurfaceMaterial* pSurfaceMaterial) 
  2.     int textureLayerIndex; 
  3.     KFbxProperty pProperty; 
  4.     int texID; 
  5.     MaterialTextureDesc::MtlTexTypeEnum texType; 
  6.     for(textureLayerIndex = 0 ; textureLayerIndex < KFbxLayerElement::LAYERELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTURE_COUNT ; ++textureLayerIndex) 
  7.     { 
  8.         pProperty = pSurfaceMaterial->FindProperty(KFbxLayerElement::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_NAMES[textureLayerIndex]); 
  9.         if(pProperty.IsValid()) 
  10.         { 
  11.             int textureCount = pProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(KFbxTexture::ClassId); 
  12.             for(int j = 0 ; j < textureCount ; ++j) 
  13.             { 
  14.                 KFbxTexture* pTexture = KFbxCast<KFbxTexture>(pProperty.GetSrcObject(KFbxTexture::ClassId,j)); 
  15.                 if(pTexture) 
  16.                 { 
  17.                     // Use pTexture to load the attribute of current texture...
  18.                 } 
  19.             } 
  20.         } 
  21.     } 

5.3 硬體相關的材質與Effect

有過建模經驗的童鞋都知道,在3D Max或Maya中可以為某些材質指定特定的Shader來完成特定的效果,這些模型在儲存時也會儲存相應的硬體相關的Shader到FBX模型中,因而針對這樣屬性的材質也需要特別的程式碼來進行載入。FBX裡邊支援嵌入CG、HLSL、GLSL等主流著色語言,而著色語言的型別在解析時也很容易得到。

  1. void LoadMaterialAttribute(KFbxSurfaceMaterial* pSurfaceMaterial) 
  2.     KFbxImplementation* pImplementation; 
  3.     KString implemenationType; 
  4.     pImplementation = GetImplementation(pSurfaceMaterial , ImplementationHLSL); 
  5.     KString implemenationType = "HLSL"
  6.     if(pImplementation) 
  7.     { 
  8.         LoadMaterialEffect(pSurfaceMaterial , pImplementation , &implemenationType); 
  9.     } 


  1. void LoadMaterialEffect(KFbxSurfaceMaterial* pSurfaceMaterial ,const KFbxImplementation* pImplementation , KString* pImplemenationType) 
  2.     KFbxBindingTable const* lRootTable = pImplementation->GetRootTable(); 
  3.     fbxString lFileName                = lRootTable->DescAbsoluteURL.Get(); 
  4.     fbxString lTechniqueName           = lRootTable->DescTAG.Get(); 
  5.     // Name of the effect file
  6.     lFileName.Buffer(); 
  7.     KFbxBindingTable const* pBTable = pImplementation->GetRootTable(); 
  8.     size_t entryCount = pBTable->GetEntryCount(); 
  9.     for(size_t